Chapter 16

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  A few weeks after our 4th of July party, school has started back up, and all of us had started to get up early asf once again but me and Phil, it was our last year of high school. We were graduating a year early because our title/rank so we can be by Robert, our alpha and his luna.
  And speaking of the luna, she started teaching again to the younger children down the road from the pack. Phil and I drive her there with her guard as well before we drive to school. It was great to have a great teacher there for once. Don't get me wrong there is some good ones but her, she was taught by the best.
  As the days dread long while in school, the nights ended short when we were out training or doing what we have to do. Phil and I were always busy, we barely had time to ourselves other then when we go to bed.
  As we walk into the alpha house, I see all our parents chilling in the kitchen talking and enjoying a good cook meal that either one of them cooked or an omega cooked. They don't come here much since we all exchanged titles. Our parents, moved into their own little houses on the lands with our siblings or they either went to the pack house.
  My brother and sister are warriors now, and they are ranked top 5 because they have delta blood running through them. The same with Phil's brothers and sisters, the brother's are ranked top 3 of warriors and the sister's well they are either nurses or doctors in the hospital wing, only because they have beta blood running through them.
  "So hey guys, what's up?" Phil asks them while I'm heavy in my head.
  "Just want to come over and have a nice cooked family meal once and a great while with you kids." His mother said.
  "Yea, we miss you guys since we moved out." My mother said as she came over to me. "Are you okay, son?"
  "Yea, just tired that's all. School and training is wearing me out. I just gonna go up to our room and go to bed." I told her then looked at Phil.
  He nodded his head then leaned to kiss me on the cheek. My mother done the same and my father just pat my back when I walked past him.
  "Well good night, dear. I'll put you up a plate." I heard my aunt tell me. I just nodded my head at her once I reached the steps.
  As I was walking the steps, Robert, Scarlet, and sweet Michelle was coming down for dinner. Michelle hugged me as well passed, I just kissed her head before going up. Scarlet smiled at me.
  Once I got to my room, I threw my bag on the floor, took a shower and put on some shorts. Once was done and ready, I got into bed and sat in the middle of it and crossed my legs. I guess I should do this before in go to bed, to calm myself down a little.
  I meditate once or twice a week to whine down before I go to bed or meditate to try to talk to Mary.
  After about 5 minutes in, I was pulled in to a dream state. When I came to, I saw I was in a field of beautiful flowers. I turned around a whole 360 looking for Mary but I didn't see her. But I did see a couple, like man and a woman sitting on swing just a chatting.
  "Hello!" I yelled out. "Mary!"
  They stopped swinging and turned their heads to look at me. And when they did, I gasped. I knew who they were, they were my parents. My real parents. I started to tear up some. I didn't want to show them I was weak.
  "Mom, dad." I whispered to myself but I think may have heard me.
  "Devin!" My mother called out.
  "Devin? As in our son Devin?" My father asked her.
  I walked towards them as they got up and done the same. When we got to each other, the dam just broke on me. I fell to my knees and lost it. My mother and father wrapped themselves around me, crying and holding me.
  "God, when Mary said you were alive and well, I wasn't expecting this. Your all grown up, son." My mother said as she pulled back to look at me.
  "Yeah." I told her, well more like choked out.
  "God, you look so much like your father here." She said then looked at my father.
  "That's what your parents and brother said and y'alls beta well now alpha."
  "Damon?" My father said.
  "Yeah." I said.
  "So he's alpha of my pack now?"
  "Well it was grandpa Jackson until grandma died during an attack. So Damon took over."
  "My step mom passed." My father said. "Why didn't she come here with us?"
  "Honey, only the ones that come here is to guide the next generation." My mom said.
  "Who's all here?" I asked.
  "Us and my grandparents. His parents was here but left after they reunited but left. Just like with Michael, he left as well after we all reunited."
  "Michael, wait that's Michelle's father."
  "Michelle's father, wait as in my cousin Scarlett? She had the baby still? Oh god how are they have you seen them?" My mom asked.
  "Yeah, umm they live in my pack, she's actually the luna. Shes mates to my god parents son."
  "Wait your not the alpha?" They asked.
  "No, I'm a delta. I took over delta of my adopted parents."
  "Delta, but your an alpha." My father said.
  "Yea I know of your old pack, but I don't live there. I live in a different pack, the alpha of that pack, saved me 13 years ago. He said he found me crying in the woods for you." I said as I looked at my mother.
  "You was, I try to save you but I was too late. The man had ran you out of the house and as I jumped out of the window, I was jumped. Your father, he was already dead by then, it happened right in front of me that's when I heard you scream. I didn't know what to do. After I saw him run with you when I got jumped I lost all hope. There were too many of them on me, my powers wasn't working when I wanted them to work. I think it was because what I saw, I lost the love of my life then saw you being taken from me. My wolf left me." My mother said crying.
