Chapter 104 : Barbarika

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"Pitashree," Draupadi rans into her father's embrace.

Arjun smiles from beside her. There's only a few instances like this she becomes the old, cheerful, mischievous Princess Draupadi.

"Putri, how thin you have grown!" Maharaj Draupad sadly says examining his daughter.

Draupadi leans in as her father plants a kiss of protectiveness on her head.

"Pranipath Pitashree," Yudhisthir, Bheem, Arjun, Nakul and Sahadev join their hands.

Maharaj Draupad frowns immediately but controlled his emotions. He is not in his kingdom to disregard their greetings and disrespect them as much as he wants to do that.

Pandavas touch his feet for blessings. To Draupad's surprise, they didn't stand up. He glances at Krishna who smiles. Of course he is behind this.

"May you succeed in life," he raises them.

Dhrishtadyumna is a very hot headed prince and the entire Aryavarta knows it. Born from fire, Dhrishtadyumna and Draupadi. Despite that Draupadi is calm, collected and elegant. No one has ever seen her angry. Whereas Dhrishtadyumna bears the name of Agniputra. His gaze as sharp as a tiger's.

People watched in amusement as his eyes were extremely softened when talking to his twin sister. He gently ruffles her hair as if she is a small kid.

Dhrishtadyumna looks at the Pandavas. He grits his teeth. Dhrishtadyumna didn't know a single day can change his perspective of some people to this instance. He loved the Pandavas. Especially Nakul and Sahadev. And now he simply despises them to an extent that he himself is surprised.

He joins his hands Infront of Yudhisthir and Bheem. Greetings the elder brothers. He didn't bother to greet Arjun, Nakul or Sahadev. Brushing past them he picked Vrishaketu up in his arms who sequels happily.

"Pranipath Nanashree, Pranipath Mamashree Dhrishtadyumna," Shrutakarma touches their feet.

Maharaj Draupad pulls his grandson to his chest in delight, "My beloved Kirti, you have grown up to be a fine young man."

Draupadi was greetings the guests but her entire attention was towards the main door. When are they going to arrive?


Krishna's soothing voice and his hand on her shoulder makes her turn around.

"Why so impatient?" he teases.

Draupadi says looking away, "A year went by me not seeing their faces. I am too impatient Sakha. Why are they so late?"

Krishna smiles fondly at her, "Sakhi...have patience..."

He couldn't finish his sentence when the drums begin to play. Draupadi turns in a flash looking at the door expectedly. Krishna stands beside his sakhi. The reunion between mother and son are so beautiful that he wants to be the one seeing it standing closet.


Draupadi takes a few steps forward in excitement.

"Sakhi, don't cry. Should you be welcoming your son and daughter in law in a crying face?" Krishna softly scolds her hugging her from the sides.

Draupadi lowers her face, "Sakha...I am crying...I didn't know... I won't cry again..."

Krishna lovingly wipes her tears with his own clothes standing beside her holding her shoulder strongly because she was shaking.

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