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"Are you sure you don't know who that is?" Asks Nat.

"Of course," I reply. I don't know how they got my number or who this person is. All I know is I won't give a damn about it.

"Well, as stupid as it sounds, it can be your secret lover who texted you from his office."

"Wait what? Do you think Jonathan is texting me?" I ask.

"Well, given you two having the worst tension in the whole history today, he might want to have one last fling with that body of yours."

"I seriously can't realise if you're just being nice or being flirty," I say as I make my way to my room.

"Oh, come on, you know it's true." She follows up behind me.

I slip into bed and look at that text again. I see Nat leaning against the door, crossing her arms and looking straight at me.

"Okay, jokes apart," Whoever he is, don't try to do something foolish, okay? You've got a great life and a nice job now. You can't have distractions. If you want a relationship, be in a real one".

"Can I go to sleep now?"

Nat scoffs and rolls her eyes at me before switching off the light and storming off.

I get up, close the door, and jump into bed once again. I put my phone on charging and fall asleep as soon as I shut my eyes.

——- Next morning ——-

I can't believe I'm having a daily fixed routine. My life officially sucks. I stop at the coffee shop before driving to work. People here are really nice, not to mention including the sexiest personality. I could eat vanilla cream off of any person who let me.

The guy at the shop passes a smile and slips out a note as well. I walk out and look at the note with his number.

"Looking good today xx,"

Really? I throw the number in the dustbin right at the corner of the shop. I get inside my car and start driving. Working at Cooper Inc. has been pretty nice so far. Excluding blondes, everyone throws massive respect for other staff members.

I'm not saying blonde women are the worst, I'm just saying that some are. Mai opens the door of my office, breathing heavily.

"You have to attend this meeting today." "What?" I ask. Mrs Davis is having a problem at her house today. She was given the order to conduct today's meeting with the ambassadors of "Cleveland company".

She can't come in today and you're the only one with a post closely lower than hers. But today's only my first day. I start to panic a little. Here are the files, prepare all of em, the meeting starts in 2 hours. She storms off.

"Okay. I take my words back". But I guess this is a part of being employed.

Getting your as*es f*cked every day! I got through all the papers, taking all the information in. Without realising what the time is, I gather my stuff and move to the meeting hall. I open the door and I see Jonathan sitting in the far chair. There's only one chair left for me to sit, right next to him.

I greet all the Ambassadors and smile at them while making my way to my seat. I look to my left side. There's a black file sitting on the table, unprotected. I couldn't help but wonder what's in this file.

"Did you prepare?" I snap out of my imaginative world and look over at Jonathan.

"Yes, I think I did," I answer. Don't screw it up.

The door opens and, wow.

The very own Ethan Cooper comes in. And I can't say that I'm surprised, but the man is known for his attractive figure. Not only that, his eyes, his masculine body, and the way he presents himself always make women around him weak in the knees. He's the type of person even Rapunzel would want. He's got this aura about him that makes every woman feel stuff they only feel when they're touching themselves, as they know how to. I get hypnotised by his preference.

All the ambassadors stand up as if he's the president and show him their utter respect. I start to follow them, but Jonathan grabs my hand, stopping me. I look at him in confusion as he stares at the far end of the room where Ethan is. I sit back and wait for Ethan to take his place in the room as well.

Suddenly, my phone starts to vibrate. Again and again and again. With the continuous pattern. A few members' eyes fall on me, while I quickly set my phone on "Do not disturb".

Ethan clears his throat and his eyes stare into mine. "Your call, Ms May."

Everyone in the room looks at me. My heart starts pounding rapidly. It's like someone's reaching down my stomach and taking out all the intestines from my mouth. With enough courage, I stand up and initiate representing the slides in front of the businessmen, as so time passes. Shaking hands, all the rich men make their way outside, followed by Jonathan. I gather up my things and walk towards the door. It slides open before me. It was Ethan.

He stands right in front of me, looking into my eyes as if he's looking at the whole freaking world. He brushes his bottom lip one time as he crosses his arms, allowing me to speak. Is-is there something wrong? I ask.

"Your presentation was good, but the only thing that I won't allow in this company is gossiping through text or any other thing." It's the only situation I'm pretty bold at handling.

Bold at handling? What the h*ll does he mean by that? What? Is he a gangster or something?

Do h*ll with this. "I'm sorry, sir, it won't happen again." He pauses.

Looking around the room as if he said something he shouldn't have. Good. He says as he closes the door behind him. I scoff and check my phone. I deserve to know whom the f*ck is screwing with my new job. 27 freaking texts from the same as*hole, whom I ignored yesterday.

The last text says, "You know where to meet me!" I get angry as I realised who it was. I storm off to his office and open up the door angrily. He was looking at his files. I go to him close enough to snatch his files and throw them on the table. I flash him the phone with the chats open.

"Do you think this is professionalism? Huh?" Jonathan looks at the phone and then looks at me. I'm gonna ask you once, Ms May. What do you think you're doing? What am I doing? Just look what are you doing! "YOU KNOW WHERE TO MEET ME?" Who talks like that?! Just stop texting me or else I'll file a complaint against you. I turn and I start walking without letting him defend.

"Well, I do appreciate your time coming here and screaming at me for no reason." You can go ahead and file that complaint. I turn around in confusion.

"Because it isn't me." Another text pops up. "Don't scream at him darling, go to your office and look out the window."

I rush to my office without answering his question, bumping into the staff as if someone's following me and I'm running away from them. I slide the curtains and look down into the crowd.

After a lot of searching and mostly giving up, I get a glimpse of a person whom I've seen before. And I see.


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