Chapter 27

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  When I woke up, I was smelling something good. It was making my mouth all watery. At first I thought I was dreaming that I was in a huge ass kitchen making all types of goodies for the pack, that I felt like I was a girl.
  But hey, there's men that cook and bake, its just I never get the chance to do so often. At least back home I didn't, I was always busy.
  When I got out of the bed, I was alone. But the bed was still a little warm on either side of me unless it was from me, taking the whole bed. For California King size, it was a pretty good size bed for us 3, there was still room for each of us to move if we don't want to cuddle. When I picked up my phone to see what time it was, it was 8:30am. I jumped up out of bed, put on my shorts and ran downstairs.
  When I came into the kitchen, everyone was laughing, cracking up jokes until they saw me.
  "Good morning sleepyhead. How did you sleep?" Paige asked eating a piece of bacon.
  "Good til I smelt all this good food, where I was dreaming that was cooking it all. And that I was in a girls body." I said chuckling a little.
  They all started laughing at me where I was starting to blush a little. Phil came over with a cup of coffee and handed it to me with a kiss.
  "Well I forgot to do the breakfast folder last night I just did the dinners. And when I came down, Marybeth, the omega, was wondering what was on the menu for us. I told her cook up something special while you were still asleep." Phil said.
  "Oh, where is Marybeth. I would love to thank her." I asked.
  "She's out doing some cleaning around the house with her granddaughter. You'll see them often today." Damon said.
  I nodded then sat down at the island when Bailey handed me my plate. It looked all too good. French toast with cinnamon butter, eggs sunny side up, bacon, sausage, and hash browns, side of OJ and coffee. I was in heaven right now.
  "So will this be on the breakfast menu for Friday's?" I asked.
  "Well I still need help with it. And since your the alpha, I actually want you to designed." Phil said.
  "I helped on a few days, but I don't know if it will be good for you." Bailey said.
  "Look, were all a team. We each get to pick what we want for breakfast. Now let's see here; Sunday's are sausage biscuits and gravy with eggs, side of fruit, and OJ/apple juice and coffee. Who picked that?" I asked.
  "I did, I remembered my parents throwing that down on sunday mornings before chores." Bailey said.
  "Yum then it stays. Okay Mondays are pancakes or waffles with bacon and/or sausage, Tuesdays are hash brown bowls?" I knew who wanted that, Phil. When we would spend the night at his place when we were kids, his mother would make them for us. "Oh Phil, that's staying. This is good, bringing back childhood foods. "How about this one, your mother would have Marybeth make this for your dad, steak and eggs with grits." Damon said. "We can do that Wednesdays."
  "And Thursday chicken and waffles with a side of eggs. Our father use to make that for us and its so good." Paige said.
  "Okay, and Saturdays can be cereal of our choice. Or whatever we want to cook up for breakfast." I said.
  "Deal," everyone said.
  "Least if someone doesn't want to eat what one person is eating they can cook up whatever. And the same with lunches. I'll have Marybeth cook up or make sandwiches for the weeks, like cold cuts, tuna fish, grilled cheese, ham, turkey, chicken, bologna, salami sandwiches and etc. A different variety." I had said as I got up and went to grabbed the lunch folder and checked it.
  Once I was down checking and eating, I put the folders away and put the dishes in the sink. As I was about to wash my plate a hand had slapped my hand. When I looked up it was an older woman.
  "My moon goddess, you look just like your father." The woman had said. "Devin, it so good to finally see you after so many years being missing."
  "Thank you, you must be Marybeth?"
  "I am," she said then hugged me.
  "Well I let up a few things up for you in the folders. I hope it isn't too hard or much to do?"
  "For you, dear no. I go to the ends of this world for you. I loved cooking for your parents and this pack. Its family here." She has said.
  "Good," I said smiling. "I'll leave money for you to shop tonight to get things for the ceremony tomorrow night. I want a BBQ cook out with different types of meats, salads, corn on the cobs, bake beans, mac and cheese, etc. And as for you two, don't you two have somewhere to go?" I said as I looked at my mates.
  "We still have time." Bailey said.
