Who Sold The Story?

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"What? What the hell are you talking about?" I ask Ethan.

"Someone..." He paused and covered his face in his hands.

I was still going through every single bit of what was written. Everything was there, every single fucking thing! Where we always met, in which part of the building I was working in, what were my hours? Everything.

"Who the hell could have done this?" I ask, frustrated.

I looked over at Ethan. He was tensed, a lot tensed. I go over to him and try to calm him down.

"Look, Ethan, I..."

"Maybe this is not so bad," he says.


"Yeah," He turned his body towards me and took my hands in his. Ethan was staring deep into my eyes, which were giving me chills.

"Angelica, Honestly? I do care about my reputation. What I've built so far, I don't want to lead into a complete waste. And if the news was out with another woman, I would have done anything in my power to make it a false accusation, but.."


"But it's you, Ms May." Ethan cupped my face and made his forehead touch mine.

"What I said earlier, I wasn't screwing around. I wanna marry you, Ms May."


I was shocked, so fucking shocked, that I froze in that position for minutes. He was asking me to fucking marry him! I mean...I don't know. I just stared at him, numb.

"Ms May, don't stress yourself. You don't have to answer right away. Just know that. I'm willing to do anything to be with you, always."

Ethan captured me in a soothing, sensually soft kiss. This one was so delicious that it made me turn on again. After a few long moments, we drift apart.

"You know you're still naked," I smile and I say to Ethan.

"Well...I better get dressed then."

"Don't. I like you like this."

"Is that so?" He tilts his head a little, caressing my lips with his thumb.


"Well, I better keep my position then,"

"What..no..Ethan!" He picks me up and throws me to the bed again for round 2.

Late at night, after dinner, we planned to go back to California the first thing in the morning. I was still asleep when I heard some noises.

I opened my eyes and find that Ethan wasn't there. Getting up, I walk towards the balcony and find him talking on the phone with someone.

"Just find out who it was, and get back to me whenever you can."

I figured he was talking to his 'hired spy' or something, wanting to know who bombarded the news.


He looked at me and changes his entire personality from tensed to 'Totally in love with you' one.

"You okay?" I walk towards him, wrapping my arms around his waist and hiding my face in his broad chest.

"I'm fine, Ms May."

"Who was on the call?"


"Rick? Why would he call you at this hour?"

I step back to see right into his eyes.

"Apparently, someone knows about what happened between me and Rita. There's an illegal site called 'What they don't show', or something like that. An unknown publisher published the entire article about it."

"Wha..what happened then?"

"Well, thanks to Rick's tech authorities, they took it down the second it was posted."

"I'm sorry. I know it must be hard for you."

"I...I'll manage. It's what I'm doing so far, anyway." He spun his body to see the view of Vegas, thinking I might leave him now, but I didn't. I hugged him from behind, placing my head on his bare back, and kissing it.

"It's gonna be fine, Mr Cooper. I know."

"Heh, it's been long since I heard my name from your mouth like that, Ms May."

"Is it? I can't recall."

Ethan faces me and kisses me on my cheek.

"Let's get back to bed. We have an early flight tomorrow."

"Well, can I...ask you something first?"

"Anything, Ms May," he says while moving some flicks of my hair behind my ear.

"What'll happen at work?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean...What'll happen if everyone sees us...together? Wouldn't they..you know... you know?"

"Do you care about them?" He asks in a dominant voice.

"I...barely know them, so, no, I don't care."

"You have your answer, then."

I was still confused about what'll happen at work, and it was already the next morning and we were about to land in 15 minutes. While we were reaching the airport, my heartbeat was getting more intense every second. Ethan was sitting right next to me, even before he could tell what I was going through.

He looked at me, leaned in and kissed my neck, making it sensitive.

"It's going to be alright, Ms May."

We get ready for landing and as soon as we get out of the jet, I see a lot of reporters, cameras, and even fucking journalists, holding their mics and trying to talk to both of us.

Ethan's 'bodyguards' were already there, trying to hold them back.

I knew Ethan was famous, but this much? This is crazy.

He helps me get into the car and drives off straight towards Cooper Inc.

The 'paparazzi' was already there, waiting for us, but luckily, none of them could access the private parking area, so we drove straight there.

As we entered the building, we walked in together. Every worker and employee was staring at us like we just did a crime. Some blondes were even showing absolute resentment. I wouldn't blame them.

The feeling I was getting was....worst. I was feeling sick now. All this attention and staring, I couldn't bear it.

Suddenly, Ethan stopped in the mid main hall.


"What are you doing?" I ask him.

He ignored me and continued speaking to his Employees.

"First, good morning. I hope each one of you is doing great. I'm just going to keep it simple and short. What Ms Angelica May and I have is between us and not all of you. If you can't respect someone's privacy, consider respecting Ms May's. I wouldn't want to open the footage to every storage room or restroom we have in this building and find out what I don't need."

"I hope you all have a great day."

Just like that, Ethan holds my hand and leads me towards his office.

We were about to enter before I see her standing in the corner, staring directly at me.

"You bitch!" I instantly knew it was her doing.

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