The Tension

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The sunlight is shining directly into my eyes, and my eyes flutter. I wake up and I see a modern wooden table that isn't mine. I immediately start thinking about what I did last night. Suddenly I feel something on my waist.

I move the bedsheet just a little to see what it is, and it turns out it's the perfect answer to what I did last night. I turn to see who it was and damn it, it starts coming back to me. All of it. How perfect last night was, how he made me feel, how seductive his touch was. He would be my first choice if I wanted to have a serious relationship. But I guess not every guy wants what he wants.

"Time to sneak out," I think to myself.

I pull aside his hand smoothly and slip out of bed. I pick up my heels, look for my jacket, and walk out of the room. As I slip one on my heel in my foot, my eyes get called by a photo frame of him and a woman on the kitchen counter. At that moment, all I could think was, He's married? That's why I'll never have a serious relationship again.

Even though people say they're committed to their wives and husbands, they'll still try to get into each other's pants. It was just another reason to get out of there faster. I go outside. Call a cab and go back to my apartment and my roommate. Natalia.

When I reach my place, I open the door and I see her sitting on the couch looking furiously at me like I've committed a crime.

"Where the h*ll were you?" She says.

"I was up all night thinking something bad happened to you. Can't you call me? Or did you forget to use your phone?"

"My phone! F*ck! I left my phone at his house."

Suddenly, she changed her reaction to the whole thing.

"YOU HOOKED UP?" Says Natalia.

I walk to the kitchen counter to grab a bottle of water as I ask her, "What the h*ll am I going to do, Nat? I left my phone back at some stranger's place! How am I going to get it back?"

"Well... You could go back to the bar where you first met. Maybe he comes back just to give you your phone."

"You don't understand, Nat. I can't go back there." I say.

"Did you sneak out again? Are you crazy, Angelica? How many hearts are you gonna break?" She says, a little louder.

PS. She and I are both on two hella different roads, yet we both love each other as if we're some long-lost sister reunited in a new state.

"Trust me, he's not one of those guys," I say. He was, somehow, a different person.

"Different? She asks. How does any man differ from the other, Angie? You can't do this to guys."

"All right, Fine! Gosh. I'll go back. Happy?" I surrender.

"We both know it's the right thing to do," she says confidently.

"Can I go now? I don't like to miss the first day of work," I say.

"All right, Mom. Try not to have fun," she says. She's unbelievable. Yet she's amazing. I laugh and slip into the bathroom to have a long hot bath. As my hands move around my body, I start having flashbacks of last night. Those fingers, those lips, those crazy a*s abs, Broad shoulders. Why am I thinking about him? Sure, it was a night that every other person dreams of but. Why? Why couldn't I keep him out of my mind?

Maybe a good first day of a new job will help me to keep him out of my mind. I get dressed, grab my car keys, and drive to "Cooper Inc".

I never thought I would be working in a big company like this one, but here I am. Life can be sweet and a big bitch at the same time. I reach the parking lot, which seems to be full, like at a concert or something. He must have more than 5,000 employees. To be honest with you?

I've never seen what the most famous Ethan Cooper looks like. I'm not his assistant or anything. So it's not going to be a problem. I walk through the big glass door with confident steps, as I've been working here for ages. I walk to the reception and ask for Jonathan Ramsey who hired me in the first place.

The blonde woman looks at me up and down for I do not know what reason, but she asks me to wait for 5 minutes. I sit back and do what she says. I wait for 6-7 minutes and then another blonde comes over. Ms Angelica? Mr Ramsey will see you now. Please follow me. I'll follow her to the elevator to the 31st floor.

The elevator opens up and I see men and women walking, dressing formally, no one chit-chatting around the corner. It looked like a crime scene where everyone was focused on capturing evidence and catching the culprit. She takes me to a room and tells me to go inside and that Mr Ramsey will be in a minute.

I walk inside and I see this big organized room, windows instead of walls, marble floor, and desks well cleaned and organized. There wasn't even a pen out of its place. I sit in the chair in front of the desks and wait for Jonathan Ramsey to come. I guess he must be Ethan Cooper's assistant.

I'm looking for a surveillance camera, but there's none. How can such a big company not have a security camera? Well, there's no harm in peaking around, is it? The door opens just as I'm about to touch and look into the file sitting right at the corner of the desk. I extract my mission and start combing my hair with my hand as if I'm doing nothing.

"There's a security camera there, Ms May. You can't see them. I shook my head. That voice. It's so similar. So similar, it's almost like... It can't be true, can it?"

"This is a big place. I get up and turn around to see if it's true or not. Once I do, I start to shiver to my very core. Jonathan Ramsey, Ethan Cooper's assistant manager, was my one-night stand."

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