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I drove to the directions Nat sent me. While I was, I kept getting calls from Ethan and from an unknown number, which seemed to be of Rick. Well, I was in violation, but I knew I had to do it.

The location led me to an abandoned warehouse. It was an hour's drive from the hospital.

The area was dense, like the countryside with big empty fields. I get a text again.

"Abandon the car and walk straight for 5 minutes. Before doing that, turn off your phone and throw it away."

Are you kidding me? Ugh, fuck! I banged the wheel, and I climbed out of the vehicle. The signal was pretty bad, so I just kept going forward and looked as if I could find the warehouse Roger was in.

And I did. It seemed like it was abandoned because of a fire or something. The walls and every single material there were all black, with the design you only see after a burned item. There were 3 gates visible to my eyes, the two were locked but one of them was open.

I figured it was Roger's doing. So I just went in straight. It was dark. So fucking dark. It felt like I was in some type of game where I had a blindfold covering my eyes and the lights were purposely off by the participants.

I looked around to see if I could find Roger or anyone. But I don't.

"Okay, Roger. I'm here and I'm fucking alone. You coming out or what?"

There was no answer.

"Roger?! Don't fuck with me!" I screamed with a frustrating note.

Still no answer. I shook my head and covered my face with the warmth of my hands.

Just before I could scream in anger or do something stupid, someone comes running from the shadows. I couldn't figure out who it was before, it was so dark to see anything perfectly. But when the person came right in front of me, visible enough for me, I screamed.

"What the FUCK! Roger?" his eyes were wet, not from teardrops but from blood. He was covered in it.

"What the hell happened?!" I actually tried helping him stand up, and he did so.

"We've got to get you to the hospital." I didn't care what he did, but this was beyond my imagination. Roger was shaking like hell as if he just saw a ghost.

He denied my suggestion and pushed me away. Roger stood in front of me, facing me with a scared and apologetic expression.

"I'm...I'm sorry, Angelica. I know now. W...what it...felt like?"

"W..what?" I ask and suddenly, he stood there, silent, not moving a muscle as if he just got converted into a statue of stone.

"Ro...Roger?" I ask and move my hand towards his shoulder.

I touched him...instead of reacting to my slight pressure, he fell down backwards, exposing....her.

"I told you, Angelica. You had to stay clear of them."

Natalia said, and I could see the knife she was holding. She fucking k...she....

"You killed...Roger?" I ask her, speaking frantically.


"Because they never listen, Angelica!" before she used over to me, there was a blanket on the floor. She picked it up and wrapped it around me.

"I told you, these boys are not worth it. And look, Angelica." Natalia was all excited as if nothing happened. She was jumping, smiling and pretending like it was a normal day in her life.

She knees down towards Roger's body and brushed his hair while gazing into his eyes.

"I told him to stay away from you. But he didn't listen."


"The abandoned house where you went. I was there one day to warn Roger. I knew I had to protect you at all costs, Angelica. You're my friend. I did all of this only for you."

"What the hell do you want, Psycho?" said Roger.

"I want you to stay away from Angelica. Whatever you want, money, food, a place to live. I can provide that for you. But Angelica doesn't need someone as fucked up as you. She's already doing great in life."

Roger walked towards Natalia, staring at her intensely.

"And what makes you think I'll listen to you?"

"I thought you might say this."

Suddenly, she takes out her nice, placing it right at Roger's neck, toying with him.

"Let me ask you again. Will you ever try to stalk Natalia?"

"I'm not afraid of you, bitch. You think this little knife can scare me off?"

"Oooffff, poor choice of words, baby."

She grabbed Roger's hand and slid the knife in from his arm, making the bracelet break off, and leaving him bleeding.

"What the fuck!.. What the hell do!!!"

"This is your last choice. Do it, or die."

Before Natalia could walk away, she turned towards Roger once more.

"I would clean that mess if I were you, who knows what it can lead you to."


"I knew it was the right choice. And it was after that that Ethan's guys found him roaming around the valleys. They thought his condition was caused by a fight with some burglars or something. Little did they know it was the one and only, Natalia Polinski."

"But now." Natalia got up and turned towards me.

"Now we can finally be happy, Angelica. We can finally be the best friends we were! Aren't you happy?"

I was....shocked. I couldn't figure out what was happening. It felt as if I was having this bad dream, but I could not crack it open.

" did all of this, caused all this hurt and pain only to...protect me?"

"Of course, silly. The moment I met Roger and Ethan, I knew they were a dangerous company and they could lead you somewhere you don't want to be. And I knew perfectly that you wouldn't listen to me. So I did what I had to do."

"W..what did you do, exactly, Natalia?"

She didn't say anything, she just smiled at me. She was genuinely taunting me. It was fucking frustrating.

"What the fuck did you do?"

"Let's just say, I killed Jonathan Ramsey," she said.

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