Chapter 177 : Her Strong Will

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"It's your destiny, Maa. I can even see you with Maiya," Shrutasena says seriously.

Draupadi stares at him for a few seconds, "I wish you inherited Yudhisthira's truthfulness along with your ability to see future."

Arjun and Sahadeva scoffs at the background. Shrutasena couldn't help but smile sheepishly at getting caught.

"If I go, who will take care of the preparations here? I want to welcome my son and his wife in a grand way," Draupadi reasons softly.

"You can return earlier, Maa. Please please please! I can't think of my wedding without you there," Shrutasena pleads.

Draupadi sighs looking at Arjuna and Sahadeva.

"Panchali, even I will return early with you. Come with us. Why shall you stay alone in this entire palace?" Sahadeva says.

Draupadi finally agrees. Otherwise who knows how many self made prophecy this child will come up with.

Arjuna brushes her shoulder with his on the chariot. Draupadi has allowed Shrutakarma and Shivaya to travel in the chariot in front of her. Both are talking and smiling happily. Shrutasena is of course traveling with his father with all the gifts and people to attend the wedding.

Arjuna got to know about her worries from Nakula. And he also got another news. Duryodhana has also decided to attend. Arjuna couldn't find the courage to tell her that.

She isn't meek. Absolutely never was. She is always respectful and gentle with the elders no matter what they say. When they lived in Hashtinapur for months after their marriage, Gandhari tried to pointed so many faults in her. Belittling her. Scolding her father to arrange such an impossible task that most prince couldn't compete. She talked back once in private and after that Gandhari never brought up anything that sort.

Draupadi stays silent but Arjuna knows the silence of both his Jyest and his wife are disastrous.

If Yudhisthira's silence breaks and his Patience runs down, Arjuna doesn't wish to imagine. Most think of him and Bheema to be the pillar of strength. But Yudhisthira is their most powerful weapon. His anger that he always suppresses is their power.

And Draupadi's most powerful strength is her intelligence. She knows when to be silent and when not to. How to address a topic and how to make people accept that. Emotional manipulation or playing victim never worked with her. She has the ability to guide the swords to battle.

Arjuna knows how dreadful but powerful it is from a certain day.

Arjuna stands helpless and lost. Subhadra refused to be presented as her maid. Draupadi is in her chamber completely not caring of him and his new wife. She is living like this doesn't bother her at all. Arjuna would have preferred her screaming angrily at them. But this silence frightens him to no extent.

Finally Krishna goes and talks with his sister. Not refusing her brother's words Subhadra comes beside him.

Three of them enter Draupadi's chamber who is feeding her sons lunch. Prativindhya, Sutasoma, Satanika, Shrutasena and  Shrutakarma looks confused at their all coming here.

"Putro, go and bother Nakula for a time being," Draupadi tells her sons.

Five of them go out. Arjuna looks at them his eyes filled with affection and love. How much they all have grown! And Shrutakarma is completely like how he was when he was younger. He will talk and spend time with them later. First he must pacify their mother.

"Sakhi," Krishna calls her softly.

Draupadi looks at him and smiles mirroring the same affection he has seeing her.

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