  "Actually, why don't we help Marybeth in the groceries, while we look for something to wear." Phil had said. "Will that be okay with you, Miss Mary?"
  "Oh gladly. I can leave my granddaughter here to clean it up for tomorrow. Oh this is gonna be great." She said clapping her hands. "Let me go give her a list to do and let me change and I'll meet y'all in about an hour." She said trying to rush out.
  "Sure." They both said.
  Marybeth ran out the back door while the others looked at me. I just smiled at them before heading into the living room to go up the stairs. As I went up to my room, with my mates behind me, Bailey talking about to wear with Phil. He was one that knew what to wear and how to wear it. He's more gay than I am and I just love it that he can be like a girl friend towards her. He may not show it that he's gay, but he is.
  As I went to get dressed to look impressed for today as I walked around with Damon and Stefan, where that uncle is at, to look at things. Paige said she meet me later to train but there was one thing I wanted to do. It was to see that witch.
  After they all had left, I looked in the mirror that was in my bathroom and told myself that; "I'm the boss, I'm the one in charge, that I can handle any damn thing that comes my way." As soon as I said that my eyes changed to a dark purple color. Then someone spoke into my head. "Let's do this alpha!"
  With my eyes still that color, I marched myself over to the pack house. Some other warriors and guards whined a little when they felt my power. They were scared but they knew it was business time. Damon met me at the door and walked with me into the basement. When we got to his cell, I grabbed the wolfsbane needle that was on the tray and out it in his chest to wake him up faster. Once he rose up screaming, I hit him again with a little more sliver than we've been using.
  When he saw it was me with my dark purple eyes, he freaked out. Something I was expecting as well from someone but not from him.
  He tried to move away from me but he couldn't move, he was still chained up on the bed that Damon gave him.
  "What your scared?" I asked laughing a little.
  "No, I'm never scared." He hissed.
  "Sure looks like it alpha. I've never seen him scared til now. I think its because your here with those dark colored eyes." Damon said.
  "That would be the alpha blood working with my powers, on top that I'm angry because I want to fucking know who the fuck your master is!" I yelled at the witch.
  "I've told you, I don't know."
  "Hmm, why don't I break something of yours and you'll tell me." I said as I grabbed his hand that was close to me and broke one of his fingers.
  All he did was scream, making it echo in the basement. I looked at him, waiting for him to say something but nope. So I went to the next finger and done the same thing. Still nothing. As I was holding on to his hand, I starting thinking of something that could hurt him with. Just as I was, that same hand went to a flame and started burning his finger.
  I let go of his finger and waited for him to tell me. "What is it?"
  "He goes by Stevens, he used to be the alpha of his pack until he gave it to his son that just came back home from school. He would meet me at night in a dark place so no one can see us or follow. We would meet up twice a week to make a plan. And since he found out your alive and came back home, he wants you and your pack gone."
  "You said he wants my mother why?"
  "To make more like you."
  "Then why kill him then?" Damon asked.
  "For destroying his life." The witch said crying.
  "So why you though?"
  "I had to, or he would kill my family. He's married to my daughter."
  "So that would make his son half wolf half witch."
  "Yes but he's not. My wife is human making our daughter human. But turned her into one of them so he could have a strong alpha son."
  "Does he know your daughter isn't a witch?"
  "Kinda, I've told her when she was little that she was a witch but probably won't be able to do the art. And he thinks because she's part witch and he's a wolf, turning her into one then having a child would be able to do a lot of damage." The witch said.
  It was quiet for a moment other than his cried from being in pain. I didn't know what to do now that he told me who his master was. But I done the smart thing to do, my flame went away a little bit enough to heal him from the pain.
  She. I touched him again, he got scared until he saw I what I was doing. Once I healed him, he looked better.
  "What did you do?" He asked me moving his hand.
  "I healed you. Something I normally don't do to ones that try to kill me and my pack but how scared I see you are of this Steven guy, I took pitty." I said.
  "Now what are we gonna do with him?" Damon asked.
  "He's still staying here, I actually want to help him."
  "You do?" Both Damon and the witch asked.
