Chapter 27 : Wounds of Heart

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Shrutkarma and his brothers were too stunned and confused to do something. They all kept looking at Prativindhya. Their Jyest asked them to give this situation a bit of time.

Shrutkarma was looking for his maa. Where is she? Maids told him that Maharani is in the Mandir. His mind is uneasy. He wanted peace which only his mother can give him.

As he was going to enter the Mandir he saw his Mamashree Krishna and Karn coming together. A few days have passed after that. Karn was treated very kindly. He doesn't have the Brahmin attire now. He was shaved and bathed. Shrutkarma has to admit he is extremely handsome. He couldn't believe he was the same Brahmin from before.

Draupadi was meditating in front of the Narayan idol. Her heart is uneasy. She never in her dreams thought that Karn harbors such deep affection for her. Did it atone all his sins?

She felt her Govind coming here. Draupadi turns around and walked towards there.

Karn still can't believe everything. Why didn't Draupadi kill him? Why didn't she punish him? She could have ordered her sons and they were more than happy to oblige. Why did she take care of him again? Why?

He followed Krishna's gaze in front of him. But it made his heart almost stop. A woman in white attire with jewelries so beautiful that almost dazzled him. Never has he imagined a woman this beautiful. No one can. Her footprints left golden marks. Karn's head spun as his hands automatically joined in Infront of Jagatmata, herself. He lowered his gaze not able to meet that gorgeous blue orbs.

Draupadi became confused seeing Karn in that state. Why is he joining his hands in front of her? Why is he crying?

"His love for you has reached such a level my Krishnaa that he is able to see you in your complete form," Krishna says softly beside her.

Draupadi looks surprised once at Karn and once at her Govind.

"Maa," Shrutakarma came beside her also confused.

"Sakhi, don't give him the pain of your hatred. It will kill him so painfully," Krishna says.

"And the pain he inflected on me Sakha? You are asking me to forget all the insults?" Draupadi asks her voice filled with emotions.

Karn came back to his senses already. What has he done? Whom did he insult? Everything came rushing to him as he fainted.

Before he could fall, Shrutakarma held him and laid him down on the stairs. Draupadi looks at him concerned.

Draupadi brings a pitcher of water and Shrutakarma sprinkles some water on Karn's face. Slowly Karn gains back his senses.

"Arjun," Karn whispered.

Before Shrutakarma could explain that he isn't Arjun, Karn grabs his hands.

"Arjun, I sinned. Punish me. Hay Narayan! Whom have I insulted? Whom did I make cry? Arjun, kill me," Karn cried and begged.

"Calm down, Karn. He isn't Arjun," Krishna stepped into the picture.

Karn looked at him confused. This isn't Arjun?

"He is Shrutkarma. Son of Arjun and Draupadi," Krishna explains.

Karn looks at Shrutkarma in shock. This child looks exactly like Arjun. He looks at Draupadi beside him who had a gloomy expression. Seeing him coming back to his senses, Draupadi turns around and left.

Draupadi passed by a very shocked Nakul who has listened to everything. He looks at Vasudev who smiled at him.

Nakul ran to their shared chamber. Arjun became worried seeing Nakul shaking hysterically. All brothers surrounded Nakul.

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