Chapter 170 : Their Attraction

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Arjuna opens his eyes to find his chamber particularly warm. He looks around and the first thing he notices is Satanika dozing off at the bed stand near his feet. Arjuna's heart swells with overwhelming love for this child immediately.

Then he finds himself on a rather soft surface. He figures he has been sleeping on his beloved's lap. Her palm resting on his forehead and chest.

She has also dozed off leaning on the bed stand. Arjuna has sheets pulled over till his chest. He still has this annoying headache.

Feeling his throat is as dry as wood, Arjuna coughs.

It was for a split second but both woke up.

"Putra, give me a glass," Draupadi orders hurrily.

Draupadi carefully lifts Arjuna's head as Satanika makes sure he drinks the water.

"Pitashree, you need to have a full meal then I will make the medicine," saying that Satanika hurries away.

Arjuna doesn't lay back immediately rather leans in her chest. Draupadi sensing his comfort, pulls his head more securely on her Bossoms.

"Winter hasn't left yet. Should you be leaving the windows open the entire night, Phalguni?" Draupadi chastises him.

Arjuna doesn't answer. His sickness isn't because of the cold weather.

"Your brothers were here for hours. I send them away. We have so many guests. We all can't stay here," Draupadi informs.

"Jyest...let you stay here? He can't function without you ..." Arjuna pouts.

"He has both his daughter and daughter in law with him. He will survive," Draupadi laughs.

Arjuns sighs carefully. So it means Draupadi can stay here with him longer.

"Mata, may I come in?"

"Come inside, Putri," Draupadi says.

Shivaya enters with a plate in her hand. She immediately lowers her eyes seeing them in such intimate way.

"Pitashree, Arya went to pick out the herb Bhrata Satanika wants. In the meanwhile, he wants you to finish the entire meal," Shivaya places the plate.

Draupadi carefully let's Arjuna sit on the bed leaning on the frame.

Shivaya sits with the water. And Draupadi makes small morsels for Arjuns to eat easily.

"Who cooked, Putri? My maids don't cook this," Draupadi says smelling the amazing foods.

"Pitashree Bheema did. He said to send him a message if you want anything more," Shivaya answers.

Arjuna coughs a bit and Shivaya immediately holds the water in front of him.

Both woman are as careful as dealing with a glass doll. Arjuna though is used of Draupadi's pampering but gets embarrassed as his daughter in law is here as well.

"Panchali...I am not a doll that you are being so careful with... You know I have been through more disastrous situation in war..." Arjuna blurts out embarrassed when Draupadi orders water to wipe his body after the food.

Draupadi smiles fondly, "Dolls are meant to be taken care of gently. And your wife taking care of you bothers you, Arya?"

Arjuna nods his head as no. Clearly embarrassed more. Shivaya doesn't add more misery to his fate and leaves.

Draupadi carefully wipes his body with wet clothes.

His body is dark as night sky and his lotus golden eyes are eclipse on the sky. His toned muscles and body are so powerful and breathtaking to look upon. His bow like beautiful lips and those lotus feet. Draupadi gently wipes his feet with wet clothe. She takes in his every feature so carefully. She carefully takes in a breath resisting herself from tasting his lips.

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