Chapter 119 : Plan that Backfired

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Draupadi feels a sudden weight on the side of her bed. She smiles a bit as the weight falls on her body. She hugs Sahadev back as he embraces her burying his face in her neck.

"Ram Ram! Which Raksaash is this?" Draupadi teases.

"A Raksaash that misses his wife," Sahadev pouts.

"Arya, why weren't you asleep? It's past midnight," Draupadi inquires.

"I finished making the balm Jyest told me for your feet," Sahadev sits up.

"Yudhisthira is always like this. You should have made it tomorrow. Why did you stay up so late?" Draupadi also sits up scolding him.

"Panchali, Jyest doesn't need to tell me all the time. I also care for you. I was making this balm from two days prior,"

Draupadi touches his face, "I know you care for me. But seeing you tired doesn't make me feel happy. Did you take your medicine?"

"I did. Let me apply this balm on your feet,"

"Not you too. I can apply on my own. That idiot Karna. What does he say to you all?" Draupadi scoots far from him.

"Panchali, don't curse Jyest Karna in front of Bhrata Yudhisthira. His weak heart won't be able to take it," Sahadev jokes.

Draupadi giggles as well. Sahadev takes her feet on his lap. Carefully he applies the balm and massages her feet.

"If the swollen isn't reduced by tomorrow I have a painkiller soup,"

Draupadi dreads that. It's bitter beyond words. Her taste buds remained lost for a week drinking it last time. She should have known better than to marry a doctor.

"Yes..I will tell you.."

She will never tell him. In fact, if the swollen isn't reduced, she will hide from Sahadev and Nakula until her feet are healed.

"Panchali, don't you think we should get our sons married by now. All of them are touching 30," Sahadeva proposes.

"I thought they all have girls in their mind so I didn't pay much attention to this matter. But you are right. I will look around," Draupadi agrees.

"What's the matter with Nandini by the way? She keeps following Shrutasena and when he looks back, she runs," Sahadev asks confused.

Draupadi giggles, "I guess she has a crush on him. But don't think your son is innocent. Before leaving for Agyatvas, I gifted him a gajra of flowers Bheem gave me. I told him to give it so someone special. Did you notice Nandini wearing them?"

Sahadev scoffs, "So, I am still confused because Sena ignores her. What's actually going on?"

Draupadi lays down pulling Sahadeva with her. She embraces his head on her chest, "Sena wants her to confess first. That's why he is doing this. Don't worry, tomorrow I will have a talk with her. Sena is going too far."

"And Govind told me about this years ago. He wants Shrutasena as his son in law. Arya, do you have any objection?"

"Of course not, Panchali. It's my fortune," Sahadeva says.

Sahadeva listens to her heartbeat. Resting on her breasts he closes his eyes. Draupadi is massaging his curls.

"I came to take care of you not the other way," Sahadeva mumbles.

Draupadi giggles, "You are taking care of me. I am happy taking care of my heart. Yudhisthira has kept you busy in Sabha immensely."

Sahadeva smiles, "You noticed?"

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