Chapter 173 : Through Her Eyes (Part 5)

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Arjuna completely detests the idea of seeing Draupadi's past now. Her painful sobs still echoes in his ears. How even Bheema trembled while comforting her. Their pain is different and her is different.

But his Madhav has decided otherwise. Arjuna is still going back to her past memories and witnessing more painful events.

Arjuna sighs looking around Indraprastha. It's still his year in Vanvas.

"Maharani still hasn't taken a meal," a maid whispers.

"We should inform Yuvraj Bheema," another says.

As they said they leave to get Bheema and Arjuna in his surprise finds a hut in the corner of this vast garden of Indraprastha.

Arjuna chuckles. Whenever something related to Draupadi comes in, everyone runs to Bheema. Because Yudhisthira is soft with her and never says her to do otherwise. But Bheema forces her if he must in some cases. Arjuna enters and his face falls more.

A woman is meditating in front of Shiva idol. She has no royal attires or ornaments. A simple orange attire of a Yogi. She is tired and weak in physical appearance. Her eyes have bags under them and her face pale. Arjuna can easily see her bones.

Despite that she makes Arjuna's tongue tied with her empyrean beauty.

"Panchali," Bheema enters then.

Draupadi's meditation breaks. Despite her state she welcomes Bheema with a warm smile.

"What's this state? Why haven't you eaten in four days?" Bheema goes directly to the topic.

Draupadi sighs, "Arya Arjuna is meditating as well. He hasn't eaten in four days as well."

Bheema's face is torn between admiration and worry, "Priye, he is meditating as he should. He will do that for 12 years. That doesn't mean you have to fast for that long with him."

Draupadi stays quiet. Her eyes brimming with tears as she keeps looking at the floor.

Arjuna knows how strong his woman is. But how easily her tears come when any five of them are mentioned.

Bheema gestures the maids to bring the plate full of foods.

"Priye, you are the Maharani of Indraprastha. You have to gain your strength. You have to feed your sons as well. How will you do it if you don't eat?" Bheema says softly.

Draupadi nods her head. Getting the message. Bheema needed to leave because the Sabha is still going on. And Yudhisthira needs him. He instructs Priyamvada secretly to call on him again.

Arjuna looks at his wife again who is sitting in front of the plate looking lost.

"Maharani, please eat this," Priyamvada pleads.

"Priya, my Phalguni hasn't eaten anything, Priya. I won't be able to swallow this," Draupadi whispers leaning on the wall.

"Maharani, please. Your children needs you. Please be sensible. Your other four husbands are here. Doesn't that ease your sorrow? Why must you torture yourself for Gandhivdhari Arjuna this way?" Priyamvada exclaims in frustration.

"Phalguni is Phalguni, Priya. Who can take his place in my heart?" Draupadi whispers again.

Priyamvada's face drops as well. Draupadi keeps looking at the food thinking. Then she gets an idea as her face shines.

"Priyamvada, leave for a moment," Draupadi says.

Arjuna watches as Draupadi takes the plate and sits to meditate. He remembers this day now. It was winter. There weren't any fruits in the forest and he didn't got any alms as well. He was hungry after walking all the time. He remembers he just laid still for the fourth day under the tree as he couldn't move from hunger anymore. But this isn't the reason he remembers this day.

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