romeo and juliet (hopefully without the gruesome death)

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So. Eleanor and I are...back together? I think? Yeah. I think this is the last time we're going to try though. She says if it doesn't work then it's not meant to be so I guess I'm hoping the odds will be in our favor this time, but we're going to have the same problem as we did before. Livi. I'm so sick of her. I can't tell if she's incredibly clever or just stupid. She thinks it's not fair and she's right. It isn't fair that you're constantly trying to interfere with our relationship. You're ruining everything. If you can't be happy, no one can. That's what isn't fair. Have you ever considered anyone else's feelings for a single minute? I'm just going in circles. Sometimes I feel like we're Romeo and Juliet, like some forbidden love story. If I never liked Eleanor and she never liked me we wouldn't be in this situation. But I guess the gods just can't get enough drama. I'm tired of being their puppet. I hate myself forever for thinking it but Luke was onto something with wanting to get rid of them. Not that the way he did it was right. I wonder what would be different if he'd been able to follow through with the plan. I feel sick thinking about it so I should stop. I'm getting off subject anyway. I wish there was a way to make Livi forget about Eleanor. To see there's something else to life than someone who doesn't like her and wants nothing more than for her to leave her alone. The difference between me and Livi is clear, and maybe that's why Eleanor chose me over her. Maybe. I miss Eleanor. I know I just saw her yesterday but that little time together just made me miss her more than I did before, somehow. I think she feels the same. I think it's best to stay here for now though. Three guesses as to why that is. Ding ding ding. Livi. I don't know if she knows we're back together but it's best if she thinks we aren't. With me in Canada maybe we can postpone the collapse of frog and humankind a little longer. I wonder if Livi's actually going to do it. I mean, she says she will. But it's been months. I wish I could look to the future and see if everything's going to work out.

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