why does everyone want a baby???

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Recap from today:

1. First Eleanor sat down and said she had something she wanted to talk to me about. Then they said they found out that them getting pregnant wasn't something we needed to worry about at all because she couldn't get pregnant. She started crying and demanded to know why I didn't want to break up with her for someone who I could have a family with. I really don't care if she can have kids or not, like, at all. Even if she could, I'm absolutely not ready for that. So like. I was totally fine with that. But she was really upset about it. And I didn't know what to say. Then she told me that Frankie's new baby, Phoebe, is going to be staying here sometimes. And like, sure okay but were you not going to tell me that first? And yeah it's not like we're adopted Phoebe, and she's only going to be here part of the time. But still, I've never taken care of a baby, aside from James, Phe, and Frankie's twins, but Will was there every time I helped with them. I feel incredibly unprepared to be a parent. I literally just finished my first year of high school and the thought of being responsible for a baby makes me want to throw up.

2. Dad admitted that he almost made a Kayla 2.0. With my dad. After the wedding. Like excuse me?? What makes you think that's okay??? YOU were the one that left and now you wanna come back after fifteen years?? Absolutely not.

3. I went to go see Will and when I got back Eleanor was acting weird. She said Silas, Livi, and Ollie had tried to convince her monsters were real. Like?? What??? I literally almost got murdered by one a few months ago, did you forget?? So now Eleanor's upset about that and the thing from earlier and Livi wanting to kill herself and the fact that she can't go to Vie's wedding and she wants to hurt herself and I don't know what to do and I feel like a horrible girlfriend and I'm so overwhelmed I think I might explode. But I can't do that because I'll just make everything worse so screw my life.

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