Jay Found A 'Friend'.

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Apparently, Jay was drinking her friend for breakfast like a vanilla milkshake.

"Oh, My....God! Jay!"

Jay cleans her wet mouth as the other girl straightens her legs while putting on her shorts.

"Sorry guys. I was just having breakfast."

"You're a tease, aren't you?" The attractive woman says, and she continues tonguing Jay.

"We'll leave you two alone," I say while almost feeling embarrassed, and turn to walk away.

"Lock the door, Jay. Who knows whose morning you're gonna spoil."

She ignores Mai and continues eating her new lover.

Mai catches up to me in the hall and we both stay silent for a while. Trying to get the image out of our heads.

"Well, that was...um..."

"Let's not speak of this again?" I say.

"You got it."

And we both went to join the others for breakfast. Hailey and Stella were already drooling over the attendants. I gotta say, they all had an attractive personality. But none of them was my 'type', except...him.


I see him serving some woman drink by the pool. Every single one of them was drooling over him. They sure were hungry for his lips and his touch, not to mention his fingers. I could somehow feel he had a big bone, too.

I was staring at him as if he and I had already had this unbreakable connection. Suddenly, I figured Mai, and the others were calling my name.

"Anna?! ANNA!"


"Could you be more specific?!" Mai says while eyeing me.

"About what?"

"You know, about that lover boy of yours. You know you do it."

"Oh, shut up Mai!"

"Wait...do what? What are we missing?" Stella asked.

"Well, Mrs Cooper here is having some trouble deciding what she truly wants. Oops, correction. Who...she truly wants."

"Look, I always needed Ethan, and I still do. That hasn't been changed. I am in love with him, so can we please drop it?!" I say, a little frustrated now.

"If that's the case, why don't you call him and invite him on this trip?" Hailey says.

Yeah, right? Like I would really bring the only guy I've been with for over 7 months. And I screw that by letting you two meet. I do trust him, but I never trust Hailey when it comes to men. She was the one who slept with Stella's boyfriend on the night they were about to have sex for the first time.

Blamed it all on the guy, broke them off and fucked him for 4 months after.

I usually don't backbitch about anyone, but Hailey is a bitch.

"Look, this trip is only for us girls. We agreed, no men are allowed. So let's just stick to that and have fun," Mai recalls to everyone.

Hailey and Stella smiled briefly and nodded.

"Can someone please tell me where the hell Jay is? She's got my good lipstick and I couldn't find her since yesterday." Stella says.

Mai and I exchanged looks and finally decided to tell them decently.

"She's just having breakfast with a new friend of hers. She said she'll be joining us soon."

"Breakfast? With a new friend?" Hailey questions. "Well, what about us? We're not her pets. She'll leave whenever she wants. She has to be here."

"And there she is," Mai says while pointing in a direction.

Jay and her friend were coming to our table, laughing and teasing each other like children do.

"What the hell is going on here?" Hailey asked while staring at them and sipping her drink awkwardly.

"Like I said...breakfast," I say, signing them with my face, what I meant.

Hailey and Stella realised, and they changed their expressions instantly.

"Oh, Jay," Stella murmured and Mai kicked her on her feet.

"Shut up, she's happy."

Both the girl joins us.

"Hey, Everyone. This is Tara. Tara, these are...well..women."

"Oh, how sweet of you, Jay." Hailey gets frustrated.

"Nice to meet you all," Tara says, and she turns her head towards me. To prevent us from having an awkward moment, I extend my hand.

"I'm Anna. This is Mai, Hailey and Stella."

"Nice to meet you...An-na." She says while gazing deep into my eyes. It felt like she was trying to flirt.

"Hands off her, Tara. she's the fiancee of the most rich guy in this entire universe."

"Ooohh, who would that be?"

"The one and only, Ethan Cooper," Jay tells her and her eyes go wide.

"Oh la la, how come you're here alone on this trip and he's not? I would really much love to see him for myself."

My expression changes. Okay, what the fuck was she talking about? Jay just told her he's my soon-to-be fiancee. How in the hell is she talking about tasting him in front of ME?!

I smile. "Excuse me?"

"Well, I wouldn't want to miss this opportunity of spreading honey all over his body and slurpi-"

"Okay, say another word and I'll rip that tongue off yours and feed them to sucker fishes. That way you'll get at least a few days of continuous sucking, bitch."

I get up and stormed away from there. How the fuck is Jay allowing her to say stuff like this? She just tasted her. Are they having a fling? What the hell was that?

All I knew was that I was devastated. I guess this trip was a bad idea. I never should have come here and left Ethan alone. Taking a deep breath, I take out my phone and dialled Ethan's number.

He wasn't picking up.

I try again, hoping he would pick up...no answer.

"Okay, you've gotta be-"

Suddenly, I bump into Carlo.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Carlo, I.."

"Hey, hey...It's alright." He says while taking out a napkin. Apparently, our clash made him spill a glass of juice on me.

"I should be the one to apologise. Look what I did to your dress."

"Oh, no, it's totally fine." He started cleaning me up.

"Is this okay?"

The cloth he was using was first going down my stomach, on my arm and then right on my collarbones.

"I hope this is okay, too. If we don't get this cleaned up, your body would get sticky." he started applying water to the cloth and then resumes washing me.

He stops.



"We can always have a private swimming pool to wash ourselves." He winks and points in a direction with his eyes.

And then to me.

"What do you say?"

I take a deep breath and....

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