Chapter 45 : A Woman's Enemy is a Woman Herself

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Draupadi bursted into Krishna's chamber Karn following behind.

" scared me, Devi!" Krishna puts his hand on his chest faking his surprise.

"Sakha, you are ignoring for weeks. Why is it?" Draupadi crosses her arms over her chest.

"Me? Ignoring you? How dare I?" Krishna asks in amusement but he ignored her eyes.

"Sakha, you don't lie to me. The way my thoughts comes to your heart first, your thoughts also goes through my heart first," Draupadi says softly.

Draupadi sits Infront of him placing her hands on his feets gently pressing them.

"Areh, sakhi! You don't need to do this," Krishna hurriedly pulled Draupadi up and made her sit beside him.

"Did I do something wrong, sakha? Tell me how to repent then. I can tolerate everything but you indifference towards me. Govind, please either free me from this life or tell me why you are angry at me," tears rolled down her eyes.

Karn's heart filled with love seeing Draupadi's unconditional love for Krishna. In this whole Aryavarta there is no one who doesn't know about the beautiful and pure relationship between Draupadi and Krishna. But to be able to witness this level of devotion by his own eyes is his good fortune.

"How can Krishna be ever angry at his Krishnaa? Sakhi, the reason is opposite. I thought you are angry with me," Krishna says as he caresses Draupadi's head softly.

"Why will I be ever angry with you?" Draupadi asks confused.

"I am the one who brought Pandavas to you. I was the one who told everyone to not tell you about their vanvas. I also lied to you, my Krishnaa," Krishna says softly.

"Sakha, you are so silly. You don't believe in my love for you?" Draupadi smiles in her tears.

"Sakha, your words are my base of life. Whatever you say, fulfilling it is my first priority. I can never be angry at you for this," Draupadi smiles.

"But you won't ask me why I did this?" Krishna asks.

"I am curious. I hoped you will tell me without asking," Draupadi winks at him playfully.

"Sakhi, you are the thread that binds the Pandavas. Shakuni knew it. They knew to separate them, they have to hurt you. After the dyut Sabha, before coming to Devapath Arjun never called Yudhisthir Jyest. They wouldn't talk with ecah other unless absolutely necessary. Their bond was breaking sakhi. Without you they will fall apart,"

Karn and Draupadi gasps in shock. Draupadi became pale hearing that.

"Sakha, all my sacrifice was to keep them together. I don't want them to ever separate because of me," Draupadi exclaims in horror.

"Then, hold them together. Sakhi, you know them better then themselves. You see the regret in their eyes, the pain behind their words. They will perish without you, my Krishnaa. Don't let them fall apart," Krishna says.

Draupadi looked down as tears brimmed her eyes, "Sakha, if they told me this in Indraprastha, I wouldn't have wanted anything at all. I would have always stayed with them despite anything that happens. But my heart is broken beyond repair now. I don't have the ability to love someone anymore."

"Then how do you leave me spell bounded with your love everytime?" Krishna asks softly.

"Sakha, you are my existence. Every inch of me chats your name. If not you, I would have perished long ago," Draupadi answers with utter devotion.

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