Chapter 10

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  After awhile after receiving the delta powers, I've been doing nothing but training with my father to learn how to be a delta on the weeknights after school and on the weekends was actually training.
  When I was training with my father or uncle Shawn, I was out with the rest of the pack. I was fighting Robert and Phil at the same time, seeing what I could handle even though I've handled more than this. But we were taking it slow. When Phil had pouched me, Robert done a round house kick on me. Making me lose my focus and falling to the ground. Wasn't expecting either of them to do that. Especially being the alpha and beta, but it was whatever.
  When I was laying on the ground catching my breath, everyone was looking over at us. Some were worried because of my powers but I let it fly by me. Phil and Robert came by and looked down at me.
  "Babe, are you okay?" Phil asked me.
  "Yea, delta are you okay?" Robert asked with a chuckle.
  "Yes," I said with a huff. "Y'all are mean." I said as I kicked up and landed on my feet. "Be lucky my powers didn't kick in."
  "I was actually hoping they would. I wanna see what your like with them. I mean I've seen you, just I wanna feel it." Robert said with a smirk.
  I looked at him for a moment then at Phil. He just shrugged his shoulders.
  I thought about it for a moment, to see if I can turn it off and on whenever I want. So I looked down and closed my eyes to take a deep breath thinking deep inside my mind and body to see if I can switch it. After a moment, I heard the boys talking then was alert that something was coming my way.
  When I opened my eyes, a fist was coming my way, so I had snatched it with my hand and twisted the arm then threw him over my shoulders. When I heard a thud, from someone hitting the ground, everyone gasped. I could feel my gorilla powers kicking in.
  When I looked to see who it was, it was Robert. I was shocked at first then he kicked up onto one of his hands, spun to kick me. But with my cheetah speed, I moved out of the way just in time where he went to kick me but landed on his feet. He smirked then charged at me with everything he had. When he went to hit me with a spear, he pushed me back a few feet, where I was holding my ground. But I just picked him up and suplexed him over my shoulders, making us both hit the ground with a loud thud.
  We wasn't supposed to be doing this, but if he wanted what I got well here it came. I kicked up and in mid kick, I shifted and growled loud at him. He shifted as well and we both went at each other. Everyone moved away from us, while watching us. Phil stood there, didn't know what to do.
  As Robert went at me he bite me in my shoulder, I yelped for a moment. I heard someone yelling but I didn't pay any attention to it. I was getting pissed off where I felt my powers go into overdrive. I felt my body of my wolf go up in flames. When that happened, Robert looked at me all scared and even backed up for a moment.
  I snapped my teeth at him, telling him to bring it. But he didn't, so I brought it to him. I charged at him, but only hitting someone else after a few steps.
  "Devin, stop this now!" I heard someone yell next to my ear.
  Then I was being thrown a few feet. When I got up, I saw Uncle Shawn and my father standing there. I growled at them then looked over at Robert where he was the ground with his paws over his head.
  What the hell? I thought. Was he scared of me or did I hurt him. I looked over at Phil and he was a little scared but not like Robert was.
  "Devin, look at me." Shawn yelled at me. I snapped to look at him. "Knock it off, come back to us." He said as he started to come at me with his hands up.
  I growled at him and he stopped. Phil ran over in front of him and looked at me.
  "DJ, listen to my voice, your mates voice." He told me. My eyes kept flickering from Phil to Shawn. "Hey, look at me." Phil said snapping his fingers. I did what he said, I looked back at him. "Tell your wolf to calm it. For me, ours mate."
  I took a few breathes to calm down. And after me watching him and doing what he said was working. I got on the ground, slowly moved forward towards him. Whining as I moved up to him. He slowly walked up to me. When we got to each other, he bent down to me and rubbed my head.
  "I'm sorry, Robert pushed me." I said.
  "I know this, love." He told men then turned to look at Shawn and Robert, that was already putting shorts on. "Its Robert's fault, he pushed Devin to use his powers." Phil told Shawn and my dad.
  "What?" Both of them said. "Robert, you know Devin can't control them just yet."
  "I know, I wanted to see if he could. We both did. He weak without the powers if he don't use them." Robert said.
  I jumped up and growled. Phil put his hand on my snout and I stopped.
  "He's not weak and you saw that when he kicked your ass just now." Phil said. "He just don't want to hurt you since your the alpha. Why don't you ask your father how he can fight without his powers. They both were all bloody and bruised from head to toe. You just pushed him to far and attacked him without him knowing or seeing what you were doing. He was taking a breather."
