Chapter 2 : Dyut Sabha

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"Samragni, Samrat has lost your Kingdom as well,"

Draupadi glared at the maid who shivered at her gaze. What is going on? Yudhisthir is not that bad to loss every single time. Vrushali, Karn's wife placed her hand on her sakhi's shoulder.

"I told you Draupadi. This is conducted to insult you. You need to leave," Vrushali pleaded.

"No, Vrushali. I can't leave my husbands.  They only lost their kingdom. I will be beside them even if they are beggers of street," Draupadi blinked back her tears.

Vrushali looked at the woman in front of her in awe. Such devotion for her husbands! But only if she knew...

"Samragni, Samrat is going to bet on his brother Nakul,"

Draupadi rose from her seat infuriated. Betting on human? And Nakul is her husband and wife has the highest right on her husband. She will never allow it.

"Draupadi, where are you going? Women can't go to sabha," Vrushali tried to stop her.

"Vrushali, my husband is in danger. I must go,"  Draupadi ran from her chamber.

Going to the sabha broke her heart.  Nakul was kneeled down beside the servants. Duryodhana smacked his head hardly making his crown roll down in front of Arjun's feet. Seeing Draupadi every eyes turned towards her.

"Guards, stop her. Women aren't allowed to enter the sabha," Duryodhana screamed angrily.

"Samragni isn't bound to follow anyone's order, Yuvraj. Leave my path,"  Draupadi ordered.

Pandavas felt their mind steady. Nakul lowered his head down in embarresment. He never wished to let Draupadi see him like this. Draupadi's heart broke sensing his thoughts. She walked beside him and stood Infront of him as if sheilding him from the peopls mocking gaze. She turned towards the sabha.

"Samrat, money and property can be staked not human. How can you stake your brother?" she questioned with fire in her eyes.

Yudhisthir lowered his head not being able to answer her.

"Samrat bet on him, Samragni. And he also didn't object," Shakuni smirked.

"Samrat leave this game. This is adharm," Draupadi pleaded.

Mahamahim Bhism, Mahamantri Vidhur, Guru Dronacharya also supported her. But Yudhisthir didn't buldge a bit. It may be the toxication of gambling that has control over his all sense now. Draupadi understood it very well. Yudhisthir is not himself anymore. He won't listen to anyone anymore.

She looked at Arjun and Bheem helplessly. They were equally horrified. But they can't go against their Jyest. Draupadi's mind is racing over miles. This has to stop. If not today a huge disaster will happen. Only way is her to stay here. Her mind twisted painfully. She will be called unchaste if she wishes to stay in the sabha full of men. She looked at Nakul whose face was red with humiliation.

"Then I will stay here as well. I will stay beside my husband," Draupadi announced.

Nakul raised his head surprised. Did he hear right...

Shakuni and Duryodhana gritted their teeth. If this highly intelligent woman stays here, their plan will fall faster than rain. Pandavas were surprised as well. She will stay here? Draupadi wasn't removing her gaze from Nakul. Her heart squeezing painfully seeing him like that.

"Samrat, woman can't stay in the sabha. You are her eldest husband. Order her to return," Shakuni smirked.

Draupadi knows it very well. But she is not going to leave Nakul here. She turned towards the Sabha.

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