Chapter 146 : The Rage Never Lessens

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Prativindhya anxiously waits at the front gate. His Mamashree Dhristadhyumna will arrive today.

Putting his fathers and his Matashree Dhristadhyumna together has always been a very bad thing. Dhristadhyumna's anger didn't lessen a bit in all these years. Just the glance or mention of Pandavas name puts him on fire.

"Pranipath Mamashree," Prativindhya takes his blessings.

"Kalyan ho, Yasashvi bhaba Putra," Dhristadhyumna blesses him.

"Where's your brothers?" Dhristadhyumna asks almost immediately.

"Soma is keeping an eye on Pitashree Bheema, Maa asked him to. Satanika and Sena are together. Kirti will arrive tomorrow. Abhimanyu is with Pitashree Arjuna," Prativindhya informs nervously.

Prativindhya and Soma as well as his brothers often keep their father from problems them not knowing. Their Maa ordered them to. Shrutakarma asked him about it one day.

Prativindhya couldn't answer. He didn't want to show his selfish side to his brothers. He has two sons. If they ever hate him for something like his father's did, he wouldn't be able to live with it. He wouldn't be able to tolerate his son's hatred towards him.

"They all came? Leaving your mother alone there?" Dhristadhyumna raises his eyebrows.

"Mamashree, Devapath is completely safe. Besides Tatshree Karna will leave after the wedding itself. Others will stay for rest of the rituals," Prativindhya says.

"Take me farthest away from your fathers. I don't want to cause a scene here," Dhristadhyumna grumbles.

Prativindhya sighs in relief. But turning back he wanted to bang his head on the pillar. Who told them? Who on earth told them? His fathers are coming here to greet his Mamashree. Why?

"Pranipath noble Pandavaputro," Dhristadhyumna greets sarcasm clear in his voice.

They had such cordial relationship before. He would address Yudhisthira and Bheema as Bhrata. Will go to hunt with Arjuna. Train with Nakula, Sahadeva.

"Dhristadhyumna, it's so good to see you here. Have your journey been comfortable?" Yudhisthira asks softly.

"Don't make me sound like a guest for attending my nephew's wedding. This is always my responsibility more than any five of you," Dhristadhyumna says trying to keep his voice neutral.

Dhristadhyumna is escorted to his chamber beside Satanika. Prativindhya now wants to cry. Who told his fathers to follow his Mamashree in here?

"Vasudev informed me that in upcoming war I will be the chief in commander. Did you finally realize your mistake and stepped away from the war?" Dhristadhyumna asks sipping on his drink.

"We told you before. This war is inevitable. Kauravs will be punished..."

Bheema was interrupted by Dhristadhyumna's chuckle.

"Inevitable? Punishment? What are you even punishing them for?" Dhristadhyumna raises his eyebrows.

Prativindhya looks at the door and prays. Please don't let Satanika and Shrutakarma come now. Those two only knows how to add oil to the fire.

"Rajkumar Dhristadhyumna..." Arjuna was about to say something but Dhristadhyumna bursts into laughter.

"Prativindhya, your mother is so careful and intelligent in choosing her in laws. Whom her sons or daughter marries," his eyes become darker, "Wish we were this careful that time."

Hurt is evident on Pandavas faces. They looks at him not knowing what to say.

"Even Duryodhana was a better option than you five, I swear. Even Shree Balarama feels that way, isn't it Arjuna?"

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