Chapter 5 : Pandavas Agony

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"Did she eat?"

the bird nodded it's neck.

"Is she happy?"

the bird nodded his head again.

"Is she taking care of her child?"

This time it chirped.

Nakul kissed the birds head softly and released it.

"You are still taking her whereabouts by your birds?" Arjun approached.

Nakul sighed. Arjun sat by his side on the ground.

"How is she?" Arjun asked.

"She is taking care of her child. But not well. Vasudev is by her side every second," Nakul answered.

"I lost my two Krishnas' Nakul. They are the reason of my existence. Madhav haven't contactacted me till now," Arjun said painfully.

They are living in Kamakhya forest. They have build a hut and they live off alms. Duryodhana's men always keep an eye on them.

"I never felt so worthless, bhrata. Karenumati insulted Draupadi every chance she got. I never said anything even when Satanika rebelled again and again. I punished my son for protecting his mother. Karenu always told me she is insecure of Draupadi because she is extremely beautiful," Nakul confessed tears brimming in his eyes.

Arjun didn't say anything. He has no right to be angry. He treated her bad as well especially his son Shrutakarma. And now his youngest son Abhimanyu. He has no right to scold Nakul as he himself is her culprit.

"Bhrata she came to the Sabha again and again for me. She was ready to sit with me beside the servants abandoning her pride of Samragni. Bhrata I have sinned. I wronged that faultless woman," Nakul broke down.

Arjun didn't try to comfort him because nothing can comfort them right now. Panchali, the walking heart of Pandavas, the beloved of Pandavas, the woman for whom they can die million times is not beside them. She abandoned them. She even at the last moment freed them of slavery. Why is she so selfless? She doesn't know Yudhisthir gambled again and lost everything. They are roaming in forests and living on alms. He recalled how his Panchali was aware even of their breath. What will she feels when she knows how they are living like beggars? She was with them in their highest and lowest. And they lost everything amidst all the conspiracy.

Bheem looked at his hands that are bloodied because of all the hard work. They lived in forest for years, they did all sorts of work but it was never this bad. They were happy then. But now they are injured mentally and physically. His heart is bleeding every second. The scene when that wretched Dussasan pulled his beloved by hair. Bheem growled in anger. How much he wishes to tear that Dussasan into pieces! Only if he could turn back time. Valandhara convinced him to take Draupadi with them and he was the one who convinced her to come. Because she wanted to do what he wants.

Bheem punched the tree in pain. What has he done! How could he stay silent when that chaste woman was humiliated in the Sabha? Why didn't he save her? He was looking at him and his brothers begging for help. But they did nothing. His son, who is the result of his grand  sacrifices to Soma, Sutasoma also abandoned them. He went with his mother. He did the right thing.

As they know from Nakul's birds, five of them left for penance to ask Mahadev to train them. Bheem chuckled bitterly. They were suppose to train their sons. All of his brothers including him are in despair especially Arjun. She was pregnant that time. She almost died if not for Vasudev. Bheem looked around his brothers. They all appeared as corpses. Wife is the soul where husband is the body. Their soul, their beloved Panchali is no more with them. Bheem inhaled painfully. Even taking breath seems to be a hard task.

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