Chapter 148 : Satanika's Wedding

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"And you are?" Satanika asks.

Agnivarma and Shivaya joins their hands to pay him respect.

"Bhrata, she is Shivaya, princess of Kakeya and Agnivarma, second eldest prince of Kakeya," Shrutakarma introduces.

"Pranipath Yuvraj," both greets him.

"I am glad you two could attend. It's such a rushed marriage," Satanika says politely.

Satanika turns to Shrutakarma his eyes soft, "I really thought you wouldn't be able to attend. I am happy that you made it."

Shrutakarma smiles, "How can I miss such a day, Bhrata? Let's greet Maa. Is she asleep?"

Shrutakarma arrived at night before the wedding. After dinner most of the people are resting. Pandavas, Bhism and Maharaj Ayushman along with Prativindhya and Sutasoma are engrossed in their political conversations.

"Kirti, Maa didn't come," Shrutasena decides to reveal.

Shrutakarma's face falls, "What? Why? Is Maa sick?"

"Maa didn't want to leave Bhabishree Maya behind. Bhabishree Siyaanshi also faces difficulty with our Lava and Kusha. Then all the after marriage rituals. Tatshree and Suthanu will leave after wedding tomorrow," Sena informs.

Shrutakarma nods.

"Yuvraj," a maid bows, "Rajkumari Devasena has prepared foods hearing the arrival of your brothers."

"Is Bhabishree asleep? Let me greet her first. I brought something that she might like," Shrutakarma says excitedly.

"Bhabishree can't meet any male before marriage tomorrow. It's the custom here," Shrutasena says.

Three brothers goes inside Satanika's chamber where warm food is served by Devasena's maids. Shivaya and Agnivarma are also take to their chambers.

Shrutakarma looks at the foods and grin, "Who snitched about me, Bhrata? These are all my favorites."

Satanika sighs, "She has more interest in her in laws house than her husband. She has memorized everything you all like. She idolizes Jyest Bhrata and Bhrata Soma so much."

"Someone knows where to pay attention at least," Sena snickers.

He is immediately hit on the back of his head by Satanika.

"Sena, Bhabishree Maya will be alright, right? At least not before any one of us is present," Satanika says.

"Bhrata, Maa is very much skilled in child birth too. She assisted in Bhanu, Lava, Kusha and other births. You are worrying unnecessarily," Shrutasena says.

Satanika's sighs, "When I needed my knowledge the most, I didn't have it. When Maa almost miscarriaged Abhi. When she almost died not aborting the two months old Abhi. I stood there helpless as Maa cried and screamed in pain."

Satanika and Shrutasena are unbelievably skilled in medicine. They have also taken up lots of pupil these years and have set up hospitals for common people. They have trained female veds to ensure a safe birth and other women health issues. Because most of the time females don't want to be checked by doctors and if the checking requires a male doctor to see or touch her, she would never allow that.

But Satanika always suffers from this thought. He isn't good enough. He couldn't help his mother in need. And if his Mamashree wasn't there, what would have happened!

Shrutakarma and Shrutasena both understand their elder brothers trauma.

"Bhabishree will be fine before we arrive," Shrutasena assures softly.

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