Chapter 88 : The Plan of Abduction

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Draupadi sat with her husbands and son during lunch serving them food.

"Maa, take me with you. I don't want to miss this foods. This is so delicious," Shrutasena moans at the taste.

"Then take some more," Sahadev places more food on Shrutasena's plate from his own.

"Take some more, Putra," Nakul also places food from his plate to Shrutasena's.

Shrutasena pales at the small mountain of food on his plate. This happens everytime he sits with his fathers. They fill his plate with foods until he begs them to not add anymore.

"A younge boy should be eating more than this," Yudhisthir says.

"Pitashree, I will be 30 soon. I am not a child anymore," Shrutasena says offended.

"You will always be a child to us," Bheem says lovingly.

Shrutasena eats pouting slightly. Draupadi smiles at him and served more foods to her husbands.

"Panchali, we will go to Agyatvas in a week now. You don't need to wait till midnight. Eat with us," Arjun says.

"It's alright, Arya. I shall wait," Draupadi refuses.

"Sit with us, Draupadi. No one will come at this time," Karn also supports Arjun.

Draupadi refused again. Arjun shakes his head. She is a damn stubborn woman. He pulled her hand making her stumble beside him. Draupadi glares at him.

"Arya, don't do that. I could have fallen on your food," Draupadi warns.

"Panchali, sit with me," Arjun says.

He made a morsel then. Draupadi looked at him shocked when he raised the morsel on her lips.

"Eat, priye," Arjun says softly.

Draupadi couldn't refuse him anymore. She ate from his hand much to her  embarrassment.

"Arya Arjun, that's enough. I can't eat anymore," Draupadi says.

"Panchali, you don't eat even the half of what we do. You will grow weak," Arjun fed her another morsel.

"No, Arya. It's enough. I won't eat anymore," Draupadi refuses again.

"Atleast eat last ten morsels," Arjun says.

Draupadi widens her eyes, "Arya, you want me to ran away? I can't eat that much."

Arjun frowns but he let it go. Yudhisthir and Karn were putting more food on Shrutasena's plate and the poor boy was almost in tears. Suddenly he stopped. Certain images played in front of his eyes. He turned silent and pale.

Pandavas looked at each other worried about Shrutasena.

"Putra, what happened?" Sahadev asks.

Shrutasena didn't answer. He continued to look at the blank space.

"Sena," this time Draupadi touched his arm.

Shrutasena came out of his vision. He looked at his mother and his face twisted with pain.

"I am finished, Maa," he stood up and left the hut.

Meanwhile in Hastinapur,

"Putra, we have to stop Pandavas and Panchali from going to Agyatvas anyhow," Shakuni says.

"But how Mamashree?" Duryodhana asks looking at their miniature statues.

"Duryodhana, you are too worried about them. Relax sometime. You have the strongest army. What's there to be afraid of?" a drunk Jayadrath says.

Duryodhana sighs annoyed. This drunkerd has no idea about Pandavas strength.

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