Chapter 167 : Only Her Sons

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"Sakha, I don't understand..." Draupadi says confused, "After the curse, Dushsasana's wife had a miscarriage because she was carrying a girl. Maa Kali cursed the entire clan. How can my sons have a daughter?"

Krishna softly pats her head, "You don't know what happened after you fainted, Krishnaa."

"What happened?" Draupadi asks curiously.

"Your sons went there," Krishna says.

Draupadi immediately becomes uncomfortable. She was in the most disastrous situation and her sons saw that!

"Before Mahakali cursed, your sons appeared in the Dyut Sabha. And a vow was taken,"

Draupadi frowns, "Vow? Who took vow? What vow?"

"Making the earth, water, fire, sky and space witnesses, your five sons cut off every relationship with Kauravs and their fathers,"

Draupadi gasps loudly her hand flying to her mouth. They did what?

Now it all makes sense. Why her sons didn't wait for their fathers instead went on with their own journey for years. They build themselves from nothing to valuable assets. None of them waited for their fathers.

"They didn't take those words back?" Draupadi whispers.


Krishna sighs, "Krishnaa, do you think Pandavas will go unpunished for their deed? Every deed has their consequences. Kauravs will face it with the demise of every drop of their blood. Pandavas will face their's as well."

Draupadi doesn't know what came to her mind. But she doesn't feel comfortable with making her sons take their words back.

Draupadi nods instructing the maids to prepare Shivaya's stay in her chamber. She fears Shrutakarma getting hurt by Shivaya's mental state. And she knows Shivaya will also hurt seeing Shrutakarma hurt. They are married. Their isn't any rash. They can know each other better, be understanding to each other more. Let them live like lovers for now.

Shivaya comes inside Draupadi's chamber.

"Come inside," Draupadi says, "Priyamvada,, she has travelled a lot. Give her a warm bath."

They arrived late at night yesterday and it's morning now. Everyone fall asleep whichever chamber they found in front of them. Shivaya slept in her mother in law's chamber but she didn't have the energy to look around.

Priyamvada takes Shivaya in the bathing chamber and the maids were already prepared. Shivaya's nostrils fill up with the beautiful smell of sandalwood and rose paste.

Shivaya comes out and maids were prepared with her outfits. Draupadi gestures one and others leave.

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Draupadi concludes. Let Shivaya slowly take in her new surroundings. She doesn't have to immediately jump on being a daughter in law. Let her live freely.

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