Chapter 42 : Identity Revealed

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Abhimanyu sighs as he looks at Videhiraj. A father he is. He never had one. He only knows his father is Gandhivdhari Arjun. But they don't live with them. He has asked this question to his mother and brothers countless of times. But they never answered. Why?

"Maa," Abhimanyu snuggles in Draupadi's lap.

"What is it, Abhi?" Draupadi asks softly.

"Maa, why don't we live with Pitashree? Why was Matashree Subhadra so scared seeing you? Why doesn't she come to you? I have noticed her following you in secret here," Abhimanyu says.

Draupadi became tensed. Her Abhimanyu is the purest of soul. She doesn't want to taint it with the harsh truth. She doesn't want him to hate his father the way his brothers do.

"Because we can't," Draupadi says softly.

Abhimanyu grew impatient and sat up, "Maa, you know how much I want my father in my life. Why won't you say anything to me? Why don't we live with him?"

Draupadi avoids his eyes. He will know it in future but not now. How will she tell a 10 year old child about Dyut sabha? What happened between her and his fathers.

"Putra, it's so late at night. Go to sleep," Draupadi says.

"No maa. How much more will you hide from me? Don't I deserve to know about my father?" Abhimanyu raised his voice.

"Abhimanyu," Shrutakarma enters the chamber.

Abhimanyu was immediately frightened seeing his angry brother.

"You think you have grown up so much to raise your voice at you mother? You dare question your mother?" Shrutkarma asks in a stern tone.

"Bhrata...I just..." Abhimanyu tries to explain.

"Don't talk back to me. Ask for forgiveness this instance from Maa. This woman gave birth to you. How dare you raise your voice at her?" Shrutkarma didn't became soft a bit.

"Forgive me, Maa. Forgive me, Bhrata," Abhimanyu left the chamber hurriedly.

"That child is showing attitude. It needs to be gone," Shrutakarma frowns as he looks at his mother.

"He wants to know about your father. We never told him why we are not together anymore. I guess meeting Subhadra here has raise this questions in his head," Draupadi sighs.

"Maa, he will not ask this questions again. I will make sure of it," Shrutakarma grits his teeth.



"Who is the man behind our Jijashree?" Princess of Avanti Devsena asks her best friend.

"Yuvraj Satanika. Third son of Maharani Draupadi," Siyaanshi answers.

"Your brother in law. Seeing him like this I think he is very arrogant," Devsena comments.

Siyaanshi giggles, "Of course not. His Jyest brothers dotes on him very much. Also his younger brothers are very devoted to him."

Devsena nods her head. It's hard to believe.

After the elders applied Haldi to the brides and grooms they stayed separately letting the youngesters enjoy to their hearts content.

Draupadi sighs as she looked at Satanika, Shrutakarma, Shrutasena and Abhimanyu. Their mischievous smiles is sending shivers down her spine.

"So, the competition will be between the bride side and groom side. We need to see how many of us gets the haldi at each other. Your time starts now," the host declared.

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