Born Again.

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I walk back to the party, clenching my hands. I couldn't take this anymore. I wasn't afraid that 'Roger' was still stalking me. I was afraid that this time it wouldn't do him any good. I was sick and tired of being played every single day of my life. I was so stupid for losing control over what I could do. I knew I could fight, but I got scared and let that bitch try to manipulate me.

But I won't let this happen now, and never again!

"Where did you go?" Ask Natalia.

"Oh, nowhere, I just wanted some air." I revert.

"Are you sure, you?."

"I'm fine, Nat, don't worry." I cut in between her.

"I'm fine, Nat, don't worry." I cut in between her. I just couldn't let anyone see what my genuine emotions are. Apart from the person or 'Roger', who sent that text, they are right about something. I can't trust anyone.

The ceremony starts, and everyone gathers in a big circle as the server brings out this big 5 story cake. I see Jonathan with Juliana. He crosses his gaze on me. I try not to melt in it and pass him a smile instead. I watch Ethan walking towards the cake, passing by every employee as they greet him.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I know I have been pretty strict towards you all, and I have given you something most of you only expect from their family members. That's intolerable tension."

Everyone laughs.

"But let me just speak my heart. I started this company all in good hope and a better future. Initially, it was tough. I had to struggle a lot. All of that seemed to wash quickly after I was appreciated with all of you coming on board."

Everyone claps and some even whistle. He waves his hands downwards as he passes everyone that smirky smile.

"I guess all I'm saying is, I truly appreciate everyone's effort and I hope we will be successful in making everyone's future bright."

"Happy 25th Anniversary of the 'Cooper Inc'"

"Hear, hear!" some of them shout as they all sip their drinks and champagne.

I look at Ethan, who amazingly is watching me as well. He sips his drink as well while toasting me with his glass from a distance. He walks out of the room, which seemed a little weird to me. He should spend time with his colleagues. Where would he leave and why now?

The servers distribute the enormous cake as I finish my drink.

"That went amazingly well, Don't you think?" Says Nat.

"It did actually." I get distracted as I look around for Ethan.

"You...okay?" Ask Nat.

"I'll be back in a second, okay?" I slip out of the conversation again as I begin the search for Ethan. What the hell is this place? Every corner has a door. Is this a hotel, a penthouse? What? I don't care, it's not like I'm gonna live here.

I walk through the corridors and I hear some voices coming out of a room which seemed like a VIP one. I guess my search concluded.

I look around to see if no one followed me. I crack the door to see if it is Ethan or someone else.

As I hear, I see something unusual. I see a shadow through the mirror in front of me, which appears to be standing far behind me in the corner.

I look back and I see no one. I turn around to inspect, hoping that I'm not going baffling, as I walk slowly towards the corner. The door swings open where Ethan was staying.

I jump in shock as Ethan holds me from behind to prevent me from falling. He grabs both my arms and I could hear his breath on my neck. His body was so close to me I could feel every single thing which he was allowing me to get a hold of. He tilts his head slightly towards me, trying to watch me trembling in his touch.

"Were you following me, Ms May?" He asks.

"Um...No, I..." I flutter.

"Is that so? If you weren't following me, what are you doing in this area of the Bungalow?" Ethan whispers in my ear.

It's a bungalow, that's more clear. Is this really what you want to think, Angelica? You've got a hot Ceo on your back, do something!

"I...I was looking for the bathroom." I say.

Wow, nice going.

"Well, the bathroom's all the way to the end of the corridor. You can use the one in my room."

Is he flirting with me? If he is, it's working. Not to mention feeling his hardness through his pants, making my cat feel the same. He moves his hand from my shoulders, caressing my bare skin, to my waist, and goosebumps appear on my skin, as I twitch my legs from keeping myself go out of control. I could feel he wanted to hold me close enough to make me feel things only he knew he could help me feel. Except, he pushes back.

I turn my body to him, avoiding eye contact.

"Are you sure you don't mind?" I ask.

"Of course, Ms May. Do as you please."

He gazes at me one last time before walking away. I push myself back against feeling stupid and horny at the same time. I couldn't help but feel the position we were in a few seconds before. What if instead of exploring my waist, his hands go all the down into my panties and caress the only area he should be in? Rubbing the life out of me as he slides two of his massive fingers inside. Pushing me onto the bed and making me even juicier as he slurps. I touch myself, realising that I'm getting exploded down there. I snap out of my imagination and reniform myself about things that could never happen.

Before I rejoin the party, a thought came into my mind. Why would he give me access to his room? He could have just told me the directions where the bathroom was if I could fool him. So why?

I look inside it, I see everything is in its place with perfect positioning. I look around to see if anyone's watching to not.

And I walk inside.

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