Chapter 59 : A Love defying all Norms

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Draupadi turns towards Arjun who called her.

"Priye, Madhav asked you to teach me dance. I don't know how long it will take for me to learn. I think we should start," Arjun says.

"As you wish, Arya. We will start from today evening," Draupadi says.

Arjun sighs. They are trying with everything they can to win her back. But why does it seem like it has no affect on her? She would either look embarrassed or extremely uncomfortable. If any woman was in her place, they would count themselves extremely lucky because the Pandavas are showering all their love on that woman. But she is Krishnaa. Krishna's Krishnaa. And she is hurt so badly. It will take a lot of work for them to make her forgive them.

But unfortunately they couldn't start their practice from that evening. Draupadi came running out of the hut as she heard the most beautiful of word.

"Maa," her sons call.

Draupadi sobs in pain, "So you finally remember this mother of yours who is living in forest? Why have you come now?"

"Maa, we wanted to. But Mamashree says if we want to live with you forever, we must work right now," Prativindhya says emotionally.

"Of course, he will. He takes great pleasure in my misery," Draupadi scolds Krishna.

"Sakhi, your pain pierces my heart before it hurts you. And this is how you accuse me?" Krishna came out from behind.

Seeing him Draupadi forgot her anger immediately. Her heart filled with delight.

She laughs delightful, "Dwarka ka nirman Kyu Kiya, agar Tumhe Dwarka mein rehna hi nehi tha?"

(Why did you build Dwarka if you didn't intend to live there at all.)

He came back just in a matter of seven months.

Krishna also laughs, "You are right, sakhi. But how will I tell this heart that I have to be in Dwarka? It wants to stay here with his beloved sakhi and enjoy the bliss of being around her. And I lived by your side for eight years in Panchal. Don't tell me you are already sick of me"

Draupadi laughs loudly this time blushing a brilliant red.

"Sakha, how can I become sick of your presence? Nothing gives me more joy than having you by my side,"

"I couldn't resist the urge to be present around you when you embrace your sons, Krishnaa. Nothing is more divine than seeing a mother showering her sons with love," Krishna says.

Draupadi touches his feets and offered the freshly plucked lotuses at his feet. She and Karn greeted each other cordially. Karn's eyes were filled with overflowing love while looking at Draupadi much to Pandavas disliking.

Draupadi indicates her sons to go to their fathers. They looked at their Jyest hesitantly. Prativindhya wents to his father first.

Dharmraj knows he can sacrifice anything for dharma. He doesn't discriminate dharma for anything. But is it possible to love someone so dearly? Seeing his son in front of him, his eldest son, the eldest of Kuruvansa his eyes brimmed with tears. Maybe this is why in their society fathers are so obsessed with sons. Yudhisthir felt like he can die so many times so that his son can live. He finally understood why his Tatshree Dhritrastra is so obsessed with sons.

Yudhisthir pulled his son to his chest embracing him tightly. Prativindhya too hugged his father. His heart heavy.

Sutasoma was almost raised by Bheemsen. Laughter echoed in the atmosphere.

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