Chapter 2

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  3 years later, things have been getting better. I've been getting better at what my so called attitude. I haven't been hard on the delta family that I've been living with. I've been coming around calling them mother and father but don't feel so bright about it.
  But today was the day, that I am turning 13 years old and the way the alpha says, I should be shifting soon. Which is great, so I can finally get to run with my father, brother, and best friend.
  As I was walking home, from the park that's down the street from the pack house, my best friend came running at me.
  "Phil what's the hurry for?" I asked.
  "The alpha wanted me to come get you. He said he has a surprise for you." Phil told me.
  I smiled and ran with Phil to the pack house. When we got there, everyone was in the living room. When I took step into the house, everyone had yelled happy birthday to me. I smiled even more when I saw how everyone was in this room.
  Today of all days, they celebrate this day for me and call it my birthday because this the day they said the alpha found me. And ever since he had found me, he's been like an uncle to me, well a god father. And I've always called the alpha, uncle Shawn and the Luna, aunt Heather.
  "Devin, honey how does it feel to be 13?" My mother asked me.
  "I don't know." I said.
  "Well soon or later, you'll shift then find your mate." The alpha said. "Hope she's as cute as your mother or aunts here." He said as he grabbed ahold of the luna and kissed her cheek.
  The luna giggled at her mate. Then walked over to me. When she came to me, she hugged me and grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the garage.
  "I know your not 15 yet, but since we're your god parents, this gift is for you." She said as she opened the door and put something in my hands.
  It was a dirt bike, one of a kind too. It looked just like the one that Phil has. When I looked over at Phil he smiled. I've always wanted one since I seen Phil's. He gave me a ride a few times on his without our parents knowing.
  "Now we can ride together." Phil said coming over to me.
  "Yea, we can." I said as I patted his back.
  I turned around and hugged Heather then Shawn. I know they weren't my real family but this is as close a family I can get.
  Later on that night, Phil and I had went out to the field to go for a run in our human form since I can't shift yet. When we got there, we were alone and sometimes it was a good thing. I don't usually like running with a lot of people.
  As I took off my shirt and looked over at Phil and saw he done the same. For a 16 year old, he was fit as fiddle and he barely done anything. After a while of staring, I looked away and started my run. After a few moments, Phil caught up with me and was keeping up with me. Usually he's a head of me or behind but today we are matching.
  "Hey can I talk to you?" Phil asked me.
  "Yeah, sure. What's up?" I asked as I slow down to a jog.
  He done the same. "Well your my best friend right?"
  "Yes, we've been best friends since day one when I got here. Why?" I asked.
  "Well, lately I've been feeling weird and I know your still a little young to feel anything, but lately I've been feeling things for you. Like,"
  "Wait what?" I asked. "Do you mean you like me more than a friend? Because, I have a confession then."
  "What oh do you mean?" He asked probably knowing what I was gonna say.
  "I think I like you too. Back there you taking your shirt off, I was staring at you. And lately we've been doing our runs, I do it every time you take your shirt off."
  "Do you now, I've never noticed." He said as he pushed me a little.
  I smiled a little at him until I started feeling different. I had tripped myself and kneeled over. I screamed a little and I just knew that my wolf was coming.
  "DJ, oh god hold on I'm mind linking our families." Phil said as I grabbed a hand full of dirt.
  After a few moments I heard everyone coming. I tried to look up at who was coming but I couldn't even lift my head up. Then I felt something run through me then I heard something in my head.
  "Let the power run through you, my child." It was a girls voice.
  Then I snapped my head up looking at everyone. I felt something change in me like not just my wolf coming but power.
  "Oh my god, why's his eyes purple?" I heard my mother ask.
  "Is that what I think it is?" I heard the luna ask.
  "Please Shawn tell me he isn't what I think he is." I heard my father ask.
  "Looks to me he's the one with the power. The power from the moon goddess." The alpha says.
  As I was feeling the power run through my veins, my body, I felt Phil touch my shoulder. I looked at him and I could see concern in his eyes. Then I felt a break then another break. I screamed again then felt everything all at once. Then I saw my hands turn into a wolf paws then I felt myself get taller than Phil. Then I knew, my wolf had finally came out.
  When I was fully a wolf, I looked around me and saw everyone looking at me. Like why are y'all looking at me. Then I heard a grunt in my head. It was my wolf, he wanted to run. I wanted to run, I started to get all pouncey where I was standing. Then I looked at Phil with a smile and took off.
