Chapter 56 : A Rainy Night

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It's been raining since morning. And now it's nighttime. All of them are in the hut because it was impossible to move in this weather.

Draupadi had Vrishaketu cuddled in her chest so that he doesn't get cold. Vrishaketu was enjoying his mother's warmth and love to his fullest as he layed his small head on her chest listening to her heartbeat which fascinated him.

"Look the way he is cuddling with her," Nakul whispers to Arjun.

"It's a child, Nakul..." Arjun tries to reason.

"Look how he smiles at her. I don't like it, bhrata," Nakul pouts.

"As if he understands that he is in arms of the most beautiful woman of Aryavarta," Arjun sulks.

Arjun, Nakul and Sahadev were sulking seeing Vrishaketu getting all the love and attention of Draupadi all alone. it right to feel jealous about a child?

Draupadi was looking out from the window. The air is making her hair fly and brush on her face again and again. She was lost in her thoughts.

Pandavas whereas was lost in her. Their hearts flatter seeing her so beautiful and solemn. Even if she sits doing nothing, she manages to make them feel a lot of emotions all at once.

"Let's play a game," Nakul suggest softly nudging at Draupadi.

"Game? How old are you?" Arjun scolds.

"Younger than you, bhrata. Then, how about we ask each other questions?" Nakul suggests.

Bheem yawns, "Better than nothing. Who starts?"

"Me of course," Sahadev raises his hand.

"Jyest, you are always so solemn. When was the first time you felt it break?" Sahadev asks.

Yudhisthir blushed immediately as a certain woman came to his mind. He looks at Draupadi who is rocking Vrishaketu to sleep.

"When I first met her," Yudhisthir whispers.

Draupadi lowered her eyes not meeting them.

"Next is me," Nakul speaks.

"Bhrata Arjun, what if I steal your Gandhiv one day? Will you raise your weapon at me?" Nakul teases.

Arjun laughs heartily, "You can try raising it first."

"But Panchali can raise it," Nakul pouts.

"I can raise all your weapons. Is this a new thing to you?" Draupadi's confused voice made them chuckle a bit.

The way only Devi Parvati can raise Mahadev's trident, Mata Laxmi can hold Sudarshana Chakra, same way only your soulmate can raise your divine weapon. And none of Pandavas other wives ever managed to even move their weapons one bit. Draupadi was the only one who took care of their weapons and only she can summon them except them.

"Jyest, who cooks best? Panchali or Bharat Bheem?" Arjun asks next.

Others smirked as Yudhisthir was stunned at the question.

"Why do I feel I am being cornered today?" Yudhisthir sulks.

"Arya Bheem's cooking is more delicious," Draupadi says trying to save Yudhisthir the trouble.

"That's not fair, Panchali. You always protect Jyest. Let him answer that," Arjun scolds.

"Both are the best in different ways. Bheem and Panchali both cook pouring their love in the food. So, both their foods are delicious," Yudhisthir answers.

"Panchali, won't you ask anything?" Bheem says.

"I have nothing to ask," Draupadi says.

"Come on, Panchali. You can ask anything," Arjun laughs.

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