Chapter 35 : Doubt

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Nakul was standing In front of the family picture that his sons has painted for their mother. How. How innocent and happy they all are looking here. Abhimanyu is grinning widely wrapped in his mother's arms. Draupadi's one arm is always wrapped around Abhimanyu. Nakul understands it very well. He is her youngest son and she almost lost him. Draupadi is really sensitive about Abhimanyu. Their Mata Kunti loves Sahadev the most among them.

"What are you doing here all alone?" Bheem enters the chamber.

"Bhrata Bheem my son is really talented. This portrait seems so real," Nakul says.

"They are all our sons, Nakul. Prativindhya, Suthanu, Sutasoma, Satanika, Shrutakarma, Shrutasena, Abhimanyu every single one of them are our children," Bheem smiles.

"They are, bhrata," Nakul smiles in return.

"You two are here already," Draupadi enters her chamber. Yudhisthir, Arjun and Sahadev were following her. They have just returned from the sabha. After three elder princes left, Draupadi's work load has increased a lot. She is barely sleeping or eating properly.

"Are you looking at the picture?" Draupadi smiles at them.

"This portrait is so beautiful, Maharani," Bheem compliments.

"Indeed it is," Draupadi smiles as she stands in front the portrait.

Her sons represent their fathers in every aspect of their life. Her heart twisted as she recalls her husbands. Noticing her expression Arjun stood beside her.

"Maharani, is something troubling you?" Arjun asks.

"I never thought I will stay away from them," Draupadi whispers.

Pandavas closed their eyes in pain. She isn't talking about her sons but them.

"Staying away from them for a second burns me alive. I can't tolerate this separation one bit, Brihannala. How I survived these long 10 years is beyond my imagination," Draupadi's eyes hold so much longings.

"After everything how can you bring yourself to love them?" Sahadev asks.

"Love has no limitation, Malini. I loved them, love them and will love them in my every birth," Draupadi says.

"You have everything here, Maharani. All happiness and wealth of the world stays at your feet," Bheem says.

Draupadi turns towards Bheem, "I don't want even heaven if it's not with them. If it's hell, I will follow them throughout. My body is here with me but my heart and soul stays at Indraprastha, Bhumika. The corridor of Indraprastha where I spend the most beautiful moments of my life."

"Then go to them, Maharani. They are also eager to have you back in their arms," Arjun whispers.

"Now the only time I will see them is before taking my last breath. I told Prativindhy to ask them to come to me one last time before I close my eyes," suddenly Draupadi became self conscious, " will they come? It will create misunderstanding between their wives and them. How can I think they will come? It can harm their reputation. Just the dust of their feet will be enough."

Yudhisthir lost it finally. He fall on his knees crying. Draupadi turned around surprised. Yuvani is kneeling on the floor crying others were crying as well.

"What happened to you all?" Draupadi asks surprised at their behavior.

But they were in no state to talk. Indeed true love makes you speechless. They will never be able to measure her love for them. Draupadi became flabbergasted seeing them wailing badly.

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