Chapter 156 : Pain that's Hard to Forget

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Draupadi looks at Arjuna and Bheema quiet disappointed. It's absurd how they are sticking to their opinion without any shame.

"Are you two done?" Draupadi asks coldly.

Arjuna and Bheema both looksl at her.

"I have said it years ago. I am saying it again. I am not responsible for your relationship with your wives. Nakula went away without exchanging a word with her," Draupadi says frustrated.

"I would have punished him if he sat to exchange pleasantries," Bheema says equally annoyed.

"Bravo to you Panchali! After what they did, you didn't let anyone get air of their wrong doing. You didn't let us punish them..."

"Punish them? How? How will you punish the mother of your sons enlighten me, Arjuna!" Draupadi raises her eyebrows.

"Do we appear that spineless to you, Panchali? Or you think I joke around when I say I will avenge you?" Bheema becomes more furious.

"You said it's not your responsibility what happens to our relationship with them. Then why are you telling us it's wrong if we decide to stay away from those woman?" Arjuna asks back, "I pleaded you. But you paid no head to my any request. Seeing Subhadra now only adds salt to my wound. What's the exact reason for Karenumati to stay here?"

"They are also the mother of your sons. Arya Bheema, Arya Arjuna how's it fair for them? What are you punishing them for? Why can't they live beside their father?"

"We aren't punishing them..." Bheema is interrupted by Draupadi.

"Haven't you realized still that relationship between parents affect the child as well," Draupadi softens her voice, "Niramitra couldn't bring himself to greet his father. Arya, they aren't at fault here. Yaudheya came months ago. He is not at all trained to take over his grandfather. His training is incomplete. Don't punish them a crime they didn't do."

"We have never interfered how you raised your sons. Panchali, they have grown up to be responsible, humble, righteous and worthy. That our absence.." Arjuna says.

"Arjuna..." Draupadi this time gets interrupted by Bheema.

"Priye, how can you pull yourself away from us? Our matters are your matters and yours are ours. They way you are disregarding our relationship with other woman baffles me. You are discarding us without a second thought,"

Arjuna looks at Bheema. Bheema's face grim with sadness. Arjuna didn't know his brother was capable of making this face.

"Bheemasena, even protecting the vows you five gave me is my responsibility as well? I am to keep you five united. I am to care. I am to offer solace. I am to be your strength. I am to confine. What's your role in the marriage then? You play no part? Why did I even marry then?" Draupadi questions them both without sympathy.

Arjuna and Bheema both flinches at her tone.

Draupadi looks away frustrated, "Then If I interfere too much, I am dominating my husbands, overstepping my boundaries, hurting your pride."

"Panchali...that's never the case..." both Arjuna and Bheema say at the same time.

"Why did I even marry? For a roof over my head, food and protection? Arjuna, Bheema, my father also provided me that with care and unconditionally. There I never had to be conscious about voicing my opinion," Draupadi says, "You five gave me vows. You vowed my nourishment, growing together in strength, preserve the wealth, sharing life's joy and sorrow, taking care of parents and children, remaining lifelong friend and..."

Arjuna and Bheema both lower their head not meeting her eyes.

Draupadi's eyes well up with tears as she looks at them with accusation, "And you vowed that I will be your only consort in every life."

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