Chapter 136 : Satanika in Rescue

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This place stinks and why is here so dark? It took Satanika some time to adjust to the darkness of Patal Lok. A few moments ago he could hear Devasena's voice, why is it silent now? His heart becomes uneasy. Is she hurt? He hurries his steps.

He arrives in front of a massive door. Fortunately for him, the door opens easily.

Devasena struggles more as the Raksaash drags her to the court. She is forced to put on handcuffs. A guards walks in front of her dragging her through the chains. Devasena is scared. Scared beyond words. But she refuses to show it.

She keeps looking around in hope finding an escape. But it's only dark alleys. Wait...her eyes widen. Satanika has sneaked in. Her mouth fell open. Before that why did he climb so high?

Their eyes meet. Satanika doesn't have an ounce of fear on his face. Seeing his smile at her her lips also tug into a smile. Her heart calms down. He came in Patal lok? How did he enter? 

She only has 8 Raksaash around her. She looks at him worriedly. He will be alright, right?

A rock suddenly hits the last Raksaash. Rubbing it's head he turns around to find no one. Satanika gets the Raksaash busy hitting them from every decision. It got to the point that the Raksaashs were growling in anger.

Five of them decides to go out to check if anyone trespassed. Leaving only 3 with Devasena.

"My feet is paining. I want to rest," Deavsena says more like orders.

Satanika raises his eyebrows. She has a lot of nerve. No weapon with her, in chains herself. Where does she get the courage to order such dangerous looking Raksaash?

The Raksaash growls and tags on her chain angrily. It's impacts and Devasena stumble. A small groan leaves her lips. Satanika's playfulness disappears as her whimpers reach his ears. He frowns. Where's this sudden anger in him coming from?

He jumps in front of her. The Raksaashs were shocked at first but quickly goes to their battle form.

"Look, we came here by mistake. The person you are treating as a criminal here saved my life. I want to get out from here without harming anyone," Satanika slashes his sword with such inhuman speed and force the heavy metal chain breaks.

Satanika pulls Devasena behind his body looking at the Raksaashs in front of him to see what they do.

One charges with a rusty big sword towards him.

"So you don't want peace,"

Satanika knows it's completely his fault. And they are just protecting their home. Devasena blinks and in that time Satanika appears behind the Raksaashs and hitting the nerve to make them lose conscious.

Devasena's mouth falls apart is shock, "You...are too fast."

Satanika turns to her getting her out of the handcuffs.

"They are only guards. Lower level actually. We need to get out before the king of their clan appears. I want to avoid bloodshed as much as possible," he says.

Devasena nods. Satanika grabs her hand and both run at the exit where Arun is waiting.

Arjuna, Nakula, Sahadeva, Shrutasena, Shrutakarma didn't rest. They only rested two times to give the horses break. Finally they have arrived today finishing six days journey in three days.

Outside the forest are troops waiting from Awanti.

"Pranipath Yuvraj Arjuna, Nakula, Sahadeva,"

"Hail the Upapandavas,"

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