Chapter 25 : The Pain Only Increases

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Draupadi slowly wiped the tears that is forming in her eyes again and again. How can she part with her daughter? A daughter she treasures so much? She will live in another's house, have another identity. Suthanu gets cold very easily. What if they leave the windows open in her chamber at night? Suthanu can't tolerate spicy foods one bit.What if they add spices on her food? Suthanu has a sweet tooth. What if she doesn't get enough love there?

"Maharani, everyone is asleep," Yudhisthir informs her.

Draupadi quickly turn around on her back not showing Yudhisthir her tears.

Yudhisthir wasn't in a good state as well. A daughter he finally had in all senses is also going away.

"Th...That's good. You should rest now as well. Tomorrow is bidai. We all have a lot of works," Draupadi tries to dismiss her.

Yudhisthir thought if they were like before. She could have cried in his arms. He would try to consol her but would end up crying as well.

"Maharani, control yourself. If you break, they all will," Yudhisthir says softly.

"How can I control myself today Yuvani? My daughter is going away," Draupadi cries.

"She is in safe hands. Your sakha will never let anyone mistreate her," Yudhisthir assures again.

"I don't fear her getting mistreated, Yuvani. She will be so loved there but how will I tell my heart that? How will I tolerate my daughter parting from me?"

Yudhisthir's heart broke into pieces. He knows how hardly he is controlling not breaking down in front of her.

"Maa," suddenly Suthanu enters her chamber.

"Putri, why are you here so late at night?" Draupadi asks smiling a bit.

"Maa," Suthanu lays on Draupadi's lap without another word.

"Maa, can you sing me a lullaby? I don't want to sleep alone today," Suthanu whispers.

"You don't want to sleep alone? You are a married woman now young lady. What will you do in Dwarka?" Draupadi laughs in her tears.

Suthanu only clutched her waist tighter letting her tears flow. Draupadi fully understood her daughters emotions. She began to sing.

The melody spread all over the chamber as Suthanu relaxed. Her childhood flashed in front of her eyes.

Suthanu doesn't remember her father a lot but always felt him close to her. She lived in Panchal the most. She was brought up under her mother's shadows. Her grandfather Maharaj Draupad raised her with values, education, arts, politics etc. for her to be an worthy asset of Aryavarta like her mother. She was told he follow her mother in her every foot step. From her birth, she has heard people praising her mother all the time, some pitied her. Later when she was on the age to understand how relationships work, her mother's unusual marriage came in front of her. It caught her surprised.

She didn't know why or how but she trusted her mother. Her mother can never make a wrong decision. What she did definitely had a deeper meaning. She asked her mother why is she away from Indraprastha? Her mother told her she wants Suthanu to have the values she had growing up. That's why she send her to her maternal home. Suthanu didn't mind it. She loved Panchal. She loved to roam in her mother's palace. Such a big garden it has! Her Mamashree Dhrishtadyumna told her this garden is equal to none in Aryavarta and also the most beautiful place to be in. Her brothers visited her a lot.

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