Chapter Twenty-Six: Family Drama

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My Friends:


Third Person Omniscient.

"What is it?" Steven inquired about Rose's sudden eagerness to talk.

It's usually him that's wanting to talk to her, not the other way around.

"..." Rose sighs as she wasn't used to this. "Do you remember when you asked me why I hate the human race and I refused to answer?"

"Yes." Steven nodded.

"Well... I suppose I'm finally ready to tell you." Rose pats her wand on her free petal-hand. "I trust you enough to share this..."

"Rose..." Steven put his hand on his chest. "I'm touched."

Rose lightly chuckled - Steven hadn't been this playful in ages and she likes to be the first one to receive his humor-side.

"Well... You've proven to be worthy enough to know my past..." Rose twirls her wand. "It was over five hundred years ago during the Middle Ages, I was a normal flower... Like the typical rose you would find at your local florist... But one day, a man, who practiced wizard-craft with potions and also worked as a farmer, dug me up from the ground and transported me to a flower pot on his work bench."

She paused when she saw that he was slightly smiling.

"What?" Rose said with vindictiveness in her tone.

"Sorry." Steven stifled a chuckle. "I was imagining you as this little tiny version of yourself sitting in a flower pot with a tiny voice."

"I was." Rose replied without missing a beat and her serious demeanor made him stop. "Perhaps I shouldn't tell you..."

"No, no. I'm sorry, I just thought it was cute to imagine." Steven cleared his throat.

"Anyway... He opened a pink potion bottle and spilled it onto me... And then I opened my eyes and mouth - I felt like I was awoken from a deep sleep... His name was George, he was like my father-figure..."

"'Was?'" Steven noticed.

"Yes... Was..." Rose sighs. "George was a brilliant and talented man... but he was very... self-conscious about other people. I was his masterpiece and he felt proud of the fact that he created a unique specimen such as myself."

She did a little twirl to showcase her viney body and purple cape, which Steven found a little cute.

"The villagers loved me, and him a little bit..." Rose continues. "But then they... they got bored of him and me... They went back to treating him like common dirt and he didn't want to go back to the ranks of peasantry..."

"But with your powers, you could've basically granted them infinite resources and wealth." Steven acknowledged. "Why didn't you?"

"I didn't have my magic yet..." Rose counters. "I was just a living flower that could fly."

"Then how did you get them?"

"That's classified." Rose replied. "The point is that I was just a fad, a trend, to the townspeople to talk about for a few months. But when they all realized that he wasn't going to make anything new... no new plants coming to life... they just ignored us like we're freakshows... And then he worked himself to the bone to create another potion to possibly do the same thing he did before. He was so desperate for admiration and respect amongst his peers, he left me alone so he could continue to work... and then he... lost himself."

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