Why'd She Do It?

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"That can't be true. I..." I was in shock, and I knew this shock would stay forever because...Even if it was Nat, she...she would never do it...She loves her mother more than anything in the fucking world. She..

"Time's running, Ms May. You better tell me something after I come back from the hospital," Rick says.

"Wait, I'm coming with you."

"Ms May, you're not an investigator or a police officer or some type of detective. How can you possibly?.."

"If you take me with you, I might be a big help because if the person causing all of this is someone I know, that may help you crack this case."

Rick was anxious. He was eager to know the answers, and he knew as stubborn as I am, I have to get something to give something.

He took a long pause before loading his gun.

"If something goes sideways, you'll end up behind bars, both of you."

The other officer unlocked Ethan's handcuffs and I got up myself, both of us now following Rick. When we all got into his car, I was sitting in the backseat, Rick was obviously driving, and Ethan was in the passenger.

The air in the car was awkward. All of us were just praying for this time to pass sooner. I thought of breaking this tension, but it wasn't my place to do so.

"I'm sorry, Rick," Ethan said, slowly avoiding eye contact.

"For what?"

"For Rita."

"You're not allowed to speak her name, Mr Billionaire. You don't deserve it."

"Maybe, Maybe not. I always think about her, you know. It burns my heart to think if I helped and supported her enough, she wouldn't be...You know. I always question myself if I really was faithful to her. Where it went wrong. But in the end, I land on one conclusion."

"She's not here anymore, so it doesn't matter."

Rick focused on driving his car instead of Ethan's apology. He knew Rick wasn't trusting a single word he was saying. And there was only one way he could make him believe.

"Fine," Ethan says and starts unbuttoning his shirt.

"What the hell are you doing?" Asks Rick diverting his eyes.

"You think I'm still screwing you off, don't you? Look then."

"I'm driving, and I simply don't want to."

"Just pull over and look."

Rick scoffed and finally pulled over. As he does, Ethan asked him to search on his skin for any unusual skin abnormality.

Finally, his eyes land on his scar.

"So you have a scar? So what?"

"Inspect," he says.

He scoffs and did what Ethan asked him to do. As soon as he did, I could almost see Rick's jaw-dropping.


"Yes, you know this type of unusual, pre-made knife belonged to Rita. She kept it for her safety because you were the one who gave it to her. You can't deny the fact when you retrieved the knife, her fingerprints were all over it. You can't deny that my house is highly secured with cameras and you know she was the one who attacked me first."

"I attempted to control her rage, but she ended up falling off the stairs and hitting the rocks in the garden."

"You saw it all. You kept the truth about Rita's health hidden from everyone."

Okay, that explained a lot. I thought Ethan was the one behind his 'Not recognized by the internet' or had any info on him. But...this was fucked up.

"I loved her, Rick. No one could have ever loved her the way I did. But you blamed it all on me."

The awkward silence was forming again. But there wasn't time to get emotional.

"Okay, we can surely do this later, but right now? We have to go!" I say, almost screaming at them.

Rick was looking at me, all confused, but he knew we had to do this, so both the men shook their heads and Rick started driving again, while Ethan buttoned up his shirt again.

We reached the hospital after a few minutes, and we rushed towards Mrs Polinski's room. The doctors were still rushing, trying to control her breathing. She was...her...er condition was terrible. It felt like being stabbed...again and again.

I stayed behind while Rick talked to one doctor. I could overhear them. He told Rick that her condition was critical and the chances of her survival were...none.

She was barely breathing. And all I could see was darkness in front of my eyes. Like I was finally on my way over to hell. Even if I knew that, I did nothing. I still had flashbacks....flashbacks of...

"Angelica!" I came to my senses and I realised Mrs Polinski was shouting my name.

I ignored the doctors and rushes towards her side.

"Angelica, no!" Ethan shouted and Rick tried to get a whole of me, but I slipped right through his grip.

I bent down on one knee and held her hand slowly, not scaring her more than she already was.

"Mrs Polinski, I'm here. I'm here."

"An...Angelica.. Love. I..I failed her."

"W..who did you fail?" I asked because I needed to be sure before jumping to conclusions.


"No, Mrs Polinski, you didn't fail her. You could never fail her. She's...she's perfect,"

"I'm...sorry I didn't tell....you before..dear.."

"Tell me what?" She was now wheezing and barely breathed. I caressed her hand to make her feel safe.


"Mrs Polinski, rest, don't speak.. you.."

Just before I could finish my sentence, she took her last breaths. The beeping on the machine went flat. Ethan walked over to me and dragged me.

He guided me outside the room where the doctors took her soulless body away, and I couldn't even divert my eyes from hers until they closed them.

We stood there in the corridor for a few seconds and Rick was already alerting all units that there might be danger roaming around the city.

"I need some air," I say while I rushed out of the hospital. Ethan tried to follow behind, but he instantly got a call.

I rushed outside, and it was pouring. I walked in circles, trying to figure out why she did what she did.

And I finally shouted, looking up at the night sky.


When suddenly, I got a text.

I unlocked my phone, and the text was from an unknown number.

It was a photo of Natalia, tied up in a chair with her mouth covered my a cloth.

"If you want to keep her alive, follow the directions and she may live."


R? Wh...Roger? How...How is that possible? He was in the asylum.

Not wasting time, and without looking back, I got into Rick's car and drove to the location he had sent.

Little did I know, Ethan was already running after me to tell me that Roger was cut out by someone from the asylum.

But I was already on my way to get captured and trapped.

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