Chapter 28

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  After the little fun we had last night, we all kinda went out ways before we all passed out sleeping in the living room. When I woke up, I woke up to someone kissing my neck and playing with my somewhat chest hairs that I have. When I opened one eye, it was Bailey. I just watched her but I was caught a few minutes later. She sat up and smiled at me.
  "Morning, did I wake you?" She asked me.
  "Kinda sorta, but its fine." I said as I looked up at her.
  "Oh, sorry." She said smiling a little. "Damon came and knocked a little bit ago but you were asleep, so Phil went and helped him."
  "Oh, what did he want help with?"
  "The set up, I guess." She said as nestled in my neck giving me small kisses.
  I moaned a little while she was doing that. She made me lose my train of thought that I was gonna say or ask. But I just laid there. She was good at what she does.
  When she stopped kissing my neck, she moved under the blanket and I could feel her nails working down my side to my manhood. When I looked at her, she just smirked at me before dunking her head under the blanket. I was confused at first then dawned on me on what she was about to do to me.
  When I felt the tip of her tongue on my junk, I let out a soft moan and threw my head back a little. When I felt her take me all the way in, it felt so great. I just knew in matter of minutes I would be cumming in her mouth soon.
  About 5 minutes later, just I was about to blow up in her mouth, the door opened and I held Bailey where she was and Phil's eyes got big then looked back at the door.
  "Just give him a few minutes and I'll have him come down stairs Stefan." Phil has said blocking when opening there was.
  "Yea, sure okay." Stefan said as he turned and walked off.
  Phil shut the door and Bailey let out a huge gasp from holding her breath a little from sucking me dry. When I had saw Phil come in, I blew right then and there into her mouth. Bailey threw the blanket off of us and looked at Phil, well more like glared at him. I just chuckled.
  "Umm, could have mindlinked me about this."
  "Umm, yea I could but it was in the heat of the moment that I woke him up with this." She hissed at him.
  "Well its done and over with. He didn't see shit." I said as I got out of the bed to take a shower. "Just behave while I'm in here. Give him a blow job to calm down."
  "What?" They both asked.
  "You heard me, I know it calms you down." I said as I shut the door to the bathroom door.
  I was in the shower for about 10 minutes or so just loosing up the knots that I have in my body from that passed week worth of workouts. The girls were trying to kill me out there and I can still feel it all. Once I've washed up, I got out and got dressed. I wore a nice outfit for today before the alpha ceremony happens, I'll change into what Phil got me. When I was done, Phil and Bailey was talking about tonight. He was laying again the headboard and she was laying on her stomach on her phone in the same spot she was when she gave me head. She either gave him one too or just stayed put.
  "So what did Stefan want?"
  "Something about training, he has been researching some new stuff that he wanted to show off to you." Phil said as he moved to get up and had to readjust himself.
  I smirked at him and he nodded. "Oh okay. Well go take a shower and I'll meet y'all downstairs then." I told him as I kissed his lips before heading out the door.
  As I went down to find both the brothers in the living room watching the news. When I came into view they looked up at me then back at the TV. When I looked, it said something about a store heading out way either in the next 5 hours or by tonight. Depending on the speed its heading. I took a deep breath to calm myself down.
  "Okay, well hopefully it holds off til after this over with. Because it starts in," I said as I looked at the clock above the tv. "3 hours, and everyone should be here in just 2 right? How's everything going?" I asked.
  "Yes, all the alphas be here in about 2 hours. Your family is already here from your old pack. They're in the back yard. Paige is showing them around. We told them you were still asleep." Damon said.
  "And your grandparents, Peter, and his mate is on their way with Parker and his mate. They said they be here in the next 20 mins or so." Stefan said.
  "Copy that. So everything is all set up right?"
  "Yes, it is. Phil helped big time and so did the witch at the end. The make shaft stage wasn't holding up like it use to." Damon said as Paige and my family came in.
  My adopted mother came running towards me when she saw me. She gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
  "Look at you." She said fixing my hair.
  "Someone needs a hair cut." My father said as he patted my back.
  "Yeah, I actually like it for once." I said with a chuckle. "Where's Shawn and Heather?" I asked as I saw Scarlett coming in with my grandmother.
  "Those two couldn't come, Heather came down with a flu from the crazy weather we've been getting." Scarlett said just as Robert had came in with their stuff.
  "DJ!" I heard someone scream my name.
  When I turned it was Michelle running my way. When she got to me, she jumped into my arms and hugged me. I hugged her back and I was actually glad to see her.
  "Hey sport, how's it hanging?"
  "Its been crazy since you've been gone." She said.
