Chapter 12 : Draupadi's Secret

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"You stay here my dear. I will deal with them," Draupadi softly caresses Shrutasena's head who pouted like a child.

"Nitya, where are they?" Draupadi asks rubbing her forehead.

Nitya or Nakul and Malini or Sahadev stopped their laughter with a lot of difficulties, "They are coming, Maharani."

Satanika, Shrutakarma and Abhimanyu entered the chamber a bit nervous. They stood in a corner fidgeting with their hands. Nakul looked amazed. Greatest warriors of Aryavarta, lion among men are now cowering like a kitten not meeting their mothers eyes.

"Why? Everytime there is a problem it's always you three?" Draupadi asks quite annoyed this time.

Shrutasena forbade them to enter the Library. So they took it upon themselves and broke in. They found the chemistry kits quite amazing and began to play with them. Resulted in a fire in the library.

"'s..." Shrutakarma mumbled.

"Yes, continue," Draupadi shoot him a glare.

Shrutakarma and Abhimanyu hid behind Satanika. Satanika glared at the two for throwing him under the bus.

"I asked you three something," Draupadi's stern voice made three of them look at her.

"'s... you know...we were..." Satanika stuttered.

Shrutasena was sitting and looking at the three of his brothers his eyebrows furrowed.

"Apologize to your brother, right now and go and recite Gayatri Mantra 100 times today," Draupadi orders.

Shrutakarma and Abhimanyu immediately apologized to Shrutasena but Satanika was a different person. Apologize and to his younger brother is impossible but in front of his mother he can't express his unwillingness.

Satanika went in front of Shrutasena and hugged him tightly, too tightly making Shrutasena chock.

"You little shit, how dare you complain to maa about your elder brother? Meet you at night," Satanika whispered making Shrutasena pale.

"My little brother, I am sorry," Satanika grinned.

"And he threatened Shrutasena after that," Nakul was rolling on the bed with laughter.

Pandavas are resting after lunch in their chamber and chatting about everything. They were also snickering about today's event. Everyday something happens here and it's always them three.

"Jyest, you are still grumpy?" Arjun teases.

Yudhisthir send him a glare. Arjun is always with his daughter and he can't do anything about it.

"Suthanu is such a sweetheart, Jyest. She fed me yesterday," Bheem continues smiling.

"Suthanu slept on my lap last night," Sahadev smirked.

"She is going out with me today," Nakul said.

Yudhisthir glared at his brothers. What's their fascination with his daughter?

"You four have your own sons. Arjun you have two. Why don't you focus on them rather than my daughter?" Yudhisthir chewed this words.

Bheem grins, "Jyest, daughters are most precious. Not sons."

Yudhisthir groaned. Everyone is getting close to his daughter and they claim she is theirs. Can anything be more frustrating than this?

"She always talks about you, Jyest," Arjun says softly.

Yudhisthir snapped at him. She does? She remembers him?

"Yes, Jyest. Though she doesn't remember your face, she always talks about her father. I can tell she misses you terribly," Arjun continues.

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