Chapter 109 : The Birth of Warriors

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Apparently Draupadi didn't had the time to relax as she thought she will have. Devapath is peaceful no doubt. People here are happy, content. Apparently this isn't the case with the rest of Aryavarta.Everyday so many people come here to demand justice.

"Prati, what's the commotion about?" Draupadi asks turning to her sons after finishing her Poojan.

"Maa, a woman has come to meet you. She is saying that if you don't declare your justice for her, she will jump into the fire," Prativindhya answers.

Draupadi sighs. Subhadra is taking care of Siyaanshi so she can spare some time in other affairs.

"She didn't come to you all?" Draupadi asks.

"We asked her, Maa. But she insists that this matter should be handled by you only," Satanika answers.

"Where are your fathers?" Draupadi asks.

"Karma and Sena are with Mamashree and Pitashree. They are also going to the Sabha," Prativindhya answers.

"Then, we should too," Draupadi says.

As soon as Draupadi enters, the Sabha becomes silent. When Bishwakarma was building Devapath, Krishna was the one planning everything. Draupadi's place which is the highest, is either empty or she sits there. The Sabha has 10 floors. Brahmins all around Aryavarta attend and supervise the decisions taken in the sabha. Draupadi's seat is between the floors but so carefully separating her from others views. People know she is here by her enchanting fragrance.

Her sons thrones are on the 1st floor.

"Sabdhan! Sabdhan! Sabdhan!" the guard announces her presence.

The conchs blow and the soldiers kneel to announce her presence. The people who attended the Sabha, also bows in her direction.

Draupadi nods her head and gives permission to Prativindhya to start the Sabha.

"Devi, please speak your mind. Maa is present," Prativindhya says.

The woman had her whole body wrapped in her clothes. She was weeping no doubt because her voice is all groggy.

"I pay my respect to every person present in this Sabha," she joins her hands.

"Oh the one born from the purest of elements, the one whose mere glance purifies the soul of the corrupted ones. The one whose fragrance spreads over miles, the one whose beauty is equal to none. The noble wife of valiant Pandavas, I come to you to ask a question," the woman says.

"Sakhi, be very careful," Krishna warns her.

"Speak what's in your heart, Putri," Draupadi gives her permission.

"Samragni, in our history women are always giving Agnipariksha to prove our bodily purity. Aren't men and women equal? Why must we be the one to throw away our pride and self respect and give the test in front of other people abandoning our self respect. Why aren't men required to do the same?" the woman asks.

Draupadi's sons look straight to her and Draupadi was looking at the woman astonished. It's rare for a common woman to raise such an intelligent question.

"Putri, what sorrows do you have? Tell me," Draupadi says patiently.

The woman describes everything then. A few months ago, her father was very sick. And her husband wasn't home that time. During the last hours of her father, he really wanted to see her. So, she wrote a letter and leaves the house with her son. That night her father dies. So, she was bound to stay for a few more days in her father's home. Her husband also arrives hearing about the news of his father in law passing away to perform the necessary rituals.

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