Chapter 14

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  After being here for a few days, Robert and his mate and daughter went back home. I told Phil to go with them, and that u will be back in just a day or two. He said no, at first but Robert gave him the alpha order to go. Which I was glad he had.
  "Devin, what if you lose control?" Phil has said as we were walking out the front door.
  "Phil, I'll be fine. I haven't lost control since I've been here. I've actually felt better." I told him.
  "But... But, what if something goes wrong? I'm the only one that can help," he stated then I stopped him by kissing him. I kissed him for about a few moments until I felt like it was time for him to go. "You calm down."
  "Yes, but I have family here. Go be the beta that your destin to be. Go keep the pack safe, while I'm gone." I told him as I pushed him into the car. "I love you and I will be fine." I said as I shut the door.
  Phil rolled the window down then spoke again. "I love you too, its just, I'll miss you. Your my mate, I don't wanna be without you." Phil said.
  I looked down for a second before looking back at him. This was breaking my heart more than I can explain. "Yes, your my mate. More than words can say. But I have to do this. Please understand this. I have to know where I came from. Think of it was the other way around."
  Phil frown then started to tear up a little. "The same but wouldn't have pushed my mate home. Even if we had these titles."
  "Titles or not, the alpha ordered you to go and you are." I said then kissed him one more time.
  I moved back and tapped the car for them to go before I changed my mind. Bad enough it was hurting me that I'm sending the love of my life away. He turned around in his seat to look in the back window. I kissed my hand then waved the kiss towards him.
  While I was watching the car drove off, I felt someone touch my shoulder. When I looked it was Peter and his mate beside him. They both smiled a little but I know they are just being there for me.
  As we all walked inside, we went to his office and sat in there and talked. I had brought up things that I needed to know about my mother.
  "Well what I already know I've told you. But if you want to know more, I can reach out to her pack."
  "Her pack?" I asked.
  "Yea, alpha Gavin's beta, Damon, took over a few months after he passed. I can reach out to him and ask if we can come visit."
  "Oh, yea sure that would be great." I said.
  He nodded then grabbed his phone. He dialed a number on his phone then waited for someone to answer it.
  "Hello alpha Peter? No long no talk, how's everything there."
  "Good, same old same old. Trying to get the Luna pregnant but nothing."
  "Oou, I'm sorry. So what is it that you need that I can help you with today?"
  "Well, I have a friend that wants to visit your pack for answers and I think you have what he needs to hear."
  "Peter, you know we don't allow that."
  "I know, but just hear this out, please. It's about Zara and Gavin." He has said.
  It was quiet for a long moment. Thought he had hung up the call until he spoke again with a sigh.
  "Fine, I'll hear this out. For my brother and sister I will. If it gives them justice." He has said.
  I blew out the breath that I was holding and nodded at Peter.
  "Yes, this is some justice and you will be pleased." Peter told him.
  "When will I see you?" Demon asked.
  "Tomorrow after noon. I have some things I have to clear up for today."
  "Okay, then. I'll see you tomorrow alpha Peter."
  "You too." He said then hung up the phone.
  Peter looked at me then his mate. She looked hurt from what Peter had said about the whole pregnancy thing. He grabbed her hand then kissed it.
  The next morning, I got up to take a shower then head down for breakfast. When I got down there I saw the Luna sitting st the island.
  "Good morning, Luna Zendaya." I said.
  "Good morning, delta Devin. How did you sleep?"
  "Okay, sorta. It was hard without Phil."
  "Always is when the mate is away." She had said.
  "Yes, so about last night. Is it true about you not getting pregnant?" I had asked.
  She looked up at me for a second then looked down. She sighed before speaking. "Yes, we've been trying since day one of us wanting a child. That was after a few months of us getting together. Or was it after I became Luna? I don't remember anymore its been so long." She said, playing with her cereal that was left. "Then with what happened when you were 3, it broke my heart to hear about that. I was at my parents, visiting, when all that happened. I loved Zara dearly. And to hear that she died protecting you, broke everything inside of me. Hearing a mother losing her child and herself, its something you don't ever want to hear or see. Let alone live it, that happening to you." She said then looked up at me. She touched my cheek and spoke again. "Peter was lost for months. He loved you like you were his son as well. When we got the chance we would go to your place or the other way around, you come to us. Just the way I saw him play with you. I think that was when I really wanted a baby, to be honest. But after things happened, we stopped trying. I think it was all my fault to be honest. The stress, worrying about everything. About 6 months after it all went down, we tried again. I did get pregnant," she said as she looked down once again. "But about a month or two of trying, I went to the lack doctors because I didn't feel well. She checked me out saying that I was pregnant but I lost it. I never really told anyone actually. Not even Peter, I didn't want him blaming himself more than I blamed myself. I didn't even know I was pregnant and having a miscarriage. I just told her to keep into herself."
  "Zendaya, I'm so sorry." I told her then hugged her.
  "I should be the one that sorry." Someone has said. When we looked it was Peter. "I knew you was pregnant and I knew you had a miscarriage. You smell was off both times. But I didn't want to bother you with it. I just held you when you were sick."
  "Oh, Peter. Im so sorry, I didn't tell you." She told him.
  "Its fine, I'm not even mad. I should be, but ain't. Its last of life." He told her. Then he looked at me. "Are you ready to go?" He asked me.
