Chapter 5

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  Phil Jr's POV
  A few days of him being out, it was killing me. I just wanted to hear his sweet voice talking to me. I just want to kiss him, love him but I couldn't.
  His parents and the alpha came to check on his every few hours to see how he was but he was the same. Bailey came to check and sit in my place while I had to do my job or even go to school. Everyone had asked where he was, I just say he was sick that he'll be back when he comes back. And me being who I am, I gathered all his school work and done it myself for him so he wouldn't fail.
  After I was done with mine and his homework, I would do my training then shower and be with him. Bailey felt bad that he was in this state and I felt bad for her that, he would have to break up with her and I would have to break up with mine as well.
  As I was sitting in one of Devin's gaming chairs, reading a book, my girlfriend Christina came knocking on the door then came in.
  "Babe, why don't you let his girlfriend watch him while we go out." She had said to me.
  I looked at her and grinded my teeth before I spoke to her. "Excuse me?" I asked.
  "Why don't you let Bailey watch DJ while we go hang out for a little bit. He should be fine with her for a few hours." She said as she walked over to me and grabbed my hand.
  I thought about that what she said. As I set my book that I was reading down on the table and looked at her. I bend over a little like I was getting up but didn't. I set my elbows on my knees and put my face in my hands. I sighed for a moment then looked at her while crossing my fingers together.
  "Look, I didn't want to do this now but its gonna come out sooner or later. You know your not mate right?" I asked her.
  "Yes, I know that. We both agreed that we were waiting for our mates." She said then bend down a little to be eye level with me.
  "Well I found mine, I've known who my mate was since I was 15 years old and hide it from everyone. I've known who my mate was since I was 5 years olds because he's been my best friend since the alpha found him." I said as I looked over at Devin. "And I can't hide it anymore because I love him. I've been in love with him since and he don't even know it."
  "Wait what are you saying?" She asked me as she stood up and back away. "Devin's your mate? Your gay, there's no way that your gay, we've been together for 2 years and you fuck like your straight." She said. "This can't be happening." She says as she backs up to the door. "But I loved you! You can't be gay! We were supposed together as a couple!" She screamed at me.
  I snapped my head at her and my wolf took over. I growled at her in my beta tone and she bowed her head down to me a little just to show respect.
  "Don't tell me who I'm supposed to be with now leave this room, leave this house and don't ever come back to it. We're done." I yelled at her right when James and Jamie running through the door.
  She ran passed James and Jamie out the room crying. They looked at her then back at me, concern what just happened. But I didn't care, I felt nothing for her after what she just pulled.
  "Umm, what was that?" James asked.
  "I told her the truth and she didn't like it." I told him. "I told her that I found my mate and known who it was since I was 15 years old and known him since I was 5 years old. She blew up, you clearly saw." I said as I waved my hand towards the way she ran to.
  Jamie came over to me and put a hand on my back and I felt at ease. I felt like I belonged here but I wasn't sure if it was right. About a few moments later my mother had mind linked me to come home quick.
  I ran out of Devin's room to our floor. When I came in, I heard screaming coming from my room. When I ran to it, I saw Christiana throwing my shit around. Destroying my stuff like it was nothing.
  "What the hell is your problem?" I yelled at her.
  "Your my problem. You can't leave me for that stray." She screamed.
  I was about to say something when I heard another voice behind me. When I looked it was Jamie.
  "My son isn't a stray you crazy bitch!" Jamie yelled at her and was about to attack her until James grabbed her.
  "Jamie let Phillip handle this. She's his girlfriend." James said.
  "Ha, she's not my girlfriend anymore. I dumped her when I told her who my mate was. And I clearly told you to leave this pack house." I growled.
  "Not until I get my shit." She yelled me at.
  "You don't have shit here. You wasn't living with me. And I wouldn't have a crazy bitch like you living with me when I clearly have a mate. Now leave!" I ordered her.
  "You can't order me around, your not beta yet. Your just a pack member like me." She yelled back.