  "Really, how crazy?"
  "Well I've missed you like crazy. Mom wont let me wolf out unless I have someone with me and I don't really no anyone to do that with me. Your parents miss you and I think daddy Robert does too."
  "Hey now, its been a crazy fucked up week since you left us. I can't find anyone to take over for y'all fathers."
  "You'll find them." I told him.
  "So, how about Paige can show y'all rooms in the alpha house for tonight or two and how about you and I go run. Before I have to get ready." I asked Michelle.
  "Yes!" She said getting excited.
  "Hey so where's this great nephew of mine that I've lost years ago." A guy had said as she walked in with Peter and their mates.
  "Devin come here before you run off. I want to introduce you to my brother your great uncle." My grandmother said.
  I walked over to her and she introduced me to Parker. We smiled at each other before he gave me a hug. Telling me that he's glad that I was back with the family and doing what I'm doing. After about 10 minutes or so of talking and catching up, Michelle pulled on my hand really wanting to run. So I excuse myself to do just that.
  Once we shifted, I showed her around the area. I showed her spots that I like coming to when I needed to be alone. I showed her the falls, the river/creek that runs into the garden area. As we sat down by the river, I get a mindlinked from Phil telling me the alphas are here.
  "Babe, the alphas are here."
  "Okay, been there in a few minutes."
  "Michelle, we have to head back. My guest alphas are here."
  "Okay," she said sounded sad.
  I knew she did, she don't get a lot of wolf time since I left.
  When we got to the house, we had shifted and put our clothes back on. I went to the front of the house where they were pulling in. Michelle stayed in the house with everyone else other than us alphas, our mates, and back ups.
  When all the SUV's pulled up and stopped, I felt uneasy about all of this. I think Phil felt that because he grabbed my hand and held it.
  When everyone got out and headed our way, Damon spoke up since he was still the alpha.
  "Welcome all alpha's, their mates, and back ups. Thank you for showing up for today's alpha ceremony. My brother and sister will show you y'all to y'all bunks in the pack house and we will see you in just a short few hours. If y'all are hungry just let them know and we'll have an omega make y'all some snacks before dinner tonight at the ceremony." Damon told them.
  "Where is this soon to be alpha at?" One of the alpha's stepped forward to speak.
  Damon looked back at me. I nodded and stepped forward to stood next to him. Then he spoke.
  "My nephew here is taking over as alpha. As it is his birth place/right. His father was the alpha of this pack with his mother along his side. I was just his beta." Damon told him.
  "He don't look much like an alpha. Most alpha's are big and strong like all of us." That same alpha had said.
  I looked around and he was kinda right. All the alpha's that showed up were big strong looking and my family, I wasn't that big nor that strong looking. I was skinny with some muscles but not much.
  It kinda pissed me off. Where my powers came through and my wolf showed himself.
  "Its not all about how big and strong you are. Its how you handle things the right way." I had growled showing them my dark purple eyes.
  They all had backed up a little, scared seeing what they are seeing. They all were murmuring among themselves, until another alpha stepped up.
  "As alpha you have to have a strong mate for a luna as well that knows how to handle the pack when shit breaks loose when your out in battle." He has spoke up.
  "My mates are willing to handle shit on their own as well and take care of this pack." I said as I turned to look at them.
  Both Phil and Bailey came to stand next to me and grabbed my hands.
  "Mates?" That same wolf said. "So your telling us your gay?"
  "More or less. My fated mate is of course a guy and my choice mate is a girl. They both keep me well balanced and keep me where I am grounded. Its not all about the sexually in the person, it's about who they are and how they can take care of their pack, their people, their loved ones. Since I've been here I've taken down more rogues than a normal alpha or wolf can take. With or without my powers. That's what an alpha/good leader is and all about. Not because they don't look big or strong. You think because your those things that you can intimidate them but no. My old alpha from my old pack was huge, bigger than any of yall and I've seen him be taken down. Not just by myself but from rogues. Its the strategies your willing to do to take down your opponent." I said as I take my powers back.
  My wolf was still growling in my head but I was calm now. Thanks to Bailey rubbing my back.
  "So you think because you have those powers your willing to protect this pack?"
  "My mother did and look how it cost her life. She died for this pack to save it, to try and save me but she was too late before I was taken. She went out of her ways to do what was best for this pack. She ran a school and 3 packs all at once before she had me and still took care of those 3 packs before dying. That's what a leader is all about. Taking care of those you are around not just to show off your title." I said to them then I let go of my mates hands and took another step forward showing them my dark purple eyes and flaming on. "If any of you are willing to challenge me so be it. But you will lose and die. I look down my old alpha that was like my cousin and broke his bones and he's here alive to tell you how I am. His father, my godfather, plus my savior, who had trained me before I knew how to handle my powers or knew about them. So try me."
  I heard some of my family talking behind me as well as my visitors. They all looked around themselves then looked at me just as Bailey and Phil grabbed my arms to pull me back and calm me down. As they did, you can see the flames going out and I was back to my normal self.
  "Clearly, we're mistaken." A guy came walking forward. "I'm the alpha king and I see what your saying. I knew your parents and your mother, she ran her packs well I clearly see her in you as well as your father. I had set this up as a test to see what your worth and its what I thought. Just like your mother. No one will be challenging you today as were here on your land to watch you be given your title along with with your mates. I see how they ground you like you said and its perfect. Maybe that's what the moon goddess done it for. The ying and yang, the good and the bad, the right and the wrong. Its perfect balance." The alpha king has said.
  "Thank you." I had said. "Stefan, Paige show our guest to their room." I said then turned to head inside the house.
  I was beyond mad after that, like how dare the alpha king even pull shit like that. I bet if I challenged his ass he lose but he would have all the alphas on his side though. So I would probably die, before I even started, with or without my powers.
  After I came into kitchen, Bailey came in a few minutes later wrapping her arms around me and kissed my neck trying to calm me down but it wasn't working. I rolled my shoulder's to get her to stop then slammed my fist into the counter making her jump. I heard the others coming into kitchen but no one said a thing just yet. I knew they wanted to but they knew I was pissed off.
  "Honey, don't pay any mind to him. He's just,"
  "No, grandma that's the thing, he was pushing my fucking buttons seeing if I would attack and I almost was going to. And I was going to even kill him, more like who I would killed first." I said as I turned to look at her. "He brought up my mother and that still hurts me. Everyone got to meet her and loved her before I even got the chance." I was about to cry angry tears cover this guy.
  "Honey, we all know how you feel. I never got to meet my mother either. She died after giving birth to me, her cancer took her away from me. So don't say I don't know how you feel. I lost my mother and my baby girl but in the end I got you back, and that's all that matters to me right now. So don't even go there Devin Jackson. You may be my daughter's mini me with the attitude and powers all over, but I can still whoop your ass. So don't push that on me or anyone here. We all care about you." My grandmother said.
  "Son, listen to her. We may have raised you, but we didn't raise you to be like this." My father had said.
  "We know your pissed, but don't cross that line with any of us. Now go up to your room and take a shower to calm down. Because in just an hour or two will be become alpha. So go, chop chop." My mother said waving her arm towards the stairs.
  I took a deep breath then sighed before walking up the stairs. They were right and it is foolish of me getting pissy over it. Right?
  As I got to my room, I took a shower as I was almost done, I felt someone touch me from the behind when I looked it, it was Bailey.
  "Im sorry," I started to say but to hushed me with a kiss. As she pulled back some I started to speak again. "Look I know what I did was wrong and I won't do it again."
  "Look, I know your sorry and I know it will happen again. I shouldn't have tried to calm you down after that. But I did. So let me make it up, a quickie before you have your been down there." She said.
  "Bailey, we don't have time for that. A quickie is nice but you know incant do that." I told her.
  "Ugh fine but you owe me tonight. Because something is coming and its gonna be awhile." She warned me.
  "I promise tonight. Don't care how tired I want, I'll let you have your way with me." I told her as she got out of the shower.
  All I heard from her was a giggle from those beautiful soft lips.
  Once I washed up, I got out and grabbed my towel and wrapped it around me. As I stepped out, I looked in the mirror for a moment and saw that I needed a shave and a trim but I was to lazy to do it. Maybe I should just let it grow out some. It wouldn't hurt.
  As I walked into the bedroom, Phil and Bailey was already dressed in their clothes. Bailey was still working on her hair and make-up as I went to my dresser to grab me my boxers then went to the bed to opened up garnet bag. The suit that Phil picked up was a navy blue with black trimming around the collar and cufflinks, the shirt was black and the tie was navy blue as well. As I started to put the pants and shirt on, I noticed, that all 3 of us were matching. Bailey's dress was long and fitted her just perfect, the back was showing off her back some where you can see the back tattoo of both mine and Phil's wolves howling at the moon, she got it after we all marked each other, it was her gift to us for herself she calls it. The front of her dress made her boobs pop up looking bigger than they normally are which was perfect. I normally don't want her showing off to much but today I want her to show off what's mine and Phil's.
  Once we were dressed it was now time to start the show.

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