Chapter 50 : Draupadi's Acceptance

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Today the new brides will enter their husbands chamber. In Draupadi's chamber, Siyaanshi and Maya were prepared.

Maids were giggling and teasing them continuously. Their face heated with embarrassment. Draupadi enters the chamber.

"Where were you, Draupadi? Come now," Hidimba says.

Draupadi smiles and moves towards the boxes she prepared for them. Draupadi hands Siyaanshi a white jewelry box.

"Putri, these are the ornaments gifted by your father in law Yudhisthir. I am handing them to you today," Draupadi says.

Siyaanshi was mesmerized seeing them. Such unique jeweleries are never seen before. Indeed, being the Samragni of Aryavarta Draupadi had seen the most beautiful of things.

"Putri Maya, these are the jeweleries Arya Bheem gifted me. From now on they are in your care," Draupadi hands Maya a red jewelery box.

Draupadi then began to comb Siyaanshi's long hair and added Prativindhya's favorite flowers in them. Adding floral perfumes. Maya was prepared by both Hidimba and Draupadi who showered her with continuous love.

Draupadi went with Siyaanshi first. She entered Prativindhya's chamber with her daughter in law.

"Putri, from now on a whole different life awaits for you. A life full of responsibilities. You are the eldest daughter in law of my bloodline. If I am not here, you are expected to fall on my shoes," Draupadi spoke.

"Mata, with Narayan's blessings you will always be with us. How can I ever take your place?" Siyaanshi spoke softly.

"Putri, let me tell you. I will leave with my husbands for vanvas in a few days. After that your responsibility as the eldest daughter in law will start. Not only as a Yuvrani but also as a motherly shade for my sons," Draupadi confesses.

Siyaanshi gasps in shock. Draupadi is leaving?

"Mata, why will you leave? Does Arya know?" Siyaanshi asks.

"Yes, your husband is aware of it. I forbade them to tell you two. Because I wanted you to enjoy this beautiful day to your fullest," Draupadi says.

"Mata, please don't leave. Without you we will fall apart," Siyaanshi pleads.

"You can't fall apart. And this is why I am telling you this. You have to be Prativindhya's strength. That child is very soft hearted like his father. He doesn't always express what's in his heart. He won't tell when he gets hurt. Putri, promise me you will look after him the best way possible," Draupadi asks.

"I promise you, Mata. Arya will never be alone," Siyaanshi says.

"Thank you, my dear. Now it's time he comes in. I must leave," Draupadi placed a soft kiss on her forehead and smiled at her one last time.

Maya was brought by Draupadi and Hidimba to Sutasoma's chamber.

"Putri, look around. From now on you will share this room with your husband. In this chamber a lot of beautiful memories will happen between you two," Draupadi says.

Maya looks down blushing.

"You complete my Sutasoma like noone else," Hidimba says.

Draupadi made Maya sit in the bed.

"Putri, remember one thing. You and your husband are equal. You two have the same right on each other. When Sutasoma is troubled with something, he tends to push everyone away and tries to deal with the pain alone. Don't let him deal with that alone," Draupadi says.

"I promise you Mata. From now on Arya isn't alone. I will be present with him in his every step," Maya says.

While exiting the chamber, Draupadi and Hidimba hold their laughter seeing Shrutakarma and Shrutasena bargaining with Sutasoma.

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