  I was about to flip shit when I felt a hand on my shoulder. When I looked I saw alpha Shawn next to me.
  "But I can order you around. Devin is my god son and if he's mates to Phillip, he's family. So now leave this pack house now!" He had ordered her and she bowed her head then ran out of my room.
  After she ran out the room, alpha Shawn looked at me still showing his wolfs eyes. I held my head low to show him respect.
  "I'm guessing you told her the truth?" He asked me.
  I looked up at him and nodded. "Yes, I feel like because I'm lying to myself and to everyone that he's in this state." I said.
  Alpha Shawn hugged me after I said what he said. I felt myself tearing up a little that I hugged the hell out of him. I didn't want to let him go, he was like and uncle to me as well. We were all family here and its weird how we do it all.
  "I feel like everything that I've done, about keeping us a secret, just made it all worst. I've lost the best girl I probably could gotten with just to show my parents that I had found someone. And because of what I did, he done the same to Bailey. We used them just to prove a point to the pack. Because I was afraid to come out of the closet and he was ready to come out." I said as I let go of Shawn and looked at my parents then Devin's. "Its all my fault that Devin is in whatever state he is in." I told them.
  "Actually it isn't your fault." Devin said leaning against the door frame.
  We all looked at him all shocked mostly me though. I ran to him, putting my hands on his cheeks and started kissing him. I kissed him like I've never kissed him or even Christiana before. I poured out my love into this kiss, that I gave ever felt before. After a few seconds, someone had cleared their throat and I pulled away from Devin.
  I looked back at our family but still holding onto Devin. His mother came over and hugged him like she had lost her baby. I've never saw her feel or even look like this even with her other two kids. Guessing Devin is that kind of special child.
  "Welcome back, Devin." Shawn had said walking over to us.
  "What you talking about? Where have I've been?" Devin asked.
  "Dear, you've been out for like 3 days. When patrol found you, you were passed out on the ground." His mother had said.
  "So I did made it home that night. I thought I was still dreaming."
  "Dreaming?" James had asked. "Dreaming about what, son?"
  "Mary, she pulled me into a dream state when I took off. She kinda explained my powers and who I got them from and why."
  "Who did you get them from and why?" Shawn had asked.
  "My mother, 18 years ago she died and mary brought her back alive by giving her a Phoenix, a cheetah, and a gorilla to help with the war that was coming but she had fail doing that." Devin said as he looked down. "And I wasn't even supposed to even born either. But Mary gave her another gift, me. And that I could never get anyone pregnant either. But that's okay, because who I'm with cant get pregnant." He said looking up at me.
  "Wait hold on, excuse me." His mother said. "You weren't even supposed to even born. Did she even tell your mother this?" She asked him.
  "I don't know. I'm just hurt just hearing about it." He said.
  "So, I wouldn't be getting any grandkids from you either. That's hurtful." Jamie had said. "Not just because your with Philip here, just that if you wanted to use Bailey to get pregnant,"
  "Mom, stop." Devin whined at her.
  "Okay, I'm sorry." She said as she came over to hug us both then kissed us on the forehead.
  "Look, its been long few days/nights. Let's all get some sleep before some shit gets stirred up later." Alpha Shawn had brought up. "Plus I think these two need some catching up to do, as well." He said eyeing the two of us.
  I nodded at him as he walked out. The other done the same as DJ and I stood put. He pulled my hand to come with him up to his room, which I was happy about because my room was a mess right now.
  As well got to his room, he shut the door and locked it. We went to his bed and laid down and cuddled. I was glad to have him back in my arms again. It did suck not being able to lay next to him because of not everyone knew about us but least we have some people on our sides. And that was what family was all about.
  It didn't matter if you we're gay, straight, lesbian, or even bisexual. As long as your happy with it then so is everyone else. Family sticks together and since alpha Shawn is strict on it, he would put people in the place over it if someone spoke out of term on us. Just thank god for him and our family.

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