Chapter 92 : Arrival of Next Generation

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"Give me the scrolls of last two months," Sutasoma orders the minsters.

Fortunately for him, Prativindhya ordered him to go to Devapath. According to him, now onwords one of them must stay in Devapath. Their Mamashree has ordered them to do something. He ordered them to strengthen the boarders of Devapath, Panchal, Videhi. Dwarka and Mathura has also strengthen their boarders. Sutasoma can only guess it's something to do with his mother's Agyatvas.

Sutasoma sighs. How much he wishes to know his mother's whereabouts. But his mother has ordered Shrutasena to not say a word.

"Arya," Maya's soft voice made him look up to her.

"Priye," Sutasoma extends his arm smiling at his wife inviting her to sit beside him.

Maya sits beside him as Sutasoma wraps his arm around her. Sutasoma draws a lingering kiss on her forehead. Maya closes her eyes blushing a beautiful shade of red.

"Matashree Hidimba ordered you to be present in her chamber for lunch," Maya informs.

"That I will," Sutasoma replies.

"How is Mata Draupadi?" Maya asks.

Sutasoma sighs looking lost, "Maa is...fine... I guess..."

Maya looks at him confused, "Arya, what do you mean? Are you asking me?"

"No, Maya. I was just thinking," Sutasoma says.

"About what?" Maya insists.

"About Maa. I am worried. How will Maa hide?" Sutasoma says.

"Arya, a woman knows how a man looks at her. And it's clear to everyone how much our fathers love Maa. Arya I ...."

Sutasoma looks at Maya confused at her being emotional.

"Arya, I have never seen such pure and immense love in anyone's eyes for anyone the way I see our fathers love Maa. It's purely divine and anyone will be jealous at them," Maya whispers softly.

Sutasoma smiles a bit but his mood also darkens recalling their time in Indraprastha. But he didn't want to ruin the happiness that Maya is feeling now. What's the use of telling anyone about their pain? Only happiness should be spread to everyone. She doesn't need to know what his mother undergo in Indraprastha for years.

"Yuvraj," a guard enters hurriely.

"What happened?" Sutasoma asks.

"Yuvrani Siyaanshi has fainted," the guard informs.

"Didi fainted?" Maya sprints with the guard Sutasoma following behind.

"Siyaanshi," Sutasoma kneels beside Siyaanshi who was laying down unconscious.

"Call the Ved in Siyaanshi's chamber," Sutasoma orders.

Sutasoma picks Siyaanshi up and walks in her chamber. He places her gently on the bed.

"Didi," Maya rubs her hand and feet.

"Please, go out," the female Ved requests.

Sutasoma gets outside but Maya stays inside with her sister.

"Putra Soma, what's wrong with Siyaanshi?" Hidimba comes running.

"Mata, Siyaanshi fainted all in a sudden. The Ved is checking on her. Maya is inside as well," Sutasoma says.

Hidimba enters inside and shuts the door behind.

Sutasoma paces worrily. What happened to Siyaanshi all in a sudden? If Prativindhya hears this, he would be very worried.

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