Chapter 89 : The Warrior Princess

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Jayadrath tossed all night on his bed. He couldn't get the image of the fire born, the believed wife of Pandavas out of his head. That's why Duryodhana said that only after Draupadi was brought in the Sabha, Pandavas were like injured lions. She is the only person who has the power to break down the Pandavas and also she makes them the strongest.

"Yudhisthir.... Yudhisthir...I don't blame you anymore. If my younger brother had won her, I would have killed him to marry her. You were too generous," Jayadrath says to himself.

Such a luscious body she has! His body shivered as he recalled the curves of her waist.

"You will be mine ... Agnisuta....I must also burn in your fire," Jayadrath says.

The next morning, Jayadrath gathers his spies.

"Tell me their schedule," Jayadrath asks the soldiers whom he appointed to look over Pandavas all the time.

"Maharaj, Samrat Yudhisthir and Sahadev usually are in Poojan at the morning. Maharathi Karn is at the Ganga shore. Arjun and Nakul goes to patrol or practice. And Bheem stays with Samragni," the guards say.

"I don't need their details. Tell me what does Samragni does at noon?" Jayadrath says annoyed.

"Samragni feds every unfed men, women and children who comes at her door. Then she feds the animals around the jungle,"

"Is she alone then?" Jayadrath's eyes shone in excitement.

"Samrat Yudhisthir is with her that time," the guards say.

"Impossible then as well," Jayadrath sighs.

"But Maharaj, Samrat never fights. Won't it be easier to abduct her then?" a younge minister asks.

"Fool is the person who considers Samrat Yudhisthir weak. He is a Yogi. He will burn you alive just by looking at you. And don't consider him weak. He is the master of spear and as ferocious as Yama dev in war field," a old minster rebukes.

The young minister gups in surprise and fear. He didn't consider Yudhisthir that powerful at first. Now it feels he is the most dangerous of all. He would be even alive while facing the others. But if Yudhisthir burns him alive, his ashes will be left only.

"Who is Samragni with at the afternoon?" Jayadrath asks.

"She usually talks with Maharathi Karn and Sahadev that time. With her son Shrutasena,"

"And at night?" Jayadrath asks.

The soldiers were a little uncomfortable, "It differs, Maharaj."

"There's simply no way. They don't ever leave her alone," Jayadrath says hopelessly.

"Maharaj there is," the young minister says.

"How?" Jayadrath asks.

"Maharaj, we must make a situation where all six of them including her son leaves her alone," the young minister says.

"Fool. Didn't you hear? They don't leave her alone," Jayadrath became angry.

"The will Maharaj," the minister smirks.

"What's in your mind?" Jayadrath asks.

"They will leave her for a brief moment, Maharaj. I shall arrange that for you Maharaj. Meanwhile you can abduct Samragni," the young minister bows.

"If you can succed, know that you will be rewarded," Jayadrath smirks.

Karn has taken Shrutasena to discuss something. Yudhisthir is in his usual Poojan. Arjun is practicing far away. Sahadev and Bheem has gone out to collect fruits and Nakul is in the hut with Draupadi.

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