  "I know the feeling with the powers. I'm slowly getting into them." I said as I sat down on the swing.
  "You gain powers?" My father said.
  "Yea, I got them from mom. Mary told me everything by the way. That I wasn't supposed to even born. That I could never get anyone pregnant, but its fine. My mate, he can't get pregnant."
  "I'm sorry, son. Wish I, wait he?" My mom said.
  "Yea, he. I'm gay, well bisexual more like it but my mates a guy. I think Mary done it that way because I can't have kids."
  "Awww, wish we can meet him. What's he like?" My mom asked me as she wrapped her arm around me.
  "He's my best friend and beta of the pack. He's funny, cute, kind, caring but once you piss him off, he can be a little out of it. Especially over me. He helps me calm down when my powers get out of control." I told her. "At first, when we found out we hid it from the pack. We found girlfriends but it wasn't the same. We both were jealous of each other, hurt when we either kissed them or mates with them but in the end, when I went into a small coma because of my powers, his girlfriend wanted to spend time with him and he didn't like it. He didn't want to leave my side and she went crazy. He broke it off with her, telling her I was his mate. She lost it even more."
  "What happened?" My father asked.
  "She went to his room and destroyed his shit. When he tried to order her out, she just laughed and said he couldn't order her around just yet because he wasn't beta but my god father, the alpha heard it all and he ordered her out. Alpha Shawn didn't like how she talked bad about me. I think when she called me a stray it hit him hard more than the gay part. He didn't care nor did out families and the pack. Bailey my girlfriend, she said she had a feeling we were mates they way we looked at each other and how we hung out a lot. She's actually, still my girlfriend along with Phil. In a way, I have two mates one fated mate and the other chosen mate." I told them.
  "I'm glad, you have them. I really wish, I could meet them."
  "One day we will all meet up." I told them.
  It felt like hours of us talking. I loved it, I loved finally meeting my parents. Mary probably thought it was time, I met them now.
  We talked about school, what I do at school. We talked about what I've done since I've been found. I told them my whole life. It felt great to talk about it all. Told them that I was mean to my adopted parents but Phil, my best friend was there to calm me down. Told them its my last year of school that because me n Phil are beta and delta and have to be around the alpha, we graduating early.
  After the long talks and cuddles, I was being paged back to the real world and I didn't want to go. It was two voices calling out to me. My parents were looking around like they heard it as well but it was me staring off.
  "What's wrong?" They asked me.
  "I have to go, my loves are calling me."
  "Ain't you asleep?" My father asked me.
  "No, meditation helps calm me with my powers and I can come here as well. Thanks to the moon goddess herself." I said.
  "Well go back to your mates, we'll always be here no matter what." My mother told me as they hugged me.
  "Love you." I told them as I started to tear up.
  "Right back at Cha." They said together.
  When I came too, both Bailey and Phil were sitting in front of me. When I looked around then back at them, my tears started to spill. They both hugged me to help cheer me up and calm me down as well.
  They pulled me back towards the headboard to lay down. Phil behind me and Bailey in front of me. Phil rubbed my back and she rubbed my arms that were wrapped around her. Once in awhile they both kiss a part of my body to tell me they love me.
  After a few moments, there was a knock on the door, I didn't want to get up and I didn't want Bailey to either. I was all wrapped up in her, to hold onto someone, so Phil got up and answered the door.
  "Hey, you called for us to come? What's wrong?" I heard my mother asked.
  "He saw them." Phil told her.
  "Them?" I heard my father asked. "Them as in his parents?"
  "Oh dear." My mother said.
  I heard foot steps then felt the bed move a little then felt an arm on me. Then a kiss on the forehead. I knew it was my mother because everything time I had a bad dream she would wrap her arms around me and kiss my head.
  "Honey, you want to talk about it?" She asked me.
  "Not really. I just want to sleep." I told her.
  "Okay, call me or come see me tomorrow please."
  "Yes mother." I said.
  She kissed my forehead again then got up and walked away. I heard them talk a little more but shut them out.
  I must have fallen asleep because when I woke back up, it was 6:30 am. I was running late for school. I jumped up, off the bed, thinking I would make Phil or Bailey fall off the bed but when I looked they were gone. They must be downstairs eating. I hurried up got dressed and ran downstairs into kitchen saw that only people that were in there was Scarlett and Michelle.
  "Uncle Devin!" Michelle called out.
  "Hey, wheres Phil and Bailey?" I asked.
  "They just left a few moments ago for school. Phil said that you had a bad night so he said not you wake you up for school. That you were taking the day off." Scarlett told me.
