Chapter 143 : Competition in Kakeya

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Kakeya has a good relationship with Hashtinapur, Magadha and Chedi. From the very beginning, it's one of the Kingdoms who were strongly against Pandavas.

Maharaj Rajan and Maharani Usha has three children. The eldest is Rajkumar Prithviraj, the middle is Rajkumar Agnivarma and the youngest Rajkumari Shivaya.

"Jyest Bhrata, you are being unreasonable. We lost fair and square," Agnivarma says.

"One single man coming down taking our kingdom under Devapath. Nothing is right about it," Prithviraj chews his words in anger.

"But Jyest..."

"Again and again. First it was their fathers, the Pandavas now their children. Just because they are born blessed doesn't mean they are going to have everything in a golden platter. What are we supposed to do? Live under their rules forever?" Prithviraj asks angrily.

It's true. When the news of Shrutakarma coming here came, their father willingly came under Devapath. They didn't dare fight against him. Shrutakarma had an easy win.

Prithviraj is good friends with Ashwatthama. And meeting Duryodhana and other Kauravs became a part of it. He grew extremely fond of them. Dharma binds them from so many happiness of life. But Adharm doesn't. It only makes your life prosperous and easier.

"Jyest... Ashwatthama and other Kauravs are a really bad influence. Why are you following their path?" Agnivarma tries to persuade his eldest brother.

"You are still a kid. What do you even know? They are great warriors and my friends. I have tried to join Pandavas a lot of times. They didn't respect me that time. Why should I respect them back?" Prithviraj growls.

From Kakeya there was a marriage proposal for Suthanu. They also send war horses and gold jeweleries that time. But they were rejected because Samragni already gave her words to her dear friend Maharani of Dwarka about her daughter.

The only princess of Pandavas. Prithviraj was more than happy. The only son in law of Pandavas, brother in law of Upapandavas. If he said, they would have brought any kingdom for him. How much dowry he could have had!

But no, she had to marry Bhanu. Dwarkadesh Vasudev's and Maharani Satyabhama's son.

"I will never forget that insult," Prithviraj's eyes glow in rage.

"Jyest...none of them insulted you. A Ksatriya woman has the right to choose her groom. Rajkumari Suthanu..."

"They have insulted me. And I will insult them to an extent they can't even think of. Their pride will crumble in dust, I swear," Prithviraj says.

Agnivarma looks at his Jyest brother worried. His brother has completely lost his mind staying with the Kauravs.

Then a guards enters, "Rajkumaro,  Devapath's Yuvraj Shrutakarma has arrived."

In Agnivarma's horror, a wicked smile plays on his eldest brother's lips.

"Gandhivdhari Arjuna and Samragni's sons, huh? Just on time,"

"Rajkumari! Rajkumari!"

"What is it, Kuhu?" Shivaya asks still testing the new swords.

"Yuvraj Shrutakarma accepted your invitation. He has arrived," Kuhu says.

"He has?" Shivaya turns around surprised.

"Maharaj and Maharani are there to welcome him. Both Kumar and you are requested at the front gate," Kuhu says.

Shivaya hurries as well. She arrives just on time when her mother was doing his Arti. Shrutakarma sure ignites fear in anyone's heart because of his appearance as his father. Arjuna is feared to be just and strict towards Dharma. Who can face Gandhivdhari Arjuna is battle?

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