  "Yes, witches are supposed to be good. They're supposed to help their alpha and what he did was wrong but good in a weird way. Where's your wife?" I asked when looked back at him.
  "She's hidden away so Steven can't find her. But if your willing to help me, I'll tell you where she is. On one condition,"
  "What's the condition?"
  "Turn her into one of your and we'll help you fight this war. She knows how to fight, I've had a trainer for her." He tells me.
  "I'll think about it, but what's y'all name?" I asked.
  "Mine is Ralph, my wife is Jackie, and our daughter is Heather." He told me.
  "You have my word, Ralph. I'll save your family then you save mine." I said then walked away. "Guard, let him go and help him to a room so he can get cleaned up for his wife. After my ceremony, we'll find her and y'all can stay here on the pack land in a cottage."
  "Thank you alpha, so much you won't regret this."
  "I hope not, because I will kill you then your wife." I said then walked out.
  After all that went on, I went to the training area to find Paige. I needed to take this anger or whatever I'm feeling away, out on someone or something. When I found her, she was sparing with her sisters with Stefan watching.
  They were good at their job. Paige was smaller than the other 3 but she was great at fighting. When Stefan saw me he had stopped them.
  "Devin, you finally came to join?" Stefan asked.
  "Yes, after what I just dealt with I need a distraction."
  "Well then you came to the right place. How about you fight with my sisters. I want to see how good you are with women." Stefan said.
  Alright then, let's kick, I thought. I nodded my head then took off my shirt and went over to them.
  With everything I have learned throughout the years, I was gonna use it on these women. It was gonna be an ugly fight but I'm willing to do anything.
  About half an hour of sparing, I've hurt one of the sisters and they've hurt me. I didn't think this was fair but I was willing to do it. Paige went to jump on my back to take me down but I counted it and threw her over my shoulders at her sister Phoebe. They both fell back into the ground, leaving Piper. She was the strongest of the girls and she was there to kill. When she saw I took out her baby sisters, she ran at me full speed then jumped over me and kicked me in the back where I couldn't see her. I fell to the ground but jumped back up at the same time to kick her in the face. She stumbled back some but still came at me.
  This was going great until she slide under me and kicked out my knee, making me hit head first into the ground and got on top of me by stepping on my check. She had me and she knew she did. I was wore out and all bloody. So were the girls, Prue, I broke her leg, Piper just broke her nose, Phoebe and Paige, I knocked out by throwing them at each other. Stefan was pleased to see the girl lose for once but was shocked at the same time.
  After all that, I went up to the house to take a hot shower and find me something to eat. I was starving.
  When I walked in, I saw it was 5 pm and they were just walking in the front door. I helped Marybeth bring in the food and shit while Phil and Bailey went up to our room. They didn't want me seeing what they got til tomorrow. And because it was late, I told Marybeth after she put all of this away and take the rest of the night off. That I was gonna order pizza for tonight.
  She was pleased and thanked me as I went and grabbed the number for the pizza place. Once I dialed the number, I ordered 10 large meatlovers pizza with 5 cheesey breads. When I got off, I went up to take that shower.
  When I walked in, I went straight into the shower and took a long hot one. I felt all my muscles and knots go way but I was still in pain a little. I wanted to know how it felt to get my ass kicked and well I got kicked and I feel great. Usually I would bitch but I wasn't. After I was done, I got out of the shower and got dressed. I just put on boxers and shorts and left my hair air dry. After all of that, the bell ring and I ran down to get it.
  It was the pizza man.
  "Hey, y'all must be having a party or something."
  "Nope, just lot of people live in this house." I said laughing a little. "How much?"
  "Here a $100 keep the change. But you mind helping me bring them into the kitchen."
  We bought the pizza and the cheesy bread into the kitchen and he left. Once he did, I mindlinked mates and called for Damon, Stefan and their sisters.
  When they all came running into the kitchen, they were dropping and we all went into town.
  The night was great, we all got our belly's full with the pizza and cheesy bread that we all sat in the living room and watch movies. The girls wanted to watch the twilight saga that came out on Netflix so I said what the hell.

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