  "Yes, yes I am."
  I hugged Zendaya one more time then headed out to the garage. Peter came out a few moments later then got into a car. Once we got in, we headed out. There was another car outside the garage running waiting for us.
  "My Delta, LJ is coming along with a few guards. I told them to ride along behind us. I don't like riding with a lot of people."
  "No, its fine." I told him.
  About a few hours, we arrived at my parents pack lands. When we pulled up, I was amazed. It was beautiful here. The flowers, the trees, the landscape was perfect.
  When we stopped at the house, I got out and looked around the area. Peter smiled at me when I was looking around.
  "My sister, she had all of this done before she passed away." Peter said.
  "Yes, so for her passing away, I keep it all going. For her memories of how and amazing Luna we had." A guy said coming out the house.
  "Ah, alpha Damon." Peter said walking up to the guy.
  "Alpha Peter." He said then hugging him. "I do miss you sister every day. She was a wild luna. But was scary at times." He had said then chuckled a little.
  "Yes, she was." Peter said. "So I would like to meet someone." Peter said waving me over.
  I hear over to the porch when alpha Damon had stared at me all big eye looking. Like had seen a ghost or something.
  "Gavin?" He said at first. "No, it can't be. You died."
  "No, its not Gavin. It Devin."
  "Devin?" Damon said at first. "Wait not as in their child Devin? He, he died to."
  "No, he's such alive. He was saved by another pack, that took him in as their own. He's such very alive. Me and my partner said the same thing. You should have seen my mother." Peter told him.
  "Oh my god, you look so much like Gavin. God, it's like seeing a double. You could've been his twin for sure." Damon said as he wrapped his arms around me. "Oh gosh I have to get my brother and sister. Oh god even your grandfather."
  "My grandfather, which one?"
  "Jackson. He took over after your parents died then when his wife got sick and died, I had taken over." He said.
  We all went into the house, into the living room. Damon had asked for one of the omegas to make some tea for all us of. About 20 minutes three people came into house. And older man looking like was close to dying himself had came in and stood the couch I was at and looked at me. He looked like he was gonna faint. A man and woman came over by him and grabbed his arms to help him sit down until the woman had looked at me and gasped.
  They looked like how Damon did when he saw me. The woman looked over at the wall beside her then back at me. When I looked where she was looking at, it was a picture of I'm guessing was my father with my mother. I got up and walked over it and touched it. God, Damon and them were right I did look like my father.
  "Please tell us were seeing things." The old man had said.
  "It isn't Gavin if your asking. Its Devin, Zara and Gavin's son." Damon told them. "Even though we were told her was dead as well. A pack had saved him and took him in as their one."
  "You've been alive this whole time?" The girl had said.
  I looked at her and nodded. I didn't know what to say at first.
  "Why didn't you come looking back for us?" The man said, guessing that was the brother of Damon.
  "I didn't no where this was. I was just a toddler. I, I didn't know anything. All I knew I was different. Even with my powers."
  "Powers?" Everyone said but Peter. "So your like your mother?" The girl had asked.
  "Yes, but I had a little hard time with them."
  "So did she. Especially when she was pregnant with you." She had said.
  "Devin this isn't brother, my beta Stefan. Our baby sister of the family, Paige and your grandfather, Jackson. The one your named after."
  "God, only if your grandma was still alive to see this. She's probably rolling in her grave right now." Jackson has said.
  We all talked to get reacquainted again. We spent hours of talking, knowing more about my mother and my father. All the good things about them. Even a few bad things but it wasn't that bad. They didn't want to speak up the dead which understandable.
  We all hung out as a family for once. Even went running too, well other than Jackson. He was too old to run anymore. Since he lost his mate, his wolf had kinda died out. Which isn't good for us half the time. Which means, we have so much time left to live of that happens.
  After the run, Damon showed me the rest of the pack members. They were all shocked to see me as well as they were. But they didn't think I was my father either.
  It was all great to hang out with everyone and as much as I was having fun, I didn't want to leave them. But I was missing Phil very much. Missing my mate was making it hard on me to have the best time of my life. But I had forced myself to be happy and I think Peter had saw it.
  "Devin, are you okay?" He asked making Damon and the other look at me.
  "Yes, just missing Phil."
  "Who's Phil?" Paige asked.
  "My mate." I said.
  "Oh, so your gay?" Stefan asked. "That's cool."
  "Well more bisexual actually. Only ones that know I'm gay is family and my pack. To others I'm with a girl name Bailey."
  "Oh, is she cute?" Paige asked.
  "Oh god yes." I told her as I took out my phone and showed them Bailey, Phil and me at one of the school dances.
  After telling them how all that went, they told me they didn't care if I was that way. They still loved me for me. And I'm glad they did.
  About around 3 pm Peter had said that we had to go, which was fine with me. I wanted to get back home as fast as I could. When we got back to his house, I told him I was gonna run home. He didn't like it at first but I told him I need to. It would help me with my powers and he gave up on it.
  I hugged everyone goodbye before I took off my clothes and ran home. It was a 5 hour drove but I had made it in 2.5 hours. When I got close to home, I could feel it. No not it, I could feel him. And I was excited and so was my wolf.
  I never felt so alone without him. And never wanted to do that again. He was my world and I craved for it.

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