  "Oh," I said as I sat down on the stool.
  "Is everything okay?" She asked me.
  "Yes and no." I said at first.
  "Honey, why don't you go get finished getting ready for school." She told her daughter.
  "Okay," she said at first then spoke again. "Devin, are you walking me and mommy to the school today?"
  "Yeah, sure." I said then smiled at her.
  She ran upstairs and once she was done I looked back at Scarlett.
  "Why ain't y'all in school?"
  "They had a little problem at the school where some things had to be fixed. So you want to talk?"
  "I saw my parents last night. Your cousin." I said.
  She dropped her spoon back into her bowl and looked at me. "What?"
  "I saw Zara and Gavin." I said.
  She started to tear up a little. "You did? What about Michael?"
  "No, just them. They said that only them and her grandparents are there. The others are gone. They moved on." I told her as I grabbed her hand.
  "He moved on?"
  "That's what my mother said." I said.
  "What all did she have to say?"
  "She told me everything that happened 13 years ago. And I told her what's been going on now. She's happy that I have my mate along my side. That's all they want, is for me to be happy."
  When I told her that, I hugged her. Then we heard little Miss Michelle coming down. She hurried up and whipped her tears and we got up.
  As well headed out the door, Michelle shipped a few feet ahead of us and a few guards behind us. While walking for a few moments, we didn't say anything. Then she looked up at me.
  "Has she asked about me?"
  I looked at her for a moment then smiled a little. "Yeah, after she brought up Michael. I told her that was Michelle's father and she was like all shocked then brought you up. I told her you were there Luna of my pack and my father got a little butt hurt that I'm not the alpha that I'm a delta."
  She giggled a little. "Yes, that would be your father. God, I wish they were alive to see you today. To see what you've become. That you have an awesome mate and everything." She told me. "Your parents were everything, god you should have seen her in school. The guys drooled over her because she was this hot young she-wolf. An alpha daughter at that. The girls were jealous of her, because she was the alphas daughter and all the boys wanted her. God the fights she stopped or had to get in. She actually saved Michelle's father from a bully. The bully was a wolf, a rogue, and Michael was human. And of course, our werewolf law is that we don't pick on the humans but some try to. Michael was the only human that knew about us, his adopted father was a doctor in Zara's grandfather's pack. He found him and took care of him ever since. No one really knows how that happened and I never asked Michael about his past." She told me as he got to the school.
  "Well here we are." I said. "Little missy, you be good. Maybe after school we can go run together if I ain't busy. I know your wolf is itching to come out just like mine is."
  "Oh, yes please. Momma doesn't let me go by myself and she don't run a lot either."
  "As luna, I'm busy. But as mother I try my best."
  "I know momma. I'm 13 almost 14 years old, you have to loosen up the ropes a little. Just know it, in just a few years I'll start training as a warrior."
  "Yes, I know this. Just be surprised that you can even wolf out."
  "Yes, I know. It hurts to even shift." Michelle then waved at me as they walked inside still talking.
  As our talk end, I turned and looked at the guards. I pointed at 3 of them to stay and circle around and the rest came back with me.
  After thinking of what Michelle and Scarlet had said, about her wolfing out, I kinda forgot she couldn't for awhile after she got her wolf. She's part human so it takes her longer than the rest of us. The healing and et cetera.
  Once I got back, Robert was coming inside from training. He looked wore out but said nothing. He looked at me confused for a moment but shook his head and ran upstairs. After awhile, he had mind linked me to come into his office.
  When I got in there he asked if I took his mate and daughter to school and asked why I wasn't in school. I told him I had a bad night and no one woke me up til I woke up late and told him I walked them to school and had a nice long talk with the luna. He asked what it was and we talked about family stuff.
  "Look, I get Scarlett is family now, I don't want you all talking about her ex, Michelle's dad. I already feel bad about it, I just don't want her getting hurt and all."
  "Look Robert, Scarlett already asked me about her ex. She asked me if my mother brought her up and I told her everything. Yes she was hurt but she only wants to know what I know for Michelle sakes. But my parents told me he moved on a few years after he passed just watch her until y'all got together. He was glad she found her mate, someone that can help take care of their daughter. So don't be getting all pissy about it." I said then head towards the door again. "Was there anything you needed from me? I have training to do."
  "No, your good." Robert said then waved me off. "While your in training, lush yourself a little harder."
  I looked at him for a second then nodded and left. He wanted me to push myself, okay he got it. Just know, its all on him.
  Do you think it was wrong of Robert to ask Devin not to bring up Scarlett's ex, Michelle's father? I mean it was a jerk move from his part. the guys dead, ain't like she can see him right? I know I wrote it, just want to see what y'all think?

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