Chapter 18

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  Bailey's POV
  As the moment I've met Devin, the deltas son, when I was young, I was hoping he was my mate when I got my wolf. I was only 11 years old and I've known him since I was 8 years old.
  We lived on the pack lands but being the only child in my family house hold, my parents didn't want me doing much. Especially going outside away from their eyes. But the alpha had made a kids play date thing one year and I love it. That was when I saw him. He's a few years older than me but he was strange. Everyone saw him different than were supposed to, but me I saw love and kindness and caring. That's when I started my little crush on him.
  When we started going to high school together, I had almost every class with him and his best friend Phil, the betas son. They both were cute but Phil had a girlfriend and she was a real stuck up bitch. I couldn't stand her. And later on you will see why I can't.
  As time was rolling on, it was valentines day and I saw no one was giving Devin really anything so I had walked up to him with the rose and a card that my mother helped me with. She knew I had a crush on him later on in the years when we would go outside and she would catch me staring at him with googly eyes.
  She was glad that last someone other than Phil would talk to him. Especially since he turned 13 years old and got his wolf. I heard from some of the members that when he got his wolf, his eyes closed purple just like the stories we've heard about the moon goddess giving a wolf powers long time ago. There were stories that was his mother but no one really knew.
  After awhile it took him forever to control it. Like when he used them it would send him into a dream type state that who knew how long it would be like that.
  But after he said yes to me about being his girlfriend, I was excited. Beyond excited where there were no words to describe how I felt. I do know that there were some jealous girls and his best friend was too. Like it was he was mad that we were together. But I found out, about a month of us going out why. They were mates and they didn't want anyone knowing what they were until Phil and Devin got into it where Devin lost his shit with his powers. That he ran off and hid for half the day. It took the alpha, Phil, both their fathers, and me to get through to him.
  Ever since that day, its been us 3 against it all. My parents were frowning about me being with him since he has a mate. Saying its wrong of me and them through the moon goddess and gods eyes. But we enjoy it and love what we do. Devin was a little off about it but once he got a taste of it, its the best thing for him. Phil was actually the one that set it up for us to do it, but one night I was in my feelings about what had happened with him and I kissed him and one thing to another week all got it on.
  When I wasn't in school or around the boys, especially if they were out and about with pack business, I would be in the gym working out or with some of the female warriors, training. I want to be top shape so if something had happened and they wasn't around to help, I can defend myself.
  Like today, Phil and I went to school and left Devin home. He had a bad night well more a good one but it wore him out and let's just say whatever was said between him and his real parents, it wasn't good. So we left him home, but when we got home early from school, he was no where to be found. At least in the house. So we figured he was working out, training, or pack business. Either way, he was out. But we got our minds busy, we done our school work that wasn't given us from our classes.
  While working on it, Devin came into room all sweaty and it was awful, bad.
  "Umm, what are you two doing here?" He asked us.
  "Its our room." I said.
  "No, I mean here, home. Shouldn't y'all be in school?"
  "Oh, yeah. Well it was a half day, something happened at school. One of the chemistry rooms a kid started a fire and it burnt down a few rooms in that area. So school is closed the rest of the week." Phil said handing him his work. "Here's today's work."
  "Umm thanks. So school is closed all week huh?"
  "Yep, so were all stuck together for a week." I said smiling.
  "I know that look, Bailey." He said smiling.
  I just started blushing and it was cute but I tried to pull that on him but don't it had worked. He walked over to us and kissed us both on the lips. Until I had screeched from him being all sweaty.
  "Eww, your all sweaty. Go take a shower, love." I told him as I pushed him away.
  "So when we make love and I'm all sweaty then you don't say anything." He said smirking.
  I looks up at him and Phil lost it. He was laughing and I just started blushing again.
  "Hey that's no fair, that's different though. That's sex sweat and I love it. This," I said pointing my fingers at him moving it up and down. "Is different, its nasty."
  "Whatever you say my love." He said then kissed me again.
  "Eww, stop it." I said whining.
  When he had came over and kissed us and when he touched me I just wanted barf. Like what the hell has he been doing to be all like that.
  After the shower, he got out to get dressed then went downstairs to get him some food, I'm guessing. After he left and we was done without work, Phil grabbed a book and laid back on the headboard while I just laid against Phil's side and got on my phone. He sat on the bed across from us and ate his food, I reached over and stolen a few of his chips. He glared at me and I just giggled. He rolled his eyes at me making me sit up to give him a kiss just to take a few more chips. When I did, Phil just snickered at us.
  "So, Kane, Leon, and I are working on a new move. Well mostly me." He said after he ate his food.
  "Oh really?" Phil said putting his book down. "And what is that?"
  "Well there's no name for it but I saw it on tv, where I basically run towards someone like I'm gonna attack them then jump on onto their shoulders then bend backwards and dropped them in a way. It took us like 4 hours to even get it sorted out."
  "So your running up on someone, having their face into your crotch, then throwing them down?" Phil said either as a question or a statement.
  "Yea sorta." He said.
  "Why in the hell are you even doing shit like that. What about your powers?"
  "Look, I'm handling them slowly. Robert wanted me to train harder and I am. As delta, I have to do this. I already broke Leon's arm,"
  "Wait you did what?" Both Phil and I asked.
  "I broke his arm while sparing but I healed it."
  "Say what again?" Phil said.
  "I healed his arm." He repeated.
  "And how in the hell did you do that?" He asked.
  "Same way I do myself." He said.
  As we were talking about this, we get a mind linked from guards that there was rogues attacking. Phil and him got up and started to run out. Devin stopped and looked at me.
  "Stay here please." He told me.
  "I will, y'all stay safe please." I told him.
  He nodded then ran back to me and kissed me before running back out.
  I sat on the bed, praying that everything would be fine. When I heard all the howls and yells and growls, I just knew it was bad. And I was right, when Phil had Kane and Leon help him bring Devin into the bedroom just after 20 minutes. I jumped up when I saw they carrying him.
  "What the hell? What happened?"
  "He passed out from healing me." Phil said.
  "What? But he healed Leon and he was fine."
  "Not exactly, he was a little wobbly but he sat down and had some water. But he used his full powers and healed Phil through his wolf." Leon said.
  "While he was still on fire." Kane said.
  "Oh dear." I said as I sat on the edge of the bed. "Go, I got him."
  After they left, put him in his spot and covered him up. After awhile, of watching him, I felt tired all of a sudden, so I got beside him and cuddled into him. I felt him move a little in his sleep. He wrapped his arm around me and then he relaxed. I felt bad for him because of his powers.
  Only problem about this is, he's more wolf than anything. He was born into these powers. He wasn't given these powers, so maybe that's the issue. I'll have to bring it up to him about that.
  Once I got where I wanted, I fallen asleep, jist listening to his heart and it was music to my ears. I was glad he was better than okay, because I don't know what Phil would go through if he died.
  Nor would I. I feel complete with both of them. Like I should be with my mate. What if my mate happens to show up? What do I do? Do I accept him or refuse him. What if its a girl and not a boy. I don't even know how I feel about any of this.
  My world is all upside down and I don't even know what to do anymore.
  But I do know is that I'm going to sleep now.

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