Chapter 105

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"Draco," Michael said walking into the drawing room. Draco looked up, drawing his eyes away from the card game him, Madeline, Daphne, Theo, and Blaise were playing. 


"There's a ministry official here to see you." He could feel the whole table stiffen, there eyes on Michael. Draco shook his head, putting his cards face down.

"But I already gave my statement to the auror's. They said I was free to go, Potter testified for me." Draco explained.

"That's not what they're here about. They said something about the Malfoy Manor." Draco's breathed relieved and stood up.

"I'll be back," he told the table. He followed Michael out of the drawing room, they walked down to the guard's room, the one Jackson had created. The man sat on the couch, talking to April, who looked like he'd love to be anywhere but here.

"Well, if you're ever free to go grab coffee-"

"My husband loves coffee; I should go ask him to get some." She said, Michael cleared his throat, drawing the man's attention, April looked relieved as she excused herself and walked out of the break room. 

"So, Mr. Malfoy's, I'm Mr. Peterson." He said, offering them his hand, they shook Mr. Peterson's hand before they sat down on the couch with Mr. Peterson across from them. He took out a large white envelope and slid it across the table. 

"Now that your father is in Azkaban for life, the ministry has decided to take away all his assets. Originally the will said that all your parent's money was going to be equally divided between the two of you, but once Mr. Michael Malfoy was disowned all the money and the manor are going to go to Mr. Draco Malfoy-"

"But I did the same thing my brother did. How do I still have the money?" Draco asked,

"I don't have any knowledge about that. There's also Mrs. Bellatrix Lestrange, since she didn't have any children, she wrote in her will that all her and her husband's money go to you, so that makes you the new owner of 3.7 billion galleons." Mr. Peterson rubbed the back of his head, leaning back in his seat.

"I don't want there money. Especially not my father's." Draco muttered, starting to stand up, Michael grabbed his arm, forcing Draco to sit back down.

"Hold on Draco. Take the money."

"Why should I? His money...disgusts me. The man who made me a death eater, the man who's ruined my life! You've seen my back Michael! You've seen how scarred it is and look at your face! He gave you that! This money feels disgusting! It feels dirty! I don't want it." 

"I know what he's done but you deserve this money, after all you've been through. After everything that man put you through, use that money for something good, spite him with it. Like donate something Lucius some muggleborn charity! I don't know! But you can do something with it or keep all of it and live a happy life." 

"If I take it, then I'm giving you half."

"I don't want it."

"That's my condition. I can do that right?" Draco asked Mr. Peterson, he nodded.

"It's your money kid, you can do whatever you want with it. I just need you to sign here." He opened the white envelope, and took out a quill from his briefcase, he slid them over the coffee table. Draco picked up the quill, reading over the will before he signed his name.

"You also have to go to the Malfoy Manor and reclaim it. The ministry has cleared all of it, but you need to go down there." Draco nodded as the three of them stood up. 

"Thank you for your time." Mr. Peterson said, as the door swung open. Jackson and April walked in, Jackson rubbed his hands together, staring at Mr. Peterson. 

"Mr. Peterson, I heard about you from my wife," he said, walking up to Mr. Peterson. Mr. Peterson swallowed nervously, looking between Jackson and the door. 

"Oh, Jackson yes...nice to meet y-" Jackson narrowed his eyes at him, Draco bit back a chuckle as he watched Michael get between them.

"Mr. Peterson let me show you the door." He said, 

"Yes please," Michael led Mr. Peterson out of the breakroom, and Draco said goodbye to a scowling Jackson before walking upstairs to the drawing room. His friends were talking around the table, there cards still untouched.

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