Chapter 33

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The summer arrived and ended just as quick as the last. Madeline felt someone waking her up around 3 am, she opened her eyes, seeing Elizbeth, her maid. She groaned, throwing her head back against the pillow.

"It's time already?" She asked, Elizbeth nodded.

"Yes, your father asked me to wake you up." Elizbeth said, Madeline rubbed her eyes, and stood up. Madeline freshened up in the bathroom, and once she walked out, she saw that Elizabeth had already set out her clothes. A pair of black trousers, and a white buttoned down with a long black shirt underneath. 

"So, the quidditch world cup, I heard it's going to be fun." Madeline turned around, wondering if she had heard that right, Elizabeth stood there smirking at her, as she pulled on the white buttoned down.


"The quidditch match, it's going to be fun right?" Elizabeth asked again.

"How do you-"

"Michael. You do know I'm married to him?" Elizabeth asked, she raised her left hand, showing a sliver ring, with a large round diamond.

"Really?" She asked, Elizabeth nodded.

"You're a muggle though, right?" Elizabeth nodded again.

"I never knew, how did I never know?" Madeline asked, as she sat down for Elizabeth to do her hair. Elizabeth chuckled.

"Michael told me not to say anything till we were married, we got married in august." 

"Wow, congratulations." Madeline said, as Elizabeth started brushing her hair.

"How did you know that I was a witch?" She asked, 

"When you mentioned Draco Malfoy your first year, back in December." Elizabeth said, Madeline was still shocked as Elizabeth put her hair up into a neat bun, and then put some light makeup on Madeline to hide the dark circles from her face. 

"Your father thought it would be rude to wake everyone up to make you two breakfasts at this hour, so I made you a bagel egg and cheese sandwich." Elizabeth said, pointing to Madeline's nightstand where she hadn't noticed was the sandwich on a napkin.

"Thank you," Madeline said, as she slipped on black leather boots. Elizabeth nodded as she bowed before leaving. She wrapped the napkin around the sandwich and walked down to the entrance of the castle, where her father, brother, and the three guards stood. 

"You ready?" Her father asked, she nodded, taking the last bite of her bagel before stuffing the tissue into her trouser pocket. 

"I'm so excited!" Eiljah said, rocking back and fourth on his heels. Madeline wondered why he had so much energy. 

"Yeah, let's get going." She said, Michael stepped forward, Madeline noticed the sliver wedding band on his hand.

"We have a portkey waiting outside, your majesty." He said, William nodded, since Michael had already explained what it was to them the night before. They walked outside seeing a hair comb on the ground, it started ticking, and Michael shouted at everyone to gather around it and put one finger on it. They made it with three seconds to spare, they felt like someone had put a hook on their navel, lifted them off the ground, and spun in a circle. Madeline could feel her shoulder bumping between her father's and Jacksons.

"Let go!" Michael shouted,

"What?" William shouted, 

"Let go!" They all let go, and landed on their backs, groaning.

"Thank goodness, I didn't put my crown on just yet." William said, sitting up, before being helped up by Jackson.

"You, okay?" Michael asked Madeline as he offered her his hand. She took it nodding.

"That was better than apparting." Michael chuckled nodding.

"Hey, how come you never said you were dating Elizabeth! No less got married! You know how shocked I was!" Madeline asked, punching him jokingly in the arm, Michael didn't even flinch, throwing his head back as he laughed.

"I thought you knew! She was your maid!"

"She never mentioned it! You know what it's too early to yell at you, I'm sleepy." She muttered, shaking her head. Michael smiled as they started their small walk to the camp site. After getting interrogated by a muggle camp worker, that had no clue the quidditch world cup was happening, they were led inside. 

Madeline had never seen so many different kinds of wizards and witches in one place, some as young as two playing with their parent's wands or riding broomsticks that hovered two feet in the air. There were tents of different sizes, some even had windows, but their tent was the largest.

"Wow, all this for us?" Eliajah asked, his father shrugged.

"I wanted to be comfortable, I've never been camping." He said, as Jackson held open the tent flap for them, and lead everyone in. The tent had two floors, five bedrooms, a living room, and a large kitchen. She walked into the kitchen wondering if there was any food, as William put his large crown on top of his head, and ushered Madeline and Eiljah to do the same. She signed, grabbing the box from April, and pinning it to the top of her head.

"Ah! King Ayer! Your here!" She heard someone say, she turned around, seeing the minister of magic with a Bulgarian man. Eiljah and Madeline looked at each other, both deciding it was going to be a long time before they would go to the match. They sat down on the couch, turning the TV on.

"Hello Fudge." He said, standing up. He shook fudges hand, and introduced himself to the other man, who turned out to be a minister for a different country, who couldn't speak English. 

It went on for hours, someone coming in to say hello, including a red headed man with glasses, who was almost jumping up and down talking to William, along with his son who Madeline recognized as Percy Weasley.

"You two are dating too?" Madeline shouted, once she noticed April and Jackson whispering to each other, he leaned down and kissed April's forehead. Jackson's blue eyes landed on her, smiling.

"It's new, your highness,"

"Everyone is getting together and not telling me. It's because I go to Hogwarts, I'm missing all the gossip over here." She said, shaking her head, making the group laugh. Michael looked at his wrist watched, as the two ministers walked into the tent.

"The match is about to start, your majesty." Fudge said, William nodded standing up. The two siblings stood up and took their places next to their father. He offered Madeline his arm, and she took it before they walked out the tent, and to the match.

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