Meds or Sleepwalking?

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Jonathan quickly pulled up his almost-down jeans, and I wore my shirt. We both looked at Nat, confused and embarrassed. We thought she was still sleeping and couldn't have known, but because Nat was awake and she just stood there, watching us get dressed.

Jonathan and I got obviously startled and started getting dressed.

"Natalia, I didn't know you were awake."

"I wasn't. But I just heard some noises from your room, so I went to check up on you."

Noises? We were so silent about doing stuff. How could she possibly hear noises? This wasn't possible, it was too.. I don't know... creepy?

"I think I should get back to my place," Jonathan said, trying to break the silence.

"I'll escort you out," I say. "Do you need something else, Nat? Juice? Sandwich?"

"No, thank you." She looked directly at Jonathan with demon eyes, literally scaring both of us.

"We should all hang out someday," she says.

It was so fucked up. She never reacted the way she was reacting right now. It felt like I was living with a stranger in my house. Her gaze was intense and creepy. Like we were in a serial killer movie and she was the psycho killer.

"Of course, Nat, but right now what you need is rest, not shopping. So, let's get you to your room, okay?"

"Okay, Angie."

She walks away, leaving us alone in the room. I follow behind her, giving Jonathan an apologetic look.

I walk inside Nat's room, and I tuck her in her bedsheets.

"You should be careful Angelica," Nat says.


"Guys like him only know how to use someone like you. You should be careful."

"He's just a friend, Nat. Don't worry."


She says and turns her body to the other side of the room. I scoff a little and walk towards the door, switching off her lights.

"Night, Natalia."

While closing the door behind me, I watch Jonathan coming out of my own.

"I'm sorry I don't..."

"'s okay. Must be the side effects or the medications."


We both walk downstairs because, well, face it, the moment was gone, and it was getting late. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't have gone through it all the way. Nat was still sick, and I would be a total bitch to have sex in a situation like this.

"I'll see you tomorrow at work?"


Jonathan kisses my cheek and forehead.

"Drive safe okay?" I say

He winks and smiles before getting inside his car as I walk towards him, keeping my distance from the car. He drove off and I turn to look around naturally, and I see Nat in her room, staring at us from her window.

"What the.." I think. Okay, there's seriously something wrong with her.

"Nat? Are you okay?" I ask.

She says nothing. She moves back and probably fell asleep again. I went inside the house, directly into my room, locking the door behind me. Natalia was acting like a creep. Like she's getting possessed or something. I don't know, maybe it was the medicines. High painkillers and injections may cause a minor change in behaviour somehow.

But... that was it. It wasn't a small one. She was fine until she saw Jonathan.

I don't know but.... all I knew was that I was fucking scared and she might have been successful in scaring Jonathan away.

Forget this shit. I need to sleep. Before I turn the lights off in my room, I take Nat's journal and put it in my drawer, and after a few minutes or so, I fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up to the whistles. Nat was calling me. I barely got up and looked. It was 6:48 in the morning. Well, I had to get up at 7 anyway so.

I set my path to Nat's room and I open the door. She was sitting on her bed looking all energetic like the 'Real Nat' would look.

"You feeling okay?" I ask.

"More than ever. I didn't mess up your sleep cycle, did I?"

I sit right beside her, scoffing playfully.

"One day doesn't affect my sleep cycle, Nat. What did you need?"

"Oh, I couldn't find my medicines. I must have put them in the kitchen somewhere."

Okay, either she's paying dumb, or I was dreaming about the whole shitty 'Not so caring', Nat. I stared at her for a while, trying to figure out if it was my imagination or something happened.

"Nat, did you come into my room last night? When I was with Jonathan?"

"Wait, Jonathan was here last night? Angie! You should have told me!"

What the? Fuck! I could say she was faking it, but it felt like she really didn't know what happened.

"You don't sleepwalk, do you?" I ask.

"Okay, now you're freaking me out a little. What's going on?" She asks.

I don't know, but it seemed like she did not know what happened last night. The only explanation I could have for this was the side effects. I guess I'll ask the doctor today.

"Nevermind, I'll get it. Do you need anything else?" I say.

"No, just my meds. Can't miss them, can I?"

"Someone's getting responsible." I mock her, trying to change the topic.

"Hey, I was responsible from the start. You made me a bitch."

"Yeah, we'll see. You wanna have breakfast here or you can come down?"

"I guess I'll have breakfast downstairs. My injury is not a severe one. I'm just weak physically."

"Do you want me to help you out?"

"No, I'll manage."

"Alright, see you downstairs."

I went downstairs and on the way I text Jonathan about what information I had just got.

"Do you know she remembers nothing from last night?"


"That was my first question, too."

"It's probably the lack of sleep. Don't think too much."

"Maybe. I guess I'll feel better when I'll ask the doctor myself."

"Sure, and don't forget to complete the project you were going to do."

"Which one?"

"The one we couldn't complete last night."

"We'll see. Later."

I put down my phone and start making some breakfast for us. I just Hope Nat gets better soon. Even after all of this, I still don't want to lose my best friend, no matter what.

Maybe I won't.

Or I will in the worst ways possible.

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