  "Devin!" I heard everyone call out to me but I didn't care at the moment. I just wanted to be free, free in the wind. The dirt in my claws, the wind in my fur.
  As I was running, I felt fast, like everything was spending past me in a speed of light. Faster than a bullet. I was smiling in my head at how fast I was going. Then I heard a few wolves running behind me. When I looked, I saw Phil not to far from me then the alpha with my father. The alpha caught up to me in no time and was matching my speed just a little bit.
  He barked at me but I just kept on going until I saw the boarder patrol doing their runs. When I saw them I knew I was way out here where I shouldn't be. But as I got close, I turned to my left right in front of them scaring them a little. I laughed in my head and I heard my wolf do the same.
  As I whipped to my left again I headed towards the river to get me a drink. Once I got there, I ran right into the water and laid down and rolled in it.
  When everyone finally caught up to me, Phil joined me in the river, splashing me a few times. I heard him laughing in my head.
  "How does it feel to be a wolf?"
  "As good as this water does."
  As we were talking, the alpha growled at us. I looked at him and lowered my head.
  "Devin, I get you just got your wolf but you know better not to get that close to the boarder line."
  "I know, I am sorry. I forgot where I was going until the last second. But I feel amazing." I had said. "But I heard what y'all said about power from the moon goddess what does that mean?" I asked.
  "I've heard that one other wolf or two had gotten that power. The power was for the war though."
  "Does that mean, that other wolf could be my parent?"
  "No, yes I don't know son. Where I found you, they weren't from that area. They were nowhere from this state."
  "So you know who they are?"
  "No, my son I do not. I just heard rumors at my alpha meeting. They don't show themselves. That's what the alpha says."
  I whined a little at what he told me but cheered up when Phil splashed me. I done it back to him until I saw it was getting late.
  "Boys, don't stay out to late." The alpha told us.
  We barked at him then him and my father had taken off back home. After a while of them being gone, I had shifted back to see if I could do it easy and hell it was better than easy. It was quick.
  Once I was back into my human form, I got up and went to the spot in a tree for some clothes that we kept here when we come. When I put on my shorts, I saw Phil had shifted as well. He looked good being naked but I've seen him naked like a million times but something in me felt different this time. My head was hurting from my wolf going crazy, then I felt my eyes change that's when I really felt it.
  "Mate." I had whispered.
  When I said that, Phil looked at me and smiled.
  "Did I just hear you right?" He asked me.
  "Oh I don't know what did I say?" I asked. As I stepped close to him.
  "I think I heard you say mate?"
  "Then you heard me right then." I said as I sat on a rock and went to reach for his hand but stopped. "Can I ask, when did you find out?"
  "What that you were my mate?"
  "About a few weeks after I had shifted. Remember when I had left for those few weeks."
  "Yeah, you and your mother went to go see your aunt." I said.
  "Exactly, the whole time I felt off. But not until I came back and I saw you again."
  "That was two years ago Phil. I was almost 11 then."
  "And your 13 now. The youngest of us all to have a wolf and a mate all at the same time. Well other than me." He told me then looked away from me.
  "What? What is it Phil?" I asked him as I got up and went over to him. "Your my best friend you can tell me anything."
  "Yeah, I know I can that's why I'm kinda glad your my mate but hurt that I don't know how I can come out to my parents or even the pack." He told me.
  "Ditto." I said. "How about this, we keep it to ourselves for the time being until we're ready."
  "Which means, we can't mark or mate each other if we do this DJ." He said sounding sad.
  "Least not right now. I'm only 13 anyways, what would others think if we did come out and saw that a 16 year old is with a 13 year old."
  "Okay, fine. When we can, we can sneak away to be together but not mating." He said.
  I nodded to agree to that. Then grabbed his hand for a second before pulling him into a hug. When I pulled him into a hug, my wolf felt better than before.
  "We should head back, before we get into trouble." Phil had said.
  "Yeah, mr beta soon to be." I said laughing as I pushed him.
  "Hey, you could be the delta."
  "I don't think so." I said. "And speaking of titles, when is the future alpha coming home?"
  "Don't know, no one talks about him really. Not even his own parents."
  I nodded then we ran in human form. Before we parted off from the woods, I hugged him once last time then sniffed him before we went our ways.
  Once I got to my room, I had thought about the alphas son. He's been gone since I was 8 years old. All I know that they sent him away for school and no one really talks about him at least not around me they don't. Robert was a nice kid when I first met him at the age was 5 but I feel like that is the last time I saw him until they shipped him off.

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