  "I'm sorry, I just wanted to test him." Robert said.
  "Well you did. Now looked you have him in mixed feelings right now and you half your pack scared." Shawn said. "Take rest of the day off from training guys." He told the pack members.
  They all left in a hurry. I knew they were scared of me. They just still loved me and didn't want to hurt my feelings. Phil was the only one that wasn't scared of me. Not was Robert until the very end.
  "Go clean up Rob, go spend time with your mate." His father told him then walked over to me and Phil. "Son, are you calm?" He asked me.
  I looked at him then Phil. I nodded then shifted into my human form. My dad came over and handed me a pair of shorts. I took them and put them on.
  "Why would you do any of that." My father scolded me.
  "I wanted to test myself. I wanted to see if I can switch it on and off."
  "Well you can't just turn it off or on and you know that! God you just make me so piss off on shit like that!" My father growled at me.
  "I said I was sorry, damn!" I growled at him.
  "Hey, hey now both of you calm down." Shawn said getting in the middle of us.
  "Get to your room now!" My father yelled at me as he was pointing towards the house.
  I was shocked at what he said. He never sends me to my room. My wolf whined inside my head, making me hang my head down low and walk towards the house.
  Phil went to follow me but my father stopped him. Making my wolf whin even more.
  All I can hear was my father and Shawn talking over what just happened. You can head Phil come in and out of the conversation but I was to far from them now to know what they were saying.
  When I got into the pack house, I ran up to our floor, where my mother was cooking lunch when I slammed the door. She looked at me and saw I was pissed and hurt at the same time. She walked over to me and stopped in front of me.
  "Son, are you okay?" She asked me.
  "No, dad sent me to my room." I as I looked at her.
  "What? Why?" She asked me.
  "I used my powers on Rob while we was training. But before you say anything, he pushed me into using them." I told her.
  "Umm, okay. Well do what you fathers says. We'll come in later to talk." She told me.
  I nodded then went to my room. As I was about to go inside my room, my sister and brother walked out of their rooms and looked at me.
  "So, you scared our so called alpha, congratulations Devin." My brother said.
  "Yea, Devin what's wrong with you using your powers that your not supposed to use during training." My sister asked.
  "Guys, leave your brother alone." My mother said.
  "Yes, mother." They said at the same time.
  They glared at me then went back into their rooms as I went into mine. I closed the door before going into my bathroom to take a cold shower.
  When I got out, Phillip was sitting on my bed, reading a book. I shook my head at him for a moment before going to my closet to find me some clothes. When was done, I went over to him and messed my wet hair up on him. He glared up at me and I just laughed.
  "So what are you doing in here? Thought my father didn't want you to follow me."
  "Oh, he didn't because he wanted to talk to me. But I kinda couldn't talk because him and Shawn was arguing over what happened."
  "I heard part of it but I got to far away to hear the rest."
  "Don't worry about it. Shawn said he gonna have a talk with Robert about what he did." He told me. "Just FYI, you literally scared the dog piss out of him. He was whining and covering his face. I think you more liking scared his wolf than him."
  "That's probably because of my w
  Alpha blood mixed in with my delta power and my other gifts." I said as I flopped on the bed.
  "Wait, what did you just say?" He asked me.
  "I haven't told anyone, but Mary said my parents were alphas." I told him.
  "Shut the fuck up, your joking right?"
  "Wow, this is something. So that's why, when you ordered Shawn that day it sounded like an alpha order."
  "Yep." I said as I put my arms over my face.
  "Are you gonna tell the others?"
  "I don't know."
  "Can I tell you something,when you were out after getting your powers. Scarlett said that her cousin was an female alpha and was married to an alpha as well. Her whole family was nothing but alphas. But she said that they died 13 years ago, her boyfriend, cousin, her mate and their child. She said the child was 3 years ago."
  "Really?" I asked.
  "Yeah and guess what else?"
  "She had powers just like you." He said.
  I sat up and looked at him. "What? She had powers like me?"
  "Yes, and that she couldn't handle them just like you and when she was pregnant she was a monster."
  I just stared at him trying to take in what he just told me. I didn't know what to think about that. But all I know is, Ima have a talk with the luna about this. To see what all she knows about her cousin and her powers.
  But first I'm gonna have to talk to Mary as well. To see if she can tell me more about my family. I'm ready to know more about them and where I come from.

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