Chapter 47

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The news that Madeline and Draco were dating spread faster than anyone could ever imagine. 

"There should be more interesting news then me and Draco." Madeline huffed, as she looked at the group of fifth year Hufflepuff girls whispering and pointing at them in the great hall.

"Because that's the most interesting news since Potter became the fourth champion." Blaise answered, as Draco walked into the great hall. He sat down next to Madeline, putting an arm around his new girlfriend.

"Why are you so grumpy this morning?" He asked, she glared at the Hufflepuff table.

"People, talking, gossip." She answered,

"You know you are a princess; you literally sneeze, and it's plastered everywhere," Theo explained to her, Madeline blinked shaking her head.

"I know that!"

"Then you know how this stuff works! Am I the only one with a brain around here?" Theo asked, Daphne raised her eyebrows at him.

"You're the only exception of course." Theo added quickly, she smirked.

"That's what I thought." Daphne said, sitting up straighter in her seat. Elijah walked to the Slytherin table, sitting across from Madeline, and squeezing between Daphne and Theo.

"Oh great, your here." Theo muttered, glaring at Elijah.

"Oh, great you're still annoying." Elijah snapped, before turning his gaze to Madeline.


"Elijah?" Madeline said, he looked between Madeline and Draco, his eyes gazing over Draco's arm that was still on Madeline's shoulder.

"So, it's true you two are going out." Elijah said, Madeline nodded.

"Do mum and dad know?" 

"I will tell them when I want too," Elijah nodded, rubbing his chin.

"Hm, so I have leverage over you, got it." Madeline gave Elijah a murderous look.

"Just joking, just joking. Shesh no one has a sense of humor here." Elijah said, shaking his head. 

"Maybe your just not funny." Theo said,

"Maybe your just ugly." 

"You little piece of sh-"

"He's 12! He's 12!" Daphne shouted grabbing Theo's hand, as Theo tried to go for Elijah's neck.

"Age is just a number,"

"And azkaban isn't that long." 

"One day, you will see I am old enough for you Daphne." Elijah said before standing up and walking over to the Hufflepuff table.


Madeline and Draco walked back from the library, as a group of girls passed by, the group glanced back at them over their shoulders. Draco rolled his eyes at them, as they turned the corner and walked away.

"They'll figure out something else to talk about soon enough." Madeline signed, Draco agreed, before he looked around the hallway, seeing that they were alone. 

"I mean we are alone now," Draco said, Madeline looked up at him confused, before realizing what he had meant. Draco already cupped her face and had his lips against hers. Madeline grinned against them, as they stared walking backwards.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that," Draco whispered, as his hands gripped her waist, Madeline gasped as her back hit the wall, but it was cut short when Draco's lips were on hers again. Her fingers ran through Draco's hair, she never would have thought Draco's hair was so soft, after all he put so much gel in it for two years.

Madeline could barely think with the feeling of Draco's hands running down her sides, and torose. He pressed his knee between Madeline's thighs. Madeline ran her hand down Draco's back, and over his torso.

Draco hummed against her lips, as he felt Madeline's nails scratching the back of his neck. Draco's lips travelled down Madeline's jaw, and neck leaving open mouthed kisses against her. Madeline was sure that she was overheating.

As if his kisses weren't doing enough, his hips were pressing against Madeline's. His hand went under her shirt, his fingertips gliding over her skin. 

"Draco," She gasped, her head falling back. She pressed her hips against Draco's, grabbing his belt loops and pulling him closer, but then she felt his freeze.


"Someone's coming," he said, before taking a step away from Madeline. They straightened up, barley finishing as they saw a group of third years walking by. They shared glances when they saw them. Madeline looked at Draco who signed, both deciding to head to the common room, the moment was over, and they both knew it. Draco slipped his hand into Madeline's and walked down the common room.

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