Vacation With Possession.

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"What did you just say?" I ask Natalia.

"I killed him, Angelica. I killed him for you. It was me who caused his accident."

I was shocked at my bitter core. Even if I knew the truth from the start, I didn't want to believe she could harm people like this. I...I wasn't sure what to think and what to not. This was total psychopathic behaviour.

"How could you do this, Nat? Why did you do this?" I ask her, whimpering like a puppy dog.

She came towards me and grabbed both my hands and gazed into my eyes.

"For you! Why else would I do this, Angelica? He was cheating on you. He had this woman in his office when I came to see you. I knew he would hurt you just like Roger did. And I knew you wouldn't listen to me. So I did what I had to do."

Tears were now forming in my eyes. I wasn't taking it well. How could I? She hurt the most understanding and valuable person I could ever meet in my life. And only because of a misunderstanding.

"And what about your mom, huh? Why did she have to die?"

She loses her grip and turns her eyes away.

"I went to see her before all this. I told her what I did to Jonathan. So instead of supporting me, she warned me that if I don't drop this act, she's gonna call the police and doctors on me. She thought I was sick in the head. Can you believe that?"

Natalia's face turned right towards mine, facing me.

"So I did what I had to do."

"What did you do?" I ask not truly wanting to know the answer, but I had to.

"Well, you see, she was about to call you and I had to prevent it somehow. Let's just say her collection of antique knives did the rest."

I cried desperately now. She didn't deserve to go like this. Not like this. Mrs Polinski discovered far better. I...Where am I stuck? I sat down, numb, and was growing desperate to make things right. But I knew it was already too late for that.

"Well, I'm not sure I was okay with Ethan being alive," Natalia added.


"I know about his wife, Angie. That case was assigned to me. You know I'm not only a columnist but also a journalist. But the case was abandoned because of the officer and Ethan himself. I couldn't even if I wanted to."

"But now.. I can!"

"What do you mean you can, Natalia?"

"I was determined to protect you, Angelica. Now that we know the whole truth about each other. Now we can both go away together. She again holds my hands in her, making me feel somewhat secure.

"Now we can both go, travel the world right by each other's side and get what we always wanted! Don't you think?"

"How..How can you possibly think I would go with you after what you've done to me?"

Suddenly, she lost it.

"What the hell did I do, huh, Angelica? What did I do? I wanted to protect you from the world, to protect you from all those fucking playboys who had alongside you. They were going to hurt you and you expect me to just stand there and let them? Did you?" She shouted, almost making me frantically startle.

Suddenly, her whole behaviour changes.

"W...I...I'm so sorry, Angelica." Now she was speaking in a smooth shooting tone. "I didn't mean to shout at you, Angie.. You know that, right?" She says while she comes forward to hug me.

"I'll never ever try to hurt you... you know that, right? I just want to protect you from the world at all costs." While she was saying these fucked up words, I couldn't help but look over Roger's motionless body.

He was a fucked up guy and he probably got what he deserved, but not like this. Not fucking like this. I was broken to my bitter core. I had no one now. I was stuck here with her, with no way out.

At that moment of surrender, I heard them.

The siren of the police cars. Before I could shout and scream for help, Natalia placed a gun just right in front of my heart and signed me to keep my mouth shut.

I had to do what she was asking. Natalia smiled devilishly and guide me outside the warehouse. It was through a small passageway behind some cardboard boxes. No one could easily find it.

We went out, and she had her armour placed behind my back.

"Keep moving," she says in a growling voice.

"I..I am, I am. Can you just tell me what are we going?"

"On a vacation. Where else?"

What the hell did she mean by that? I...Jonathan, please be okay. She doesn't need to know that you're barely clinging to life but, please, don't lose hope. We still have to figure out things between us. We have to, Jonathan. We have to.

Meanwhile, Rick and Ethan and other police officers were already tracking Angelica's phone. They found the warehouse easily with the help of some K-9 dogs.

Ethan rushed inside the abandoned factory and found Roger's body.

"Who the hell is he?" Rick asked.

"Well...It's a fucking long story."

"A part of your cover-ups?"

"Can we please focus on Angelica?"

Rick looked around and commanded the other officers to scavenge the area ASAP.

"Get up. They couldn't have gone far." Rick says to Ethan.

Before he could go away, Ethan's eyes fall somewhere, there was a carton of boxes sitting in the factory's corner and there he saw a small piece of cloth known to him.

"Wait," he says.

Ethan rushed towards the cloth and quickly realised it was a piece of fabric that came with the entire outfit he gave to Angelica the night she stayed with him and had no clothes to wear.

He walked forward to see if there were more pieces of evidence, but he saw the passageway.

"Well done, Angelica, just hand in there. I'm coming."

"Hey! Ethan! Where do you think can't go like this..." Rick warned Ethan from behind, trying to catch up to him.

"I have to save her," Ethan says while crossing the passageway, desperate to save Angelica.

"Fuck, Everyone! Just get your asses running. I don't want to see another body tonight! Move it." Rick ordered his men to hunt and joined them, too.

While Natalia and Angelica were already...halfway through.

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