Chapter 41: Family Reunion

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"My poor legs," Shrutakarma complaines dramatically.

"Just a little more, Karma. We need to work a little hard for life long pampering and good food from our bhabishrees'," Satanika says.

Every one of them were given responsibilities. Shrutasena and Abhimanyu are preparing the necessities. Whereas they are given the responsibility of welcoming people at the front gate. Their Maa objected it for some reason. Why their maa is always so scared when it comes to Satanika and Shrutakarma they don't know. They are the most quietest among all according to them.

"Bhrata, how are you two coping?" Shrutasena asks.

"What are you doing here?" Satanika asks.

Shrutasena was furious and they could tell it. Before they could ask anymore, the guard announced the next guest.

"Aryavarta ke Samrat, Indraprastha ke Maharaj Duryodhana padhar rehe Hein," the guard announced.

(Emperor of Aryavarta, King of Indraprastha, Emperor Duryodhana is coming.)

Immediately, Satanika and Shrutakarma felt their whole demeanor changed. Their hands immediately went to their weapons.

"Calm down both of you. We are guests here so are they. Jyest, bhrata Sutasoma and Bhrata Satanika you three are the eldest of new generation. Did you think they won't attend?" Shrutasena whispers.

"Are we suppose to welcome them?" Shrutkarma gritts his teeths.

"Act civil here. Please, both of you," Shrutasena pleads.

Duryodhana stood in front of Satanika. This boy is extremely handsome. No doubt, Nakul's son. He is the best swordman in entire Aryavarta now. Satanika is also Sarvaga. His eyes are his mother's brilliant blue. Until now only two people have it. Draupadi and Satanika.

No doubt the next is Arjun's son. While entering, Duryodhana's heart thumped while seeing him. He looks exactly like Arjun as if his twin. But there is something more dangerous about Shrutkarma. He is prophecied to be more valorous than Arjun.

And the last one must be Shrutasena. This boy is famous for being extremely clever and tactful. Indeed, he is holding his brothers back so that they don't do something in rage. Such calmness Duryodhana felt just by looking at Shrutasena is unexplainable.

"Pranipath Tatshree," Shrutasena greets first.

Satanika, Shrutakarma and Shrutasena bends down to touch his feet. Duryodhana actually holds no hatred towards them. They are his blood as well. They carry the name of Kuruvansa with them. Besides all the credit of their bravery and strength will go to Kuruvansa anyway.

"Kalyan ho, Putro. Yasasshi vaba," Duryodhana blessed them happily.

(Stay blessed, my sons. May you be valorous.)

Satanika didn't meet his eyes as the only thing he could see is red now. How Shrutakarma and Shrutasena are controlling themselves is a miracle. But despite that they had to greet the 101 sons of Dhritrastra. Their own uncles whom they have vowed to kill.

Rather than going inside, Duryodhana decided to stand beside them engaging in small talk.

"Mahamahim Bhism, Rajmata Kunti, Maharani Gandhari, Mahamntri Vidhur padhar rehe Hein,"

(Mahamahim Bhism, Rajmata Kunti, Maharani Gandhari, Mahamntri Vidhur has arrived.)

"Kirti," Mahamahim Bhism smiled broadly and embraced Shrutkarma.

Bhism has named Shrutkarma Kirti. A name he gave his most beloved grandson Arjun. And now he has given it to his most beloved grandson Shrutkarma.

"Pranipath, Pitamah," three of them bend to